I Reject Quests

Chapter 235: Yvadian

Chapter 235: Yvadian

East of Travil Town. 

Jniml Block.

Jnmil Block is a very special place in Travil Town, located at the east of Travil Town. It is one of the few places that aren't owned by the wealthy class. In fact, it's not even owned by the government. It's owned by the people. People living in the block all mutually share their lands and there is no price attached to the land. There are two reasons why this works.

One, the block was huge, especially for a place that was inside a city. Roughly covering an area of about 1200 kilometers per square, it contains more than 28% of the entire town. It has enough space to accommodate people who come from outside.

Two, the probability of people coming here to live is extremely small because the demographic of people coming to live there every year is very low. It is one of those places which only allows a marginalized group of people to come and stay, namely Yvadians - a religion that originated from the Central Region of the Yellow Continent. 

Even though the Eastern Dream Kingdom is diverse in religion and culture, there has been a general sense of dislike and discrimination against the Yvadians from the other groups. Initially, the Provincial Government tried to appease the discrimination by introducing some measures but they soon backfired. After a period of increasing religious violence, the Collective Official negotiated with a couple of people in the wealthy class, bought the Jniml Block, and passed the block to Yvadians living in the Nat Province.

The Jniml Block is a special place because of many reasons. Although it is considered to be a part of the Provincial Government, it acts as an independent state. It imports and exports from and to the other parts of the province. 

It essentially became a communist society. The community as a whole owns the properties and basic shelter and food were provided. Once someone turns twenty-three, he/she can take up work present in the block. Since there is no surplus of resources, work can't be voluntary. If the person doesn't want to do work, he/she would be kicked out of the block.

The system has more advantages than disadvantages. 

Most Yvidians living outside the block are poor, some are even homeless. At the very least, living in the block could fulfill the most basic needs of life. 

This is also the reason why the popularity of the block is increasing.

Coincidentally, the block was also located close to Eastern Dream Academy.

It was night.

Mid Supper's Noodles.

The noodle shop was located in the block and was fairly popular among the natives. It was especially crowded at night. 

Sitting at a corner of the shop quietly having his noodles was an orange-haired mediocre-looking young man seemingly in his late teens. He could be described as someone tall. He wore a black hoodie and with his hair bangs reaching his ears, he gave off the "loner" vibe. 

He was Famin, a 1st Grade Student in Eastern Dream Academy. However, despite his high talent, he was treated badly. Not because he was from a marginalized group in society. Not because he has high talent. But simply because he was poor, weak, and had no friends.

That's the reality of the world.

A cliche like "student hierarchy" still exists in this day and age.

Famin has very little concern over these issues because he had moved 'past' that. He knew that he would get bullied and harassed tomorrow and the days that came after that. He couldn't care less about it. 

While he was quietly having his noodles in peace, some other people were chatting among themselves. All of them were youths older than Famin. Cornering a girl, they continued to start a 'conversation' with her. 

The girl was fair-skinned and could be considered as someone pretty. She had a ponytail with brown hair. Wearing baggy pants and a black jacket, she calmly responded to them once in a while. 

"Hey babe, I've heard that you have a boyfriend."

"Hah? Me? Do I look like I have one?" The ponytailed girl responded with disbelief in her voice. 

"Sure, you do. You are quite beautiful, you know." One of the youths went for the offense.

"That can't possibly be true"

"It is." The youth felt his confidence booming and closed the distance between him and her.

The ponytailed girl looked sidewise and saw a young man about her age in a hoodie. "Is that an outsider?" 

The question made the youth who got close to her frown. He along with his friends turned around and saw a young man peacefully having his meal. 

"I never seem to have seen him. Did you see him?" 

"Not that I have a memory of him."

"Let's ask him."

"Hey, you."

Famin felt like he was called out. Raising his head, he saw three men approaching him. Confusedly, he asked. "Is something wrong?"

One of the men approached the table Famin was eating and sat opposite to him. "Something is wrong? No. Everything is wrong."

"I don't quite understand the meaning of your words"


Another man came up to the table and slammed on the table.

Famin was shocked and immediately got up from his chair.

"We've never seen you here. Where are you from?"

"I I thought that the block was a place where Yvadians could live. It's not been much time since I moved here." Famin explained hastily, getting the feeling that the three men were overly aggressive.

"Is that so?" The man who was sitting opposite Famin looked at his other two friends. 

"Yes. Because I live alone and most of the time I'm in the library, I never get the chance to meet the locals. Nice to meet you." Famin inwardly heaved a sigh of relief.

However, the youths didn't look convinced.

"What is your name? Do you have an ID of sorts?" The man who slammed the table asked in a demanding tone.

"Oh, here you go." Famin took out his academy ID and showed it to them.

The man sitting opposite Famin raised his eyebrows upon seeing the ID. "Hm just Famin? Are you sure this isn't you trying to be smarter than you already are?"

The other two men's gazes lit up. They had never cared too much about Famin being a Yvadian or not. Being local bullies, they just wanted to beat someone up and Famin happened to be unlucky.

"No. That's not the case. I'm an orphan."

"Is that so? Then how do you know that you are a Yvadian?"

"That's because that's because I met my parents once I grew a bit older. I know it sounds odd and suspicious but trust me, I really am a Yvadian. For some reason, my parents left me when I was young and later, they came to pick me up. Things happened and I was disowned" In his anxiousness, he failed to notice the amusing expressions that crept up on the faces of the three men till now.

Getting the feeling that something bad was about to happen, he panicked. "I'm really not lying. I'm a Yvadian. I can show you my blood reports"

"Alright. That's enough." One of the men raised his hand, indicating to him to stop talking, then looked around the shop, finding their eyes on him. "Everyone heard him, right?"

The surroundings quietly watched.

Then, he looked at his two friends. 

"Take him outside."

The two men immediately went behind Famin's back and dragged him outside.

"Wait, please. I'm a Yvadian!"

Famin tried to resist but the two men dragging him outside were much stronger than he expected.

Once he was taken outside, he was again dragged to an alley.

"Please. Let me go. I I'll leave the block and won't come back again." Famin went on his knees.

One of the three men grinned widely, seemingly taking delight in the orange-haired young man's plight. "Well, we will let you go."

"Huh? Really?" Famin and even the man's other two friends were surprised to hear that.

The man chuckled, then approached near Famin. "Yes indeed. I will let you go but only after we beat you up!"

Before Famin could even respond, a punch was thrown at his abdomen. "Ugh!"

The other two people [present laughed lightly and started to hit Famin without any mercy.

A minute later, the orange-haired young man laid on the ground half-unconscious, his body full of bruises, and blood leaked from his mouth. Overall, he was in a terrible condition but not enough for him to die.

Eventually, the three local bullies decided that it was enough.

"Eat shit. If you appear in front of us once again, you'll suffer a fate way worse than this."

Then, they walked away.

It was unknown whether Famin actually heard something or not but he relaxed a little. 

'Why is it always me?'

He questioned.

It was his last thought before he fell unconscious.

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