I Shall Survive Using Potions!

Chapter 41

*** And a few years later.***

The height of Kaoru remained as same as 157 cm.

She was 158 centimeters at the age of 22, so this wasnt really strage.However, she should be already 158 centimeters by now, but thats not what Kaoru is concerned about.

In this world, 157centimeters is the average of 12 years old girl, 158centimeters is the average height of 13 years old girl.It does not change much.

Because that was the average height in Japan, It was Kaoru who hoped to keep her gene to make her new body in this world without considering the difference in height between Westerners and Japanese.

By now, Kaoru already noticed it from the surrounding people.

ButKaoru tries thinking positively. Thefact that a small woman will motivate Westerners. That word crawls to the corner of her head.


Arigo empire built a new type large ship based on the hull designed by Kaoru and established a route with the new island in the west.

In addition, they focus on trade along the continental coast by ship, and are steadily developing as a maritime nation.

By the way, Kaorus hull model design was created by cheat. And it was this world first wooden sail boat.

For some reason, the figure head attached to the ship of the Empire is a certain girl thatyounger than the goddess Celestine.That certain little girl had a cute face but had bad eyes.


Ruedas leader and high up were all clerics, but right now all of them were stalled.

A huge personal property was found and was confiscated by the new government.

After stabilizing the domestic somewhat, the new-born government has requested consolidation to Balmoa Kingdom, and Balmoa Kingdom accepts it.

Today, it is treated like one of the marquis of the Balmoa Kingdom. However the representative of its people is ruling instead of the lord.

The reason for consolidate, did they worryabout the future of a small country that lost support from other countries believer?Or did they want to become the same country as Kaoru, who is similar to the goddess?

Balmoa Kingdom had no intention listening to its reason.


Although Ashid Kingdom isnt an enemy like Arigo Empire, but their distance to the new Island in the West is almost equal to that of the Balmoa Kingdom, and they were emphasis on shipbuilding to stand superior.

The Balmoa Kingdom also competes against Ashid and of course both countries compete as a good competitors.

Although the King brother Roland Kaoru for cooperation, Kaoru hands out the same design to both countries.Otherwise it wont be fun.

It seems that Roland was engaged to the goddess guardian knight, or rather the Holy Knight Francette.

Because she is the greatest hero of the nation and even get rewarded with Goddess sword.There is no-one can oppose her marriage with the royal family.No, it was rather a big welcome for the country.

After the engagement was decided, Francette visited Kaoru and swore eternal loyalty.However, even without that Kaoru knew Francette will not change.

As time passed, I feel that Roland is getting older, but Francette still has been a young girl as ever. However, Kaorudoesnt say it.


In Brancott Kingdom, the country finally realized the biggest fish that they missed. They got the information about the little girl with a potion of miracles that appeared in Baron Runies town.That girl is definitely Alpha Kaoru Nagase, the goddesss friend

Both sisters had stayed in Brancott Kingdom, but they both slipped through the hands of the kingdom due to some stupid acts.

When they think about it, in order to go to the far away country, Balmoa, you must pass through Brancott Kingdom at the base of the peninsula by all means.There was plenty of possibility to help both sisters and get them settled in Brancott Kingdom.

No, In fact, the hunters testimony is saying that the potion of miracle girl was saying something like, that she might settle in that town only if Baron Runie didnt interfere.

Even Milfa Kaoru Nagase might settle down at the dining hall in Brancotts capital.

Even if they regret now, they couldnt do anything.


Other far away countries.

They can finally get the potions benefit, that was produced and spread by Balmoa Kingdom recent years.

They want that miracle girl and thatunparalleled wisdom for development.The girl who seems to have the same power as the goddess Celestine.

However, there was no way they could push the impossible. They all knew about the unilateral defeat of the Arigo empire. Themiserable end of the upper part of the Rueda.

And most important, goddess Celestine had said that word.

Call me if there is something wrong, I will do it properly

Do it properly

For the goddesses, to what extent is appropriately?

No country dared to try it on our own.never.

However, they thought that it would be nice if they could invite that girl once. And ask some advice for the development of their countries.


And in Balmoa Kingdom.

Regarding shipbuilding technology, although it is one step behind the Arigo Empire, it still develops considerably.

Currently, through the prototype sailboat, they are building the first large sailboat.

In agriculture. Its about to havest crops from thefirst test field with Kaorus introduction of wheel-mill, fertilizer and ratation crops method.And after the effect has been clearly confirmed, so the country made it to full-scale introduction.

And, about the country defend: the key factor are Demon Fran and 4 death gods.

An invincible knight protecting the Royal Kings Brother Roland. They are Heroes of the kingdom, who caused 40,000 Imperial troops to retreat by only 6 people including the Kings brother.

There are no opponent for the five knights who received the benefit of the goddess.

By the way, Kaoru allowed the former 4 royal guards to keep their goddess sword Ex-Hrottis parts.

Because there is no ultra high-speed vibration function, it was just a strong, sharp sword

Althought theres no sword in this world can compare with thatjust a strong, sharp sword

On the other hand, Kaoru took back the goddess swordEx-Ridill from Roland.Because it had an ultra high-speed vibration function.

I didnt want to give it to anyone other than the Holy Knight Francette.

Roland was depressed.

[ I had already gone on done a lot of things in a grand scale.

Why cant I just get myself a goddess sword!

Unfair!! ]

Since Kaoru can never return it, thats why she stores it in the item box.

Kaoru cant help with this matter anyway.

If Kaoru gives the goddess sword to the Royal Family, it will greatly affect the relationship within Balmoa Kingdom and with other countries as well. If the King brother Roland receives goddess sword, many people will change their support for King Serge to Roland.

And he finally calmed down.

However right after that, he called all royal guards together with Francette as his exclusive knights, and put all the owner of the goddess sword together with the Francette at his own pardon. (T.N: I gave up, please help me with this sentence) ()

Has he wanted a goddess sword to that extent ?

King Serge was watching his always calm brother screaming and depressing for the first time. And was a little relief to know that So even my brother also had time like this? (T.N: Serge thinks his brother is perfect and always calm)

Kaoru, after the Peace Conference, quit the assistant job at the workshop.

It was hard to keep helping at the workshop, as she was getting busy making various extraordinary things.

Everyone in the workshop cried and was detained, but it was useless.

However, Kaoru prepared properly.

One of the goddess eyes, a 11 years old girl, Lolotto.She was a mother-temperate girl who was taking care of the six children. This girl learning everything from Kaoru wonderfully that she could look after the five childrenat the workshop.

The reason why the meal in the workshop wasnt tasty, because there were no fermented ingredients or seasoning, and Lolot that was given decent cooking utensils and ingredients demonstrated the skill of adequate cooking.

Lolotto had been taking care of goddess eyess meals after all.

Back in those days, because of lack of nutrition, they are considerably smaller than the average. But right now even the girls who were still seen as young girls have grown to be pretty girls.

Speaking of goddess eyes, the leader Emil.

Well, he had a good feeling for the little girl who willing to jump into a well, Bell.Because they are only 4 years old different, he isnt really a pedophile.

The story of the battle warfare in that well spread and Bell became popular.

To the point, people start making a doll that imitates Bell and put near the wells, as a charm ofthe person who protects the well from bad things,

and many people offer to take care of Bell as well. (adopt)

Among them, there were also good people.

But Bell refused everyone and chose the way to stay with all of us.And the girl herself never told the reason.

But for her the person who tried to poison the well to be called as the person who protects the well

Kaoru cant help but has a bitter smile.

And the Lyotal family, the eldest son Cedric got married.

His partner was the Tsundere girl who spoke to Kaoru in the ceremony of applying for companion

Kaoru is overjoyed by it, and sometimes going to see the newlywed family.

Tsundere girl has gone a long way.

Acyl, who gave up the Kaoru, seems to be concerned about the Lolotta after that. To himany cute girls who can make delicious dishes are good girls.

Abiri Merchant Group is doing great.There was the potion sale even it wont gain any profit. But the hit by the new product invented by Kaoru was big.Together with the name value of Kaoru.

And when Kaoru finally got a breath after reaching a lot of things, Kaoru noticed.

[ I still cant find any partner yet.

This is bad, I almost midway through the marriageable age.

Besides, I dont even have any candidate to have a relationship. ]

Kaoru began to rush suddenly.

Currently,acquaintance men who are still free

King Serge.pass!

Acyl. Please take care of Lolotto!

Former owner of Francette, Earl Adams son, Hector-kun.When I first met him, Hector was 13 years old, he grew up a long time ago and now he is a wonderful young man.Yes, this is good man. On hold.

Alan of Brancott Kingdom.When married to another country, it will cause dispute, and the prince over there is annoyed. So pass!

Well who else.

Eh?only this?

Only Hector the Earls heir

Well, arent I in really bad situation?

Suddenly a middle-aged man jumped out before Kaoru who was a little shocked in thought while walking around the city. He held a dagger in his hand.

Because of you, you have destroyed the Holy country and I had lost everything


It happens so suddenly, thats why Kaoru cant react in time.

And the dagger held by the M.A.M stabbed Kaorus chest.

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