I Started As A Novel Villain

Chapter 61: Be Faster

Chapter 61: Be Faster

After listening to her grandfather's words, Mu Zijin nodded, and a charming smile appeared as she faced Ye Fei and the others, lightly chuckling, "Then, doctors you've heard my grandfather, what do you all think?."

Hearing her words, the doctors present nodded their heads in response.

Huang Zhonglang was the first to ask, "When has this disease first occurred?."

Senior Mu coughed a few times, and waited until his body calmed down before speaking, "Since the last half month, I've been dizzy and weary. Also, while I sleep, I often cough, which is not at all pleasant."

Even when he spoke, between his words, he had to take small gaps of breath.

Moreover, Ye Fei also saw that Senior Mu had a very strong mental will. Despite his physical weakness, his spirit was at an all-time high.

Senior Mu's words silenced the doctors on the scene slightly, and they were a little embarrassed because these diseases mentioned by him are actually not a big problem!

Among the doctors on site, Huang Zhonglang reacted first. He pondered a little and asked, "Senior Mu, can I check your pulse?."

"Of course, please, Doctor Huang." He stretched out his hand readily.

Huang Zhonglang stepped forward to check on Senior Mu's pulse. After a while, he put down his hand and said, "Looking from the Cong Mu's pressure point, there is indeed no problem but instead simply a weak blood flow. As for your specific illness, I still need to study it."

Senior Mu didn't urge Huang Zhonglang to cure him as he looked at other doctors and said, "That's good. Who else wants to see my pulse? These old bones will be here with you."

Soon after, several other doctors went up to check Senior Mu's pulse.

At this time, Ye Fei also stepped forward to check on him, and of course Chen Luo did the same.

Senior Mu caught a glimpse of Ye Fei and Chen Luo. His expression was slightly surprised, "Mu Zijin, these two young men turned out to be famous doctors you invited?."

His surprise is natural. Most of the people who came here today are Chinese medicine practitioners.

In Chinese medicine, young doctors are rarely seen.


Traditional Chinese medicine requires accumulation and experience. The older you are, the more experienced you are.

Of course, the same is true of Western medicine. However, Western medicine can make up for this with the help of equipment and technology.

However, Chinese medicine relies entirely on the judgment and experience of doctors.

With an estimated observation, he judged that Ye Fei was only in his twenties. How many patients had he seen throughout his life?

Mu Zijin hadn't spoken yet. Dean Li next to Chen Luo smiled and said, "Senior Mu, this young man is called Chen Luo, he is the former apprentice of Yanjing's number one genius doctor. At such a young age, he possesses exceptional medical abilities, and I definitely recommend him."

"Oh? It turned out to be the apprentice of Doctor Wu?" Senior Mu's expression slightly moved.

Dr. Wu is Chen Luo's master, and even Senior Mu knows who he is.

Next to Dean Li, Huang Zhonglang also smiled and introduced with a treacherous smile; "Senior Mu, this here is Master Ye who possesses extraordinary medical skills. I've seen his acupuncture and moxibustion method, which is unquestionably far superior than mine."

Senior Mu looked at Ye Fei again, slightly surprised.

At this moment, Mu Zijin added lightheartedly, "Grandpa, Ye Fei was invited by me. I have also seen his medical skills, and it is indeed amazing."

Mu Zijin took the initiative to speak for Ye Fei.

Senior Mu was relieved and then spoke solemnly, "It turns out that they are two young talents, but I underestimate the young people. I wonder if you two are really worthy of that title, therefore, what is your opinion on my condition?."

Hearing this, Ye Fei and Chen Luo completed the pulse diagnosis for Senior Mu.

Afterwards, Chen Luo was preparing to speak, but was preempted by Ye Fei.

Ye Fei had actually asked Mu Zijin about her grandfather's condition the day before yesterday. So, he had a slight advantage and a hypothesis on what his condition really was.

Senior Mu looked at Ye Fei, whose demeanor was neither humble nor overpowering, and he appeared quite courteous. He first said, "Senior Mu with all due respect, you are not sick."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Senior Mu was startled.

The other doctors in the main hall were taken aback.

Ye Fei nodded, patiently explaining, "The symptoms you experienced, such as limb weakness, dizziness, sweating, and drowsiness. These issues are not the result of a disease, but rather of your body's aging. When humans become older, their bodily functions degenerate and age. This is a natural occurrence, not an illness."

He answered very clearly and calmly.

During the period of time when Senior Mu had been unwell, unless he was sleeping in bed, it was not because of an illness, but physical aging.

It was a very normal phenomenon.

Of course, as one gets older, the body is not as good as it once was, and there will be numerous symptoms, as well as general discomfort.

Senior Mu thoughtfully glanced at the other doctors, and asked, "Do all of you think this Doctor Ye is right?"

Huang Zhonglang and the others looked at each other and, after hesitating for a while, they all agreed.

"Senior Mu, this Doctor Ye is right. That's the truth."

"Yes, Senior Mu. That's how it is." The other doctors nodded in agreement as well.

Senior Mu stared at them, not angered and said, "Then, why didn't none of you talk about it just now?."

Ye Fei smiled reassuringly, "Senior Mu, in fact, you can't blame the other doctors, they all just want to be on the safe side."

This was also easy to understand.

Hearing from other doctors that there was indeed an illness invading Senior Mu's body, wouldn't it be that one's medical skills were inadequate since they couldn't diagnose what disease Senior Mu had. Moreover, it's even more embarrassing if a doctor makes a mistake after listing a disease with little to no evidence backing their words.

As a result, these doctors acted astutely, refusing to discuss the sickness and keeping their hands to themselves.

However, this time they met Ye Fei whose main job occupation wasn't a doctor and he wasn't afraid of pointing out the obvious, furthermore, Ye Fei had received information from Mu Zijin in advance.

Thanks to her, he had made sufficient preparations long ago.

Senior Mu immediately understood the careful thinking of these doctors.

These Yanjing doctors were all of great fame and they naturally cherish that reputation.

They dare not talk nonsense for fear of their reputation crashing down.

This is simple human nature.

However, the young man in front of him is bold and confident.

Senior Mu looked at Ye Fei. He thought this young man was very good and had a great appetite!

He glanced at the other doctors and said, "You old doctors are not as bold as this young man."

"Yes, Senior Mu, we were negligent."

Huang Zhonglang added; "Mr. Ye is indeed skilled in medicine, and he is bold and careful."

Several doctors at the scene also praised Ye Fei over and over.

Chen Luo, who was standing next to him, also wanted to speak, but he was a step too late. Hearing everyone's praise of Ye Fei, Chen Luo's expression sank slightly and he felt angry.

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