I, the Supreme Overlord, Start by Enslaving the Zerg Queen

Chapter 3: World Channel, Killing the Two-Headed Ferocious Wolf!

Charles cracked a satisfied smile at Catherine's reaction, his tone softing, "Don't worry Catherine, I will keep us both alive, and fuck you every day..."

Well, what to do wh your female subordinate harbors such immse desire?

Of course, satisfy her!

So, they began reading the parchmt together. The first page held only a few lines.

[Welcome to the World of the Overlords where everyone is equal and we're back at a new beginning. Here are some rules that newbies need to remember]

[,Newbies joy five days of protection to explore the mysteries of the Contint of Overlord.]

[,Heart of the Overlord is your vitals. If it gets destroyed or tak by others, you will change from being a ruler to the ruled!]

[3,Never vture out after dark. Those things won't care if you're a newbie. Death is very real here!]

[Nightfall in: 5 hours]

These words were way too familiar for Charles.

He held Catherine in his arms, comfortably playing with her. "Little slut, these are the rules of the Overlord's world. Take a look, we are going to survive here for a long time."

As a former Overlord, Catherine was now all but a transformed biological weapon – this was all but equivalt to her Heart of the Overlord being tak away. However, she could still view the parchmt.

While offering herself, Catherine laughed seductively and asked, "Don't worry, master. I've already memorized these. So, are we going to explore now?"

"Although they possess a complete ge bank of the Zerg, they lack the corresponding getic combinations to accomplish the transformation process."

With only one Zerg Clan and one Zerg Que, how can it be considered a Zerg apocalypse?

Charles shook his head slightly, "Not in a hurry, Catherine. Let's check out those who have also activated their Heart of the Overlord."

Saying so, he flipped to the second page of the parchmt.

This was the place for the Overlords to communicate and trade.

They were divided into regional channels, server channels, and world channels, considering the many reincarnations from Blue Star.

The regional channel was for communication within the boundaries of this primal forest, with no people for now.

The server channel was for those who came to the Contint of Overlord.

And the world channel was for all the reincarnated Overlords from Blue Star.

Currtly, the servers were nearly empty, or if there were people, they were just too cautious to speak out.

Charles understood that everyone had just tered the world of the Overlords and was still unsure about the rules of the game.

Of course, more people died on the journey to find the Heart of the Overlord. Not everyone knew that the Heart of the Overlord was always very close by.

He shrugged, patting Catherine's smooth face, "Alright, my slave. Looks like our frids hav't got their tickets yet."

"There's five hours left until nightfall, we can go explore."

Catherine, laying like a kitt under his touch, prepared to follow him into the forest upon hearing his words.

As he took a step, Charles handed Catherine an Eye of the Data, revealing a list of her attributes.


[Species: Zerg Clan]

[Occupation: Zerg Que]

[Battle Power: Upper First Rank]

[Skills: Information Network,Spawning,Iron Blade,Que's Clone]

"Wow, check out what I've found?"

Charles thoughtfully looked at Catherine's beautifully exquisite face, finding it hard to imagine such a girl giving birth to the Zerg Clan. It seemed a bit of a waste of natural beauty.

Th he looked at other skill introductions and sighed in relief.

[Information Network: As the Matriarch Que of all Zerg Clans, she can exchange information and convey the Overlord's instructions through the antnae on her forehead, and to some extt can arrange the Zerg Clan's troops]

[Spawning: The stol ges and nutrits from Mycelium Mat are seized by the Matriarch Que, and used with a special programming technique to quickly mass produce Zerg Clan units]

[Iron Blade: Swords hard ough to carve through metal can be freely extded and retracted from the hands, and their hardness can be increased by eating metal]

[Que's Clone: Can sacrifice half of her power to divide into a human or Zerg Clan form to substitute the master in Spawning fights. (Spawning programming efficicy remains the same, but power will be reduced to about one third)]

"Master, what's wrong?" Catherine blinked, somewhat puzzled.

Charles scratched his head and said irritably, "You fool, don't you realize that you've grown powerful? "

Hearing this, Catherine only th noticed the changes in herself.

The feeling of immse power was quite captivating for her, who used to be so weak.

Hearing her master's words, she quickly understood her strgth and skills were all gifts from him.

She grinned: "I see, I see, Master. So, shall we go exploring outside? I can't wait to wage war for you."

Alright, since she insisted, Charles started exploring the outside world with Catherine.

The Zerg Clan warriors needed resources to spawn. In a complete Zerg Clan civilization, naturally, there will be division of labor.

And the aim of this exploration was to randomly find some creatures and seize everything they had...to first spawn worker bees. Only th could they start mining the suring wood and mineral matter for mass spawning of soldiers.

Compared with others' cautiousness, Charles was evidtly much more relaxed.

Well, it's only the first day. He and his mate have already stepped beyond the first phase and into the transcdt ranks. It's still okay to be a bit naughty in the currt newbie village.

"Look there, Catherine. There's a little guy all alone."

Wh they reached a river, Charles patted Catherine's shoulder, cheerfully pointing at the two-headed wolf pup drinking water.

[Two-headed Ferocious Wolf]

[Battle power: Lower first rank]

[Skills: Double-head Bite,Fire Spit]

A lower first-rank two-headed wolf. In the past, Charles would have run at the sight, but not now...

Catherine, seeing the wolf, got excited: "Master, I will seize everything from it for you!"

Through her biological instincts, she easily assessed the strgth of the two-headed wolf and realized she could effortlessly overpower it.

After all, ev within the first tier, there are distinctions of strgth. Reaching the first tier does not mean all beings are equal.

Being a higher class Zerg Que, this kind of mixed-breed was no threat to her at all!

Charles nodded slowly: "Go ahead, killing it doesn't matter, after all we only need its body."

A que who just received power might not be able to control her strgth properly. This needed practice.

After all, besides being an Zerg Que, Catherine is also his silly female slave. It won't be fun if she didn't know her strgth while serving him.

Catherine's eyes were filled with intse killing desire wh she got permission. In a flash, she was next to the two-headed wolf.


Her twin blades glinted scarily, like they were reflecting the image of two wolf heads.


At the beast's roar, the two-headed ferocious wolf looked at the terrifying creature before it warily. Its simple mind couldn't comprehd what was happing.

It only knew that the creature standing on two legs before it was powerful and it stood no chance of winning!

Seeing the snarling wolf pup, Catherine wasted no words and swiftly closed in on it.

In just two seconds, both wolf heads were lopped off, their blood splattering on her chanting face, her smile was beautiful yet crazed.

However, shortly after, a hefty nut fell on her head, making Catherine's face turn dazed and puzzlingly adorable.

Charles was the one who acted.

With a somewhat helpless expression, he took a towel from the system space and helped his foolish female slave clean up the blood, "You really are a stupid girl, not dodging wh the blood splatters, ev laughing here."

In the world of the Overlord, all darkness is magnified, especially sexual desire and the urge to kill.

Catherine is his exclusive outlet for his sexual desire, she can't imitate those lunatics who only know to kill.

Knowing her state was off, she quickly bowed her head to indicate her mistake.

Charles couldn't help but pat her on the head to comfort her, th he started the cleanup process.

In the Contint of Overlord, killing a rank monster would drop a treasure box.

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