I was bored so I made a secret organization

Chapter 19: Declaration 10

Chapter 19: Declaration 10

Mischas POV

Today was the second day Ive arrived in Japan. Ive woken up in the morning and do my morning routine. Because yesterday I was told by the Director that Mugetsu will attack sooner or later, I trained my body in order to keep it on the top shape.

In the afternoon, I go to the Esper Associations branch because I had to meet the other PD of this branch. I entered the building and go to the meeting room, inside there are already a few people sitting around in the chair and the Director sitting in front of them. The director gestured me to sit beside him and I comply.

I sat beside the director and he started talking.

Ee Good afternoon everybody. Ive called all of you here was to introduce a new member of the Public Defender of this branch. He looked at me and I bowed slightly to the audience. Shes Mischa Belyaeva, coming from the main HQ. She was stationed in this branch until the rebuilding of Japan HQs done. I hope you can get along with her. He stopped talking and give me a cue to start talking.

I dont know that I must make a speech, but because today was just an introduction I just introduced myself and get over with it.

Hello everyone. My name is Mischa Belyaeva, I was ordered by HQ to get stationed in Japan as a reinforcement if there is another attack from Mugetsu. I dont know how long I will stay here but I hope we can get along. Because Japan is a country that values its culture, I bowed my head to the audience to show my sincerity. I raised my head after hearing applause and saw one woman gave applause while standing.

Wow!! You are from the main HQ!! Names Nobi Hotaru, Nice to have you here!! Said a woman with long black hair tied in a ponytail wearing a suit.

Yo~ Nice to meet you, Im Musa Katashi. You are the reinforcement to stop Mugetsu? She only attacked us once and disappeared without a trace! Rather than thinking about a non-existent criminal, how about you go on a date with me? Said a man with short blonde hair wearing sunglasses. He wears a red Hawaiian shirt and shorts, instead of wearing shoes he wears beach sandals.

Brother, stop that. You are embarrassing me, Im sorry Mischa for my brother's behavior. Said the girl with black hair tied in pigtail as she forced Katashi to bow. My name is Musa Katsumi, nice to meet you, Mischa.

It seems everybody had a good relationship in this branch. Unlike the main HQ where they Well, its better to forget that.

Its nice to meet you too. I said.


After the introduction, we were splitting up to patrol. Because Hotaru's always patrolling alone, I was paired up with her. Shes too energetic for her own good, even though shes already 25 years old. Even I, as a teenager, cant keep up with her enthusiasm.

Hey~ Mischa, you said you are here as a reinforcement in case Mugetsu was attacking again right? Could you tell me your ability? Asked Hotaru.

Im sorry Hotaru, but I was ordered to keep my ability a secret unless the situation needed me to. I cant tell anyone about my dual ability, even my existence was a secret. HQ had ordered me to come to Japan because they thought it was the best plan to stop Mugetsu.

Actually, besides the survivor that the Director told me about, there is another one that survived Mugetsu's attack. I remember his name was Lee Hyun-Woo. He was found by the main HQs team near the exterminated Japans HQ with a serious injury. After being healed by the Esper Association healing department, he reported what he knows and asked to retire.

From the information obtained from him, we found out Mugetsu was at least SSS-Ranked Esper that was able to dodge Esper Associations observation.

Is that so, well you cant help it if you were ordered to keep it a secret! Hotaru said while doing guts pose. Mischa, we already patrolled since afternoon. How about we have dinner right now? Its already 6 P.M

I took out my holo phone to look at the time. The screen shows the time as 06:22 P.M. I didnt realize that its already this late as I go to the branch office at 3 P.M.

Sure, whered we eat?

I accepted Hotarus offer to eat dinner and she took me to a restaurant across Esper Associations branch office.

The menu here is incredible you know? The employees on our branch always eat here for lunch or dinner. She opened the restaurant door and I followed her. The bell on the door chimes and the waitress welcomed us.

Welcome- Oh, Hotaru! Whatd you wanna eat today? The waitress greeted Hotaru in a friendly manner. I guess that shows how often Hotaru ate her meal here.

Hello, Konochi!! I will have a special menu! There is a new member today, thats why I bring her here to try this restaurants dish. Hotaru and the waitress looked at me.

Good evening. I said.

What a cute PD, welcome to Apricot. Said the waitress as she smiled. Then I will show your table, please follow me. The waitress, Konochi, escorted us to the table for two and asked us to sit.

After we sit at our designated table, Konochi gave me a menu. There is a variety of dishes written on the menu. After browsing the menu for a while, I decided to order a beef steak and iced tea.

The menu was served shortly after we ordered it, I tried the beef steak and the taste was supreme. Unfortunately, as we ate our dish, our communication device rang.

Attention! We request all Public Defender officers to come back to the branch immediately!

Hotaru was confused why the operator suddenly requested all PD to come back to the branch.

We repeat! We request all Public Defender officers to come back to the branch immediately! There was an attack from Mugetsu!! All personnel was ordered to go to the meeting room immediately!!

After hearing the second communication, we stood up from our seats immediately and went to the branch.

Konochi!! There is an emergency, put it on my tab!! Hotaru runs towards the exit as she said that.

We cross the road and entered the building, we go to the meeting room immediately without minding the other things. We entered the meeting room without knocking and were greeted by the Director already taking a seat.

Youve come, Mischa. Now without any further ado, I will tell you the situation. Weve received a reinforcement request from Avos Island. The request comes around 2 minutes ago, fortunately, all of our personnel were near this branch so we could hold this meeting. The director said with a serious tone.

The communication was disconnected after the first request come. The location was the school in Avos Island. Hotaru, do you remember the coordinate of the school in Avos Island? Its the school that was built for the programs next spring. The director turned towards Hotaru and asked her.

Yes, I remember it, Director. Answered Hotaru.

Good, take Mischa there immediately. The reported enemy was Mugetsu, be careful. For the other PD, we will go there using a helicopter! Go prepare yourself now!!


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