I Woke Up Piloting the Strongest Starship, so I Became a Space Mercenary

Chapter 438: The Operational Doctrine of the Imperial Space Force

Chapter 438: The Operational Doctrine of the Imperial Space Force

Anyway, the reorganization and deployment of the fleets been completed. The reorganized squadrons have already started moving to blockade the designated hyperlane opening, and the operations start time has already been decided.

Roger that. So, our role is basically being beaters in the hunt, right?

I checked out the data that was brought over by Captain Serena and her lady adjutant on the holo-display within the break space. The basic strategy was simple; putting up a net and initiating a thorough search operation. They already conducted a similar operation before, but in the end, it was the most reliable strategy in order to eradicate the pirates who kept moving around and concealing themselves.

A beater was the one with the role of chasing prey around and driving them into the kill zone during hunting sessions, and thats basically our role in this operation. In other words, we were akin to hunting dogs. Woof.

Of course, you are not going to be the only one performing that role. Weve also created a squadron consisting of corvettes, frigates, and destroyers, so please coordinate with them during the operation.

Oh. The number of your troops seems to have increased quite a bit, Captain.

Indeed. Due to your suggestion from before, I repeatedly requested it from the higher-ups. Fortunately, the Imperial Space Force is currently adopting a system of high firepower fleets centered around cruisers and battleships, so corvettes and destroyers are currently not as in demand. So, even though they are hand-me-downs from other fleets, we were able to secure ourselves quite a large number of destroyers and other smaller ships.

High Firepower Doctrine huh? Isnt that just the Big Ships, Gigantic Guns Doctrine from back then? Well, I suppose its not a bad doctrine, all things considered.

As a matter of fact, if youre gonna engage in an all-out head-on firefight from long range, theres no doubt that large ships with big guns, thick armor, and the ability to unleash a ferocious barrage were very strong. Even my Krishna had no chance of winning when fighting a cruiser or battleship head-on in a wide-open area without any asteroids or debris to use as cover.

I mean, I could still destroy a battleship by hitting it with anti-ship reactive warhead torpedoes or firing the shot-cannons at close range into critical areas like the bridge or ship generators, but Id probably end up getting turned into slag before I could even get close enough to fire. It would be a different story if I was capable of short-range jumps that would allow me to largely ignore distance, but unfortunately, Im not in possession of such outrageous tech or psionic ability.

Also, optical weapons such as laser cannons were basically quite difficult to evade. And if you couldnt avoid it, youd have no choice but to endure hits with your ships shield and armor. And since thats the case, youd need to equip a tougher shield and thicker armor compared to your opponent, then hit them with as much firepower as you can muster to take them down before they down you. Therefore, it was only natural for the Imperial Space Force to be more biased toward battleships and cruisers.

Do you have any thoughts regarding that matter?

No, theres nothing in particular. You do believe its the correct approach, right? In the end, ships that can shoot at longer ranges and sport high firepower lined up side by side and firing simultaneously is very strong, regardless of the battlefield being two-dimensional or three-dimensional.

Naturally, positioning was very important when it came to these types of battles. The more dispersed the targets were, the longer it would take for the other party to get a re-lock, so in large-scale space battles involving a considerable number of battleships and cruisers, special formations and ship coordination were important. While aiming to disperse the enemys firepower, one side would try to concentrate fire in order to quickly reduce the enemys numbers. As overkill would result in an overall loss, its important to reliably gauge the appropriate amount of firepower to down the opposing force. Its said that there would be a huge difference in the ratio of losses in comparison to military gains depending on how well-optimized a force is with regard to making effective use of its firepower.

Unfortunately, I dont have much experience regarding large-scale PVP battles in the game, so my knowledge regarding the matter was only from what Ive heard secondhand. Well, I did participate in those types of battles from time to time on diversionary duty.

The conversations gone a bit off track. Anyway, I dont have any particular opinions about the operation. Its a solid plan, so theres nothing in particular to criticize.

Is that truly the case? If you are keeping things to yourself because you are worried about something, then theres no need to hold back you know?

No, there really is nothing Im hiding. Just what kind of guy do you think I am, Captain?

Dont you always try to nitpick about something or other?

No, I dont. I dont, right?

I looked at Mimi and Elma for affirmation, but they had strange expressions on their faces. What the heck is with those reactions?

Im going to be the one to say it because it seems that Mimi is having a hard time pointing it out to you herself. Its true that youre always nitpicking about various matters whenever we meet. Like the time you said the types of ships in our fleet dont match our intended role. Or when you said its better to do this or that when dealing with space pirates. In the first place, youre the one who suggested we divide our forces this time around because its more efficient that way, correct?

.I sincerely apologize.

I obediently bowed my head toward Captain Serena, who was giving me a critical gaze, and apologized. Im a guy who honestly apologizes when Ive done something wrong after all.

Its not like I mind all that much. After all, the anti-pirate tactics you suggest are a great stimulus for me whose views have been solidified by the operational doctrine of the Imperial Space Force. We did end up becoming quite adept at dealing with pirates due to your teachings when you instructed our veteran members on anti-pirate tactics back when our fleet was still starting out, so my complaints on the matter are quite minimal. Our newer members do have some dissatisfaction with heading the opinions of a mere mercenary though.

Sorry. Im truly serious about the stuff I said though, so please find it in your heart to tolerate me running my mouth.

I sure hope so. If this operation results in fatal damage to the fleet instead of military gains, well Fufu. Ill be turned into an absolute laughing stock.

Black. Theres a black aura behind your smile, Captain. Does she mean to imply that Ill owe her a big favor if this operation doesnt turn out successful? Fair enough. But I wont give in to such threats so easily.

Well then, if this operation is a great success, it would mean Ive contributed the most to protecting your honor, Captain.

True. I shall tell the Mercenary Guild that youve more than earned your keep if things do turn out well.

Both of us exchanged smiles. Anyway, it felt like she fended off my counterattack gracefully. As I thought, I really couldnt keep up with a true aristocrat.

Ok, ok. Its my loss. Unless we make a big mistake or some sort of irregularity occurs, theres no way this operation will fail. Its a safe and stable strategy.

I really do hope so. Its strange though. The more you try to reassure me, the more anxious I get.

Oh cmon. Im not gonna take all responsibility if something does happen

Even though I do tend to attract all sorts of trouble, I couldnt possibly take responsibility for stuff that happens in places where its impossible for me to directly intervene. Dont blame everything on me. Im not some sort of misfortune-bringing tengu.

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