I, Xingyue, a Manga Artist!

Chapter 34: vampire dior

"What—?" Dio gritted his teeth and said, "Avoided?"

At that moment—

Kurokawa and Mi stopped Sir Joestar, and pulled Jonathan away at once—

However, even so, Dio's dagger had already cut through Jonathan's waist, leaving a not-so-deep wound there.


However, looking at the stone ghost mask in his hand, he smiled.

He put on the stone ghost's mask, and smeared Jonathan's blood that had splashed on his hand on the stone ghost's face—


bang bang bang—

The next moment, almost all the policemen pulled the triggers in their hands at Dio.

Several holes were punched in Dior's body. This injury is fatal to humans, an absolutely lethal injury.

"JOJO—are you okay?"

"Well, Dad, I'm fine, thanks to Mr. Jerry." Jonathan said, looking at Kurokawa Kazumi to express his gratitude: "Just now my attention was all attracted by the stone ghost face, if it wasn't for Mr. Jerry If so, I would be dead by now."

"It's okay, this is what I should do."

"Dad, you can go up and rest, don't worry about this place anymore..."

"Well." Sir Joestar nodded: "JOJO, this is all my fault. Because you are your own son, I am very strict with you. For Dio, he may think that I treat him as an outsider , so let him do this, and bury Dio next to his father."

"I see...Dad."

With that said, Jonathan set his eyes on the window where Dio fell out: "Huh? What—? Dio's body is gone?"

"Boss of the cops—get out of the window!" Shouted Spitwagen. But it's too late—

Dio's arm directly pierced the director's head, turning him into a headless corpse.


"What...what's going on? The director's head..."

Looking at Dio, who had fallen by the window and was already dead, there was chaos in the room.

"Why...why? He's been shot so many times—"

"Be careful, he must have some kind of weapon in his hand—"

bang bang—

Kurokawa and Mi pulled the trigger in their hands: "That guy is not normal - shoot! Don't leave room, shoot all the bullets, shoot -"

bang bang bang—

Countless bullets shot out, piercing Dio's body and brain.

Blood dripped from his body onto the floor.

But—the guy is still alive.

He dipped the blood from his pierced skull, licked it with his tongue, and—with a contented smile—walked forward—

"This is?" Ser Joestar was stunned for a moment, and together with Jonathan, he looked at the stone ghost outside the window.

"So...he didn't die, he was shot so many times, but he didn't die? I don't understand, what happened now? I don't understand at all..." Spitwagen said with a trembling voice.

Now—the only one in the room who can still keep calm is Kurokawa and Ya.

One is that he knew it from the beginning, and two... he himself will not die.

As for dying in the dream... he has already died many times. I'm used to it by the time I die.

His purpose is only one, even now it has not changed in the slightest—

"JOJO—" Dio jumped up high, and said as if he was floating: "I have obtained such a perfect ability! This is what I was given by Stone Ghost! Your father gave me!"


As he said, his hand pierced a person's head, absorbed his blood, and recovered his injury: "Wryyyyyyyyyy——"

"How did this happen?" Ser Joestar said in disbelief, "Dior...what kind of monster did he become?"

"Dad, leave quickly, it's too dangerous to be here." Jonathan shouted.

"I—" Ser Joestar wanted to say that he would stay...he was not afraid of death, but...he was worried that he would be slowed down...he knew very well that with his current body, he could not even give his children It's impossible to delay time in front of such a monster, but it will delay Jonathan's legs...

"I see...JOJO, don't force yourself...survive!"

"Yes..." Jonathan said, his body still trembling slightly, even he felt fear in front of a monster like Dio—


"Daddy...give me courage!"


Dio looked at the few people who raised their guns at him, and immediately threw the corpse in his hand towards them—

The powerful force even directly broke several police officers in half and broke Spitwagen's arm.

But... he just glanced at Sir Joestar... for some reason, he didn't stop him, didn't do anything, just sat and watched him go out, and then set his eyes on JOJO's body.


At this moment, another gunshot pierced his head.

"Jerry Coverdale!" Dio touched the blood hole on his head, looked at Kurokawa Kazumi and said, "You actually escaped, Jerry Coverdale... Hehe, you are very capable , How about it? Do you want to be my subordinate?"

Dio said to Kurokawa and Mi, he just discovered... he seems to be able to control the person who was sucked by him... the policeman... he can control him!

And the reason is just that when I was sucking blood... I wanted to experiment with injecting my own blood.

"Of course, it's impossible. Just die here, monster—" Kurokawa Kazuya continued to pull the trigger in his hand, and fired the last bullet in the pistol.

However, Dio escaped.

"It's a pity—then die, Jerry! You are too annoying, and it was before, if it weren't for you, that kid JOJO would have died!!" Dio yelled and rushed towards Kurokawa and Mi—

So fast-

Kurokawa and Mi's heart skipped a beat.

Dio's speed is already very fast, compared to Joestar's explosive power, his speed is even faster, although the stone ghost face did not increase his speed too much, but increased his strength and immortality. But—still made his speed improve to a certain extent.

too strong...

The effect of the stone ghost mask is too strong... I didn't expect to endow Dio with such a powerful ability...

What I saw in the manga is completely different from the pressure I experienced personally—

Even Kurokawa and Ya, who knew that they would never die, their hearts stopped beating involuntarily at that moment—


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