I, Xingyue, a Manga Artist!

Chapter 54: experiment

"You...you are Mr. Jerry? No-no...who the **** are you!?" JOJO turned around and looked at Kurokawa and Mi and said.

"No, I'm Jerry, huh...I'm Jerry Coverdale." Kurokawa Kazuya said his current name, arms crossed: "JOJO~~ and DIO... .It’s just in time, I just got this power, now, I can use it on you to experiment—but!”

Kurokawa and Mi looked at the stone ghost face in JOJO's hand, and launched an attack—

Cracked eye piercing—

This is a move created by the original DIO. In the comics, Jonathan Joestar, that is, JOJO died on this move! The point of this trick is to compress the liquid in the eye and launch it. Possesses a powerful and terrifying penetrating power—



The line formed by the liquid penetrated the stone ghost's face in an instant and shattered the stone ghost's face, leaving a small hole in JOJO's hand!

But... only one eye was successful, the other eye indeed squeezed out the liquid, but it didn't form [Empty Crack Eye Striking]. In other words, the first experiment was half successful!

"It's enough for me to have this power myself, Shi Guimian, just in case it must be destroyed!"

This... what is this?

What was that one just now?

DIO froze there, the scene just now surpassed his cognition, what was emitted from the eyes? Is this a move that humans can use?

At that moment, DIO felt great terror, and——ambition!

Want to have...want to have this power.

However, the next moment, his heart went cold...

From the tone of Kurokawa and Mi, it can be heard that he got the power from the stone ghost face, and now the stone ghost face has been destroyed. In other words, no matter what, he won't get this power anymore?

"Damn... hateful guy!" Huge, indescribable anger welled up in his heart, and he couldn't pretend anymore: "Damn bastard!"

"D...DIO..." JOJO froze for a moment, he had never seen such an angry DIO...and what was he angry about? Was he angry at what Jerry had done? Still angry... the fact that the stone ghost mask was destroyed?

DIO was about to say something when his expression suddenly changed—

Kurokawa and Mi rushed towards him at an extremely fast speed!

"Okay... so fast!" DIO always thought that he was very fast and flexible, but the person in front of him was even faster than him—

But he is DIO after all, still dodging to the side at the critical moment—

However, even so, the fist still hit him, but it didn't let him die directly.


A large amount of blood spit out from his mouth, and DIO was sent flying to the wall beside him, and the number of bones in his body was broken.

"This...this guy—" Dio was struggling, trying to stand up, but he couldn't—

"DIO—" JOJO yelled, but at this time, Kurokawa and Mi had already walked towards him step by step.

"Too weak! Weak and weak—" Kurokawa Kazumi yelled DIO's favorite sentence and walked towards JOJO and said, "I haven't even used half of my strength yet, and I'm already in such a mess... Haha... Humans are really too weak. JOJO, what about you? How long can you hold on to my hand? Five seconds? Or four seconds? Or you can be knocked out in an instant like DIO—!"

Kurokawa and Mi feel that they are in good condition, and they have integrated into the role they are playing now—

The whole body is full of strength.

It's great, it's amazing! It's a wonderful feeling.

It is ten thousand times more refreshing than the most comfortable thing he has ever experienced in his life—

JOJO is trembling... This is an existence beyond his cognition.

Especially that power, which can send people flying so far? And it wasn't a direct hit. Is what he is doing now what humans can do?

Stone ghost face? What does this have to do with Stone Ghost Face?

Is Jerry not human anymore?

"Uh-uh-J...JOJO this guy-?" Dio reluctantly stood up, gritted his teeth watching JOJO who took a few steps back... That guy was giving himself a secret signal!

Although it is a code that I have never seen before, but I have been with JOJO for so long, he can understand it.

That guy...JOJO is making him escape!

'Okay... ok JOJO...then I'll run now and you die here, JOJO! ’ Dio was slowly backing away—suddenly, he saw the situation at the door, and his steps stopped.

"Ha...haha...hahahaha - Jerry! It's your time to die!" Dio yelled.

"Huh?" Kurokawa and Mi turned their heads and found a team of policemen running over

"You are Jerry? And the children of the Joestar family... What happened here? We heard the sound of the door being knocked open and rushed over here, but it was a little slower because of the rain. What's the situation now?" The sheriff looked at the current situation and said inexplicably.

"Sheriff—there's something wrong with this guy, Jerry, he's become very weird—!" Dio yelled.

But there is no need for him to say, everyone has already discovered that something is wrong—

Kurokawa Kazuya came in front of the sheriff at an extremely fast speed and sucked his blood—

"This...is this—?"

It can be clearly seen that the sheriff in his hands is drying up at a very fast speed—

"Go-shoot! Shoot!"

The other police officers panicked and pulled the triggers on Kurokawa and Mi—

Kurokawa and Mi did not hide!

Originally, with his sensitivity to firearms and his current strength, he could easily dodge, but he didn't dodge!

bang bang bang—

The bullet actually shot into his body, piercing through his brain—


"This...what the **** is going on? This guy...isn't dead—?" Dio looked at Kurokawa and Mi and clenched his fists: "Damn—the power of the stone ghost face...why didn't I find out, obviously I have been in Joestar's house for more than five years, but I haven't discovered this power! Really... Damn it, and now that the stone ghost face is broken, there is no chance to get this power again! Great power and immortality! What a perfect ability! '

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