Ice Age Apocalypse: I Hoard Billions of Supplies

Chapter 160: Release

Chapter 160: Release

After dealing with Wang Siming, Zhang Yi also killed Lin Geng, who was still unconscious, sparing him any pain. Zhang Yi placed both corpses into his spatial space, planning to dispose of them later. He cleaned the remaining bloodstains on the floor with a mop from the bathroom.

Xu Hao was still unconscious. Zhang Yi stared at him for a minute. He could kill Xu Hao now without him ever knowing, but he hesitated.

"To kill or not to kill?" Zhang Yi debated.

Without Xu Hao's help, Zhang Yi wouldn't have found this place. Without his cooperation, Zhang Yi wouldn’t have successfully infiltrated the shelter and taken control. However, Zhang Yi couldn't accept living under the same roof with someone he couldn't trust.

After much thought, Zhang Yi made a decision. He didn’t immediately deal with Xu Hao but instead returned to the second floor.

There were still the three women to deal with. Keeping them would be a waste of resources, so it was better to handle them quickly.

Zhang Yi went to the second floor and opened the pet room door. The three women, tied up tightly, sat back-to-back on the soft carpet. Their large areas of exposed white skin and intentionally revealed seductive flesh would make any normal man drool.

Honestly, if Zhang Yi didn’t know they were "chicken," he might have considered keeping them around, even just for occasional performances of "Flight of the Bumblebee."

Their mouths were gagged, and they whimpered, eyes full of pleading. They seemed to sense that this man was very dangerous and began to fear for their lives.

Zhang Yi walked over, pulling them up from the floor and leading them downstairs.

Passing through the second-floor central living room, he saw clothes, underwear, stockings, uniforms, and condoms scattered everywhere.

Zhang Yi paused. The three women thought he was interested and looked at him with pleading eyes, trying to get closer.

Zhang Yi ignored them, picked up their clothes, and continued pushing them downstairs.

As they neared the entrance hall, the women realized what was happening and shook their heads in fear.

Zhang Yi pulled out a claw knife, cutting their bonds, and threw their clothes at them. "Leave here! Go fend for yourselves outside."

Zhang Yi had no grudge against them, so he didn’t want to kill them; that was his bottom line. However, he also couldn’t keep these scheming "Kun" in his house, as they would pose a danger.

Their fate outside was none of Zhang Yi's concern. "The world will kill you, not me!"

Though it felt like an unnecessary move, Zhang Yi didn’t want his hands stained with blood from people he had no personal enmity or conflict of interest. It was one of the few remaining aspects of his humanity.

The three women, realizing they were being expelled into the snow-covered world, cried bitterly, pleading desperately with Zhang Yi. Despite their promises of providing the highest level of service, Zhang Yi remained unmoved.

Faced with the choice between his principles and desires, Zhang Yi chose to protect his integrity. He didn’t believe in the humanity of these "Kun."

With his gun pointed at them, the three women, in despair, quickly dressed and left the shelter.

Once they were outside, Zhang Yi closed the entrance. Seeing their upper bodies in fur, and lower bodies in black stockings and high heels, Zhang Yi shook his head. "Freezing to death would at least preserve their beautiful bodies as specimens. Better than being killed by my own hand!"

Now, only Zhang Yi and Xu Hao remained in the shelter. Xu Hao, having inhaled a large amount of sleeping gas, would wake up at an unknown time. For safety, Zhang Yi also tied him up.

Having just taken control of Cloud Manor 101, Zhang Yi began to explore the shelter’s internal structure. He opened previously inaccessible doors using the access keys he found—black metal key cards.

In the basement, Zhang Yi was eager to see how many supplies were left. He used an access card to open the heavy metal door to the warehouse.

The circular door opened with a rumbling sound, releasing a wave of cold air that made Zhang Yi shiver.

Inside, he found a mess. Many canned goods were scattered on the floor, their contents spilled but not spoiled due to the low temperature. Zhang Yi, wearing snow boots, slowly walked in, finding a 200-square-meter warehouse with dwindling supplies, mostly canned food.

"No wonder the cans are scattered everywhere. It seems Prince Wang was sick of eating them." Zhang Yi shook his head in disbelief.

The warehouse's food could sustain one person for at least half a year. However, Prince Wang, used to lavish meals, found these ten-year-old cans unappetizing. Moreover, he had to share with Lin Geng and the "Kun."

"Rich people’s consumption habits are indeed vastly different from ordinary people’s. If it were me, this warehouse would be full of cans and compressed food, enough for one person for decades!" Zhang Yi sighed.

The security company that designed the shelter considered doomsday survival but overlooked Wang’s eating habits. According to Xu Hao, many cans had been cleared out by Wang Siming.

Zhang Yi opened a can of luncheon meat with his claw knife. "If this were thrown into Yue Lu Community, people would fight to the death for it."

But Zhang Yi wasn’t interested in these foods, as his spatial space had fresh ingredients and gourmet meals prepared by top chefs. He left the food for future use, just in case.

Exploring the rest of the shelter, Zhang Yi found more rooms, all secured with thick metal doors, only openable with magnetic cards. The highest level of access was now his.

Satisfied with his new stronghold, Zhang Yi realized it had an enormous energy consumption problem. Powering and heating this multi-level, thousand-square-meter shelter required fifty times the energy of his small safe house. With his current energy reserves, he could only maintain the shelter for five years.

"Not a huge problem," Zhang Yi mused. "There are plenty of large gas stations outside. I'll just empty a few more to solve this issue."

After thoroughly checking the shelter, Zhang Yi felt completely secure. Compared to his small 800,000 yuan house, this place offered unmatched defense and comfort. Even the furniture was top-notch from world-class manufacturers.

Back in the first-floor living room, Zhang Yi added six months’ worth of energy to the shelter, raising the temperature to a comfortable 27°C.

"From now on, this will be my home. If only I had a few obedient and sensible women to play poker with, life would be perfect."

"To have a full deck, I’d need at least four women!" Zhang Yi imagined. "They could play cards while I watched from under the table. Heh, what a life!"

Lying on the sofa, Zhang Yi closed his eyes, smiling at the thought of his future life.

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