If You Could Hear My Heart

Chapter 386: 386 Let This Woman Go

Chapter 386: Chapter 386 Let This Woman Go
The woman had a short bob haircut with no apparent jewelry, sporting an efficient-looking white OL shirt. With just one glance, Xu Chaomu could tell that this woman was assertive.

Xu Chaomu was initially a little surprised, but now, there was not a hint of surprise left.

Nie Chenglang’s father had passed away a long time ago, and his mother had been managing the vast household alone, which probably shaped her strong character over the years.

“Doing the dishes? Why should a man do the dishes? Did this woman ask you to wash them?” Lu Feili pointed at Xu Chaomu.

“She’s my girlfriend, not ‘this woman’.” Dissatisfaction spread across Nie Chenglang’s face.

“Having spent a few years abroad, you’ve become less and less obedient. I can forgive you for not returning to the group, but now you’ve secretly got a girlfriend and even bought a house on the sly. Planning to keep a mistress?”

“I was planning to take Chaomu to meet you, I had no idea you would come today.”

“Oh, so it’s my fault now? Fine, it’s my fault for coming, is it? Then I’ll just leave.”

Lu Feili was very angry, she slammed the table and suddenly stood up.

“Aunt, please don’t be angry, Brother Chenglang didn’t mean that. It’s just that he probably thought it would be better to visit you another day when things could be properly arranged,” the young woman beside her quickly urged, grabbing Lu Feili’s arm.

“Nana, it’s none of your business, let go of my hand.” Lu Feili said.

Qi Na could only release her hand. To tell the truth, she was quite afraid of Lu Feili.

It was Xu Chaomu, though, who had remained silent this whole time; she just quietly watched Lu Feili and Nie Chenglang, and the girl called “Nana.”

“Mom, sit down, let’s talk this through slowly,” Nie Chenglang could only go and pull her back to her seat personally.

“Don’t touch me.” Lu Feili shook off Nie Chenglang’s hand, “Talk slowly? You know I’m impatient, I can’t possibly have a slow conversation with you!”

“Okay, to make a long story short, Mom, what brings you here today?” Nie Chenglang spoke calmly.

“What’s the deal with this woman?” Lu Feili pointed at Xu Chaomu.

With a furious expression on her face, it was clear she disapproved of Xu Chaomu.

“I just said, she’s my girlfriend.”

Nie Chenglang walked over to Xu Chaomu and took her hand, only then noticing how cold her hands were.

“Hello, Auntie,” Xu Chaomu greeted.

“Don’t call me auntie, I don’t deserve it. If I’m not mistaken, you’re Xu Chaomu, twenty-three years old, and already married?”

Xu Chaomu’s eyes widened. It turned out that Nie Chenglang’s mother had not come unprepared.

Qi Na appeared shocked on the side, “My goodness, you’ve been married?”

“Mom, Chaomu has never been married, don’t talk nonsense,” Nie Chenglang clarified for Xu Chaomu.

“Never been married? The marriage records at the civil affairs office show her as married. Are they lying to me?”

“No, it’s a misunderstanding. I’ll explain it to you later,” Nie Chenglang said.

“A misunderstanding about something as significant as marriage? What do you intend to explain to me? That she was tricked into a marriage? Ha, she’s not a six-year-old child!”

“It indeed is a misunderstanding, and it’s not something that can be explained in just a few words. With your temperament, I’m sure you won’t listen to the end.”

“Good that you know. You and your girlfriend, break up immediately. I don’t approve!” Lu Feili’s attitude was firm.

Xu Chaomu felt somewhat sad inside. Previously, Nie Chenglang had said his mother was very kind and approachable. However, seeing her today, she seemed quite the opposite.

“Whom I marry is my business since I’ll be with them for a lifetime. I will, of course, choose who I want. So if you don’t approve, there’s nothing I can do,” Nie Chenglang said.

“So now you’re defiant? You won’t return to the group when I ask, and you won’t break up when I tell you to. Why don’t you just disown me as your mother altogether? It’s as if I raised you for nothing.”

“Mom, please calm down; it’s better for everyone,” he urged.

“Calm down? Fine, tell this woman to leave, and then we can sit down and have a proper talk. I’m not unreasonable, but you know how I can be,” Lu Feili commanded without a hint of compromise in her tone.

“Mom! If you really want to take it this far, then you stay here, and I’ll leave with Chaomu!” Nie Chenglang’s face also showed displeasure.

Qi Na ran over to hold Nie Chenglang back, “Brother Chenglang, don’t be mad at mom, please don’t be impulsive. You and your mother haven’t seen each other for a long time; can’t you just discuss things calmly?”

“No room for discussion!” Lu Feili slapped the table again, “Either this woman leaves, or I leave. Make up your mind, Nie Chenglang. If I go, you can forget about calling me mom for the rest of your life!”

Seeing Lu Feili’s uncompromising stance, Xu Chaomu didn’t want Nie Chenglang to be put in a difficult position, so she stepped forward, “No need to drive me out. I’ll leave on my own.”

“Chaomu, don’t leave! It’s not about you!” Nie Chenglang hurriedly tried to pull Xu Chaomu back.

He had truly not expected his mother to show up today!

“It’s alright.” Xu Chaomu lowered her head, opened the door, and walked toward the elevator.

Just as Nie Chenglang was about to run after her, Lu Feili stood in front of the door and slammed it shut with a “bang,” separating him and Xu Chaomu. One was outside, the other inside.

“Mom, do you really have to make such a scene? Do I have to fall out with you to explain this?” Nie Chenglang was furious.

“Chenglang, do you genuinely not know or are you pretending? Her husband is Shen Chi!” Lu Feili sneered.

This news even made Qi Na gasp in surprise, “My God, her husband is actually Shen Chi, the CEO of Shen Group! Brother Chenglang, this man is not someone to mess with.”

“Of course I know, Mom. I’m not less informed than you are. But so what?”

“And you still dare to get involved with her!” Lu Feili roared.

That roar frightened Qi Na so much she almost covered her ears.

“Mom, watch your language! During these five years in Paris, I was with her day and night. Where was Shen Chi? Where else was he, if not around?”

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