I'll Surpass The MC

Chapter 685 The Royal Zinger’s Tertiary Nature

Chapter 685 The Royal Zinger’s Tertiary Nature

Inala stared at the Minor Treasure of Prana Stitch, grinning contently, "It's Prana Stitch, exactly what I wanted."

He extended his hand and touched the Minor Treasure, sensing it fuse with his Spirit Container. Immediately in response, he could hear his heartbeats loudly, feeling strength leave his body as his legs kneeled, "Keuk!"

Thump! Thump!

All his blood seemed as if it was being sucked into his heart, with his Prana retreating into the Spirit Container. His eyes darkened, preventing him from seeing. Following sight, he lost his sense of hearing, touch, taste, and finally, even thought process.

An instant of absolute void later, he recovered his hearing first, feeling his heartbeats accelerating gradually, as if he was born in the womb of his mother. He recovered his senses one after another, feeling a warmth rush through his body as Prana gushed out of his Spirit Container, coursing through his body as usual, carried by the blood.

He blinked his eyes in confusion for a couple of seconds before regaining his focus, noticing that he was on the floor, face-planted on the surface. He lifted his head and noticed the Minor Treasure of Prana Stitch faintly hovering above the floor ten centimetres from him.

'It functions as planned.' Flashing a smile in relief, Inala got up, understanding everything that had transpired based on the new information flooding his mindspace. With that, he could feel a change in his presence, one that became more potent.

Tertiary Nature—Prana Stich!

His Tertiary Nature slot was finally filled with an ability that he had been preparing for all along. His original plan before becoming the Royal Zinger was to have three choices for a Tertiary Nature.

The first was Cultivator, the second was based on Brimgan Royals, which boosted his Spirit Weapon range, and the final choice was to increase the potency of his revival mechanism. All three choices had their pros and cons, which he had been struggling to choose.

However, once he obtained the Brimgan Founder's knowledge, new directions of thought emerged in him, especially through the Brimgan Founder's Primary Nature of Prana Circuit.

At first, he was influenced by the memories, almost planning to make Prana Circuit his Tertiary Nature. However, Prana Circuit was a Nature geared for Free Humans. Though he obsessed over seeking the truth of the world, the Brimgan Founder was a human supremacist in the truest sense.

After all, he was the one who built and shaped the Brimgan Empire to its current self as the leader of the Free Humans. The sheer amount of influence that Prana Circuit generated would be unbearable for Inala even when he entered the Mystic Grade.

The Brimgan Founder had only one Nature. And oftentimes, the influence of Prana Circuit had overwhelmed him, controlling him in many situations. It was a Nature built upon his obsession, and hence, its influence was obsessive too.

Over the years, by switching his Grades constantly, Inala was able to assimilate the Brimgan Founder's memories into himself, ensuring he didn't lose his sense of self in the process. Following that, he had been researching ways to gain his needs through a Tertiary Nature.

The result he arrived at was Prana Stitch. Derived from Prana Circuit, it was dumbed down to create circuits that displayed the powers of only the Zinger race. Moreover, its power was fully based on the characteristics of the Royal Zinger, which was why Inala could condense it through his bodies—and formed the Minor Treasure.

The Minor Treasure of Prana Stitch only had one function. When a Quip Clansman touches it, the Minor Treasure would fuse into their Spirit Container, generating the influence of Prana Stitch at full strength.

Minor Treasures influenced living beings. And being made from the Royal Zinger, the Minor Treasure of Prana Stitch's influence on Quip Clansmen was at a resonating level.

As the body soaks up the influence, it gradually condenses the Tertiary Nature of Prana Stitch. And immediately upon creation of the Tertiary Nature, the Minor Treasure would automatically eject itself from the body.

Through this one Minor Treasure, Inala could arm the Quip Clansmen with the Tertiary Nature of Prana Stitch one by one. The speed at which they could gain the Tertiary Nature depended solely on the amount of Royal Zinger genes they had amassed.

As the Royal Zinger himself, Inala needed less than ten seconds to gain the Tertiary Nature. A Quip Zinger might take anywhere from a few months to even a year or two. So, Inala only planned to grant the Minor Treasure to Zinger Aristocrats and higher.

In the future, he planned to mass produce the Minor Treasure of Prana Stitch so that the Tertiary Nature could be granted at a faster speed to the exponentially ballooning population of the Quip Clan.

Tertiary Nature—Prana Stitch!

As its name dictated, it created strings of Prana to stitch up two or more entities together. As Inala had fused the Minor Treasure of Tangible Psychokinesis into his genetic information, creating strings of Prana was part of the Royal Zinger's characteristics.

Prana Stitch was a summation type of power, the effects of which were the easiest displayed on his Biome Bombs.

Inala condensed two Biome Bombs and stared at the two fist-sized spheres before him, with each containing an inner space spanning a sphere with a radius of 180 metres. Through psychokinesis, he controlled the two and made their surfaces come in contact.

Upon activating his Tertiary Nature of Prana Stitch, Inala watched faint strings of Prana jut out from the contact portions and weave into each other, vanishing a few seconds later. Now, a nail-sized portion of the Biome Bombs were connected.

Inala noticed that the number of Spirit Weapons—Biome Bombs—that he was controlling dropped from two to one. It meant that the fused Biome Bombs were considered a single Spirit Weapon.

This was the function of Prana Stitch. It stitched two existences together. After some thought, he attempted the process again, this time making a few more stitches, creating a hodgepodge entity. Unnatural-looking it might be, but the two Biome Bombs were more interconnected with each other now.

He observed that the spaces within the two were synchronised. 'I've yet to truly use its power!'

He knew that his initial experimentation hadn't even begun using Prana Stitch for its intended purpose. Just the information he gained for the Nature revealed a lot of possibilities, not to mention what he would be able to achieve in the future through experimentation.

Inala played around with the new ability he gained, spending the next four days straight at it, "Hehehe!"

He stared at a fist-sized Biome Bomb before him. It had rough edges, with multiple signs of tampering. But unlike before, it was a singular-looking object, almost a sphere. Upon observing the space within, his grin widened.

The volume of a Biome Bomb was 0.024429 cubic kilometres. And now, the volume of the space within the Biome Bomb hovering before him was the double of it.

Basically, through Prana Stitch, Inala was able to combine two Biome Bombs into a singular entity. And once his proficiency with the Nature reaches a certain level, he'll be able to seamlessly fuse two Biome Bombs.

Basically, he was no different from a tailor, able to use two entities as a fabric and stitch them together. When used alongside Perfect Biome Domination, he could use this power in infinite ways.

The power of Prana Stitch doubled per Grade. As it was created using the Royal Zinger, it had the Royal Zinger's characteristics of growing per Grade. At the Iron Grade, it was able to stitch two entities. At the Silver Grade, it could stitch together four entities.

It was eight entities at the Gold Grade and sixteen entities at the Mystic Grade.

By using it alongside Perfect Biome Domination, Inala could rapidly increase the region he could dominate. In terms of volumetric domination, he'd still pale in comparison to a Brimgan Royal.

However, when simply comparing to strings of Prana, which could be summated sixteen times at the Mystic Grade, his range would surpass a Brimgan Royal at the same cultivate Stage.

Prana Stitch worked in synergy with not only his Natures, but also with the Natures of all Quip Clansmen.

In essence, Prana Stitch was created with Tangible Psychokinesis as the base, added with the adhesive nature of a Prana Bomb's surface, followed by properties of Perfect Biome Domination.

That was how it was able to stitch two entities together—

thanks to the properties of Perfect Biome Domination present in it.

Moreover, it was capable of absorbing the target's Prana to do its work, thanks to the characteristics of a Prana Bomb in it.

A Quip Zinger could use Prana Stitch to fuse two Prana Bombs into one, larger Prana Bomb. This had the combined volume and Prana capacity of two Prana Bombs. This way, when it latches onto the target, it can absorb and store a total of 200 units of Prana, making a Quip Zinger's hunt for Prana more successful than a regular Zinger.

Zinger Aristocrats had the Primary Nature of Tangible Psychokinesis. Prana Stitch pretty much quadrupled their range by four times.

Best of all, Prana Stitch could be unleashed through Tangible Piezo Slip Skill. A Quip Zinger could glide across the air and shoot a Tangible Piezo Slip armed with Prana Stitch. When it slams into a target, it stitches onto the skin of the target, remaining there by constantly absorbing the target's Prana.

And until it existed, it would constantly unleash the effects of the Tangible Piezo Slip, releasing the target's information through Zinger Shrieks. One hit by it and pretty much all the target's secrets would be revealed.

In the hands of a Zinger Aristocrat, its powers bloomed. Before launching a Tangible Piezo Slip, the Zinger Aristocrat could stitch the effect of its Primary Nature onto the Prana accumulating in its throat.

It could do the same to the effect of Prana Stitch too. As a result, the Tangible Piezo Slip it unleashes after a shriek stitches onto a target upon contact, forming a circuit there. This circuit will absorb the target's Prana and emit the target's information as Zinger Shrieks and spawn strings of Prana that would coil around the target and constrict itself.

Either it would have to rip out its skin before the Prana strings bind it or would have to wait until its Prana was expended, following which the Prana Stitch would vanish, including its effects.

Of course, preparing such a complex attack takes time, since the Zinger Aristocrat is unleashing multiple abilities. However, when pressed for time, they could simply unleash the power of Prana Stitch through a Zinger Shriek or any ranged attack containing Prana.

When focused upon the feet of the target, this trace amount of Prana will condense into a pair of strings that would stitch the feet of the target with the ground or any surface they were in contact with, preventing them from moving.

To move, they would have to lift the entire object they were tied to. Whether the feet or the object, whichever one with lower material strength would be ripped off during the eventual struggle.

He stared at his feet that were tied to the floor, observing that the strings were tough, 'Since I'm at the Silver Grade, the strings have the same strength as strings condensed through Tangible Psychokinesis. The physical strength of a majority of Silver Grade Pranic Beasts isn't enough to rip through these.'

Without the effects of a countering Nature, brute force alone wasn't enough to rip apart these strings. With a smile, he used Perfect Biome Domination to vaporise the strings, finally able to move his feet, 'This has incredible uses, especially against agile opponents like Brangara and Yarsha Zahara.'

Prana Stitch could also be loaded with the effects of a Nature and carved onto a surface through the Piezo Slip Skill. This would make them behave no different from a mine. When they come into contact with any living creature, the Piezo Slip carving would absorb their Prana and fire up the Nature stored in it, resulting in a remote activation of the Nature.

All the Gold Grade Quip Clansmen would excel in battles with the addition of this power in their arsenal, especially the Zinger Queen who had the power of Inhibition Bomb.

And finally, the Royal Zinger, one whose Prana had the properties of his Primary Nature. He required no Preparation time and could simply launch these mines all across the region. And once each mine absorbs 1000 units of Prana, they'd form a Biome Bomb.

As existences with limited sentience, they could take action on their own. Or Inala could simply keep the Biome Bombs hidden. They'll keep absorbing Prana from the mines passively, behaving as generators accumulating Prana from innocent passersby who set foot upon them.

'And in my case, as my Prana has the properties of my Primary Nature, I can make these mines selectively target everyone other than Quip Clansmen or even specify my targets.' Inala thought, feeling ideas for the creation of a few Skills that could streamline this process and make them practically viable for battles.

And now, armed with Prana Stitch, Inala obtained a crowd-

controlling ability that allowed him to exercise his existing advantages to a whole new level. As a skill-intense ability, even if Yarsha Zahara steals its power, she could do nothing with it.

It was impossible to become a professional tailor right off the bat. With that, he wouldn't be too disadvantaged when facing the duo of Brangara and Yarsha Zahara, 'If I could get my hands on some Tangible Natures, I can practice stitching them up wrongly so that they wouldn't even be able to move without destroying each other.'

Now that he had a Tertiary Nature, Inala began to think of ways to use it in battle, arming himself for as many situations as possible.

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