I'm a Pastor, what the hell is an Acute Gastroenteritis Outbreak Spell?!

Chapter 316: 250: Utilizing Rules, New Alien Beast Transformation Ability!

Chapter 316: Chapter 250: Utilizing Rules, New Alien Beast Transformation Ability!
“What method?”

At this moment, Beck also walked in.

He was originally here to report the army’s preparations to his lord. However, he had heard a man’s grandiose talk outside the tent, and immediately asked about it.

The strategy of launching a surprise attack on the alien beasts at the top of Black Tower Mountain with their elite troops was his idea.

According to his reconnaissance, although there were many alien beasts at the top of Black Tower Mountain, they were scattered.

As long as they concentrated their elite troops and rushed to the homeland crystal before the alien beasts could react, the mission would be considered a success.

At that time, as long as the lord touched the homeland crystal and activated it, it would be possible to recruit many soldiers from the Desolate World and thereby kill the alien beasts at the top of the mountain!

Unexpectedly, this teenager they had rescued completely denied his plan.

How could he accept it?

Chu He’s gaze shifted as he looked Beck up and down.

“A hero?”

The second hero!

And he’s a magic hero, no less.

No wonder Zheng Cheng could develop so quickly.

One strategist commanding the cavalry unit as a Double-headed Flying Thunder Dragon Knight, another controlling the most powerful magic hero; they alone could determine the outcome of a war.

“Beck Roland!” Beck said in a deep voice, “Commander of the Mage Corps under the lord’s command, may I ask this gentleman, what method do you have to kill the alien beasts at the top of Black Tower Mountain and allow the lord to touch the homeland crystal?”

Zheng Cheng looked interestedly at Chu He but did not stop Beck.

He too wanted to know what method Chu He had.

Chu He replied solemnly, “Quite simply, by using the rules of Jasha Island.”


Beck furrowed his brows, not understanding what Chu He meant.

However, after Chu He’s reminder, Zheng Cheng now had an inkling of what he wanted to say.

“If it were in the past, following your strategy of attacking the top of Black Tower Mountain with elite troops would indeed give Zheng Cheng a high probability of reaching the homeland crystal.”

Chu He continued, “But it would also lead to another consequence.”


“You… along with the common troops going to the top of Black Tower Mountain with you, would be wiped out!”

Chu He said coldly, “You must know that it was an alien hero who destroyed my homeland! He hasn’t appeared up to now, so I have reason to believe he’s hiding in the homeland crystal at the top of Black Tower Mountain, waiting for us to walk into his trap!”

Beck gritted his teeth, “The soldiers under the lord’s command are not ordinary…”


Zheng Cheng interrupted Beck and turned to Chu He, “Chu He, tell us about your plan.”

“It’s quite simple.”

Chu He said, “The power of the rules of Jasha Island is such that as long as a homeland crystal is activated, the surrounding alien beasts will launch an attack and exhaust their efforts to destroy the activated homeland crystal, just like we did when we came to this world.”

“While fleeing, I found many ownerless homeland crystals which cannot be approached by the alien beasts if not activated. Only us humans can enter them and activate them.”

“My plan, then, is to send your fastest troops to find more homeland crystals, activate them, and lure the alien beasts at the top of Black Tower Mountain to attack, thus weakening their strength!”

“We don’t need to activate too many crystals. Just activating a hundred homeland crystals will be enough to draw away a significant number of the beasts at the top!”

“At that moment, we will employ our elite troops to deliver the final blow”

As Chu He finished speaking, the tent fell silent.

Beck stared, dumbfounded.

Meanwhile, Zheng Cheng was considering the success rate of Chu He’s strategy.

Along the way, he had also found many ownerless homeland crystals, but he had not thought to use them in this way.

After all, those homeland crystals were intended as trials for the freshmen of Beijing University in the future.

But now…

It just happened to be a bonus for him.

“Good!” Zheng Cheng said solemnly, “We’ll follow your plan. I’ll send some of my Gryphon Knights and Eagle Knights to search for ownerless homeland crystals.”


Beck quickly responded, “My lord!”

“Have the Mage Corps assist the Gryphon Knights in searching for homeland crystals. As many as they can find!” Zheng Cheng commanded, “Once found, have them stay near the homeland crystals and wait for the order to activate them together.”

“Yes, lord!”

Beck stepped out of the tent, then suddenly stopped. “If your plan is successful… I would owe you an apology!”

Chu He did not respond and instead said to Zheng Cheng, “I want to know the real strength of your soldiers, so that we can estimate the success rate of this war.”

“Real strength?”

Zheng Cheng nodded, “We have one thousand five hundred Gryphon Knights, among which three hundred are elite. We also have one hundred Ground Dragon Knights, one hundred Swordshield Guards, and one hundred Armored Cavaliers.”

“However, only three hundred can be chosen for the surprise attack mission as that is the maximum number my support skill can cover…”

“Wait a moment!”

Chu He suddenly interrupted Zheng Cheng, “What did you say? Your support skill can cover three hundred people? Are you… are you a cleric?”

Usually, auxiliary professionals could only affect around fifty men with their support skills.

And now Zheng Cheng claimed his support skill could cover three hundred men. Was he bragging?

Zheng Cheng shrugged, “Just three hundred. You can see for yourself later.”

“You…” Looking at Zheng Cheng who showed no signs of lying, Chu He could only swallow his skepticism.

“What about the mages? You have a Mage Corps under your command?”

Zheng Cheng said, “Even in the Desolate World, mages are scarce. With fifty men, it could be considered a corps. I have just forty-nine ordinary mages under my command, as well as two mage heroes.”

“Hmm… a Mage Corps, I understand their combat power. And two heroes… huh?” Chu He’s eyes widened, “What did you say? Two mage heroes? And they don’t count the Double-headed Flying Thunder Dragon Hero?”

Zheng Cheng smiled lightly, “Yang Hou’er is a flying cavalry hero, how could he possibly be a mage?”


Chu He took a deep breath, “How many… How many heroes do you have under your command?”

“Let me count. Sadie, Beck, Zhang San, Niu Jindao, Yang Hou’er… probably… five.”


Chu He sucked in a large breath and almost passed out.

“You sure fought a fruitful battle!”

Zheng Cheng casually replied, “What about you, interested in joining us?”

“The battle of the top ten hidden dragons? Are you trying to recruit me?”

“Teacher Bai has mentioned you.”

“I… need to think it over.”

At the signal from Zheng Cheng, more than a thousand units of Great Eagle Knights and Griffin Knights soared into the sky. Guided by the mages, they flew towards various parts of Jasha Island.

Soon, one message after another was gathered and brought to Baker.

“My lord! We have found an unclaimed Homeworld Crystal!”

“My lord! The second one!”

“The third one…”

In just one day, the Griffin Knights under his command found three hundred unclaimed Homeworld Crystals!

By the third day, his soldiers had discovered one thousand three hundred unclaimed Homeworld Crystals.

Through the reconnaissance crystal, he could vaguely see that these one thousand three hundred unclaimed Homeworld Crystals were actually distributed across a winding defensive line, with the Black Tower Mountain as the center.

Looking at this curved defensive line, Zheng Cheng’s tone was somewhat strange, “This is…a defensive line?”

Baker nodded, “Yes, the Homeworld Crystals on Jasha Island actually form a defensive line that protects the rear of Jasha Island. There seem to be humans living there too!”

“Why didn’t you ask them for assistance?”

“The dark fog blocked the way, no one can reach there.”

“Is that so…”

Zheng Cheng murmured as he looked towards the area behind the defensive line.

How many people could there be over there?

At this moment, Zhuang Shuai suddenly rushed up to Zheng Cheng, “I did it! Hahaha! Brother Cheng, I succeeded!”

Zhuang Shuai’s figure was still stout, but his original black skin had faded considerably. He rushed over in a hurry, looking like a raging bull.

It seems that the omnivore DNA molecule characteristics dissected from the hybrid orcs had taken effect in him.

Following behind him were a few black hulking soldier types, carrying two large buckets over.

“Look! This is the food I cooked using the Flying Thunder Dragon and sandworm!”

“I can guarantee that the effects of these foods will be better than the previous ones!”


Zheng Cheng stepped forward to open the first big bucket. Inside, he found a pile of charred lumps with visible silver patterns on the surface.

Zhuang Shuai leaned over, “This is the meat roasted from the Flying Thunder Dragon. I used all my strength just to cut off a small chunk.”

Zheng Cheng twitched his lips, are you sure this thing is edible?

In the second big bucket, there was a bunch of stuff resembling tofu brains, emitting a strange smell.

“This is the brain pulp of the sandworm. I added some chili, salt, vinegar, and stuff, the taste should still be acceptable… I think.”

Zhuang Shuai said cautiously, “Why don’t you find someone to try it?”

Zheng Cheng waved his hand, and quickly two Dragon Knights came over.

Now that the Great Eagle Knights and Griffin Knights were still out searching for Homeworld Crystals, he could only rely on the Dragon Knight.

Chu He also walked over, and asked curiously, “What the hell is this?”

Zhuang Shuai let out a hehehe grin as he introduced, “These are my dark cuisine dishes that I cooked which can add some special states to soldiers.”


Chu He looked at Zhuang Shuai up and down, asked, “Why did you turn white?”

Three days ago, the two had met through an introduction from Zheng Cheng.

Zhuang Shuai replied, “Zheng Cheng’s ability helped me digest the Alien Beast food I ate.”

Chu He looked at the pile of food, then at Zheng Cheng and the few big black soldiers, “Your ability… is to cook the Alien Beast into food with special properties?”

“Yeah, yeah.”

Under Zhuang Shuai’s eager eyes, the two soldiers each ate a piece of the roasted Flying Thunder Dragon meat and sandworm brain pulp.

The guy who ate the sandworm brain pulp was easy, he just gritted his teeth and drank it down with his eyes closed.

The poor guy who ate the grilled Flying Thunder Dragon meat chewed on it for quite a while before finally swallowing it down with a gulp of water.

“Take off your clothes.”

At Zheng Cheng’s command, the two men reluctantly stripped down.

They were unwilling to remove their thickest underwear, and Zheng Cheng didn’t ask them to either.

It didn’t take long for slight changes to occur in their bodies.

The soldier who had eaten the roasted Flying Thunder Dragon meat saw the color of his forearms deepen, and a layer of visible pattern formed on the surface.

It looked…

Just like dragon scales!

The soldier who had eaten the sandworm brain pulp suddenly opened his mouth, revealing a row of teeth that seemed to have grown longer.

Especially the four canine teeth, which were even more noticeable.

The most important thing is, his muscles seem to be soft and pliable.

Zhuang Shuai looked at Zheng Cheng excitedly, “Brother Cheng, any special effects?”

Without the reconnaissance skill, Zhuang Shuai could only rely on Zheng Cheng to check the two soldiers.

After all, these two men were under Zheng Cheng’s command.

Zheng Cheng opened the two men’s attribute panels, his eyes flickered.

The basic four-dimensional attributes were left undisturbed, but at the bottom of the attribute panel, a new attribute had emerged.

Alien Beast Transformation!

Draconic Arm Scales: The forearms grow scales of the Flying Thunder Dragon, inheriting a sliver of the dragon’s power. It allows for an all-round boost in movement speed, attack speed, reaction speed, and strength. Duration: 24 hours. (Can be stacked indefinitely. Surpassing the attribute threshold will grant this Alien Beast Transformation permanently).

Alien Beast Transformation Cost: When attacking rapidly, the body may occasionally stiffen for a moment.

Sandworm Flesh: The body’s flesh relaxes as the canines strengthen, increasing the body’s flexibility and granting certain magic resistance. The body can now fit through gaps or holes smaller than itself, and endurance is increased. Duration: 24 hours. (Can be stacked indefinitely. Surpassing the attribute threshold will grant this Alien Beast Transformation permanently).

Alien Beast Transformation Cost: Bone becomes brittle.

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