I'm a Stingray?

Chapter 149: Exploring the dark mist (4)

Chapter 149: Exploring the dark mist (4)

This 2 meter long enemy was light grey by colour. But the glowing green eyes were coating a good portion of the body with a lighter shade of green. Come to think of it, thanks to the holy tar, every fish here appeared green.

Once the largest enemy flashed its teeth upwards, it became transparent that a shark had somehow become enslaved by this unholy sect. And fighting such a species wasn't something he nearly wanted to do.

Within a flash, the young one charged right back to the tunnel he came from and made use of its constricting width.

A few seconds later he heard the same shark bashing against the entrance of the tunnel. Not giving up, it bashed again and used its jaws to try and cut through the barricade that was dirt and rock.

"Kiss my ass, you overgrown worm with fins!" It was fun to mock an enemy once stripping them out of options, yelling out felt even better.

A few more earth shaking strikes later had passed before the shark figured out that this method wasn't working out. Therefore it allowed for other smaller fish to storm the area. Although the illumination here was dim, the green light they brought along gave hints that these enemies carried jaws with them.

Undoubtedly, they were more dangerous compared to the first few fish he had massacred. The best solution became to bust out of this tunnel and head for the dark mist on the other side.

It was easy to find the exit, the overwhelming green was on one side and the scary darkness was on the other. So he leaped towards the exit at full speed and the building up emotion, felt equal to any situation where violent piano music would be playing in the background.

Once reaching the outer world, he switched directions by heading straight up. The enemies coated the water with green, forming a straight line across the ocean and thinking they were still chasing the stingray they so desperately wanted to kill.

That's when the system announced, [So far you've killed 17 contaminated fish of various species you have already discovered]

[The total reap from those kills is 42 points]

[Total system points = 279]

"I'm becoming rich again boy!" The hero celebrated and wanted to laugh out loud at the straight line of enemies who were still heading away from the cavern at full speed, urging to catch the enemy.

Having a hunch that such a dumb move would blow his cover, the little boy kept that emotion in and then swam back in the tunnel, aiming to reach the cavern again.

It was clearly noticeable now that the only creature remaining in this area was the 2 meter long shark. It was still a tremendously stupid idea to charge against an enemy like this one, but this entire tribe had to be slaughtered. Even if his life hung by a thread thanks to it.

Noticing that the enemy was facing away, Timothy used the blind opportunity to lunge on its back and then swim at full speed towards the enemy's head.

While at the same time, his barb was pointed downwards and curled too. Which in exchange led to a long clean cut across the spine, salted with a single point of venom too.

Knowing what would come next, he violently flapped fins against the water just before reaching the head. And it was a good idea to do so because the shark's head twisted upwards. A deadly bite would have definitely been landed against him if the hero had continued swimming forward.

But something about this shark's face seemed familiar. The sea-pancake had the memorizing capabilities of washed off driftwood, but enemies were a section of thoughts he could not demolish.

"Drake?" He shouted out after attaining a safe distance from the enemy.

That was the first shocking part, the second portion was how the same enemy reacted to that name and then just growled. "The holy-tar demands your soul!"

Having it hard to understand this situation, the hero questioned with a thundering tone. "How the hell did they get your soul?"

For a few seconds he felt bad for this enemy but just a few recalls of what this shark had done in the beginning, was enough to push away any feeling of sadness.

It was great that he did so because the enemy ignored all questions and began clapping his jaws with the sole intent of ripping the little boy into pieces!

Tim swiftly moved to the left and felt the left side of the shark's nose, bashing against his fin and causing a strong wave of disorientation. Thankfully he wasn't bitten but the collision alone was enough to shake his brain a little.

[Health, -3 bars]

[Total health = 87/100 bars]

The impact was strong, the right fin began feeling tremendously sore but it was also a motivation to just get the hell out of here.

But the shark had swam upwards so leaving through the tunnel he came in from, wasn't an option. Considering this dilemma, he slid towards the bottom of this cavern and seeked another tunnel to go through.

At that second he noticed that Drake had already gotten too close, perhaps just 5 meters away.

It was a dumb idea to follow the biggest tunnel considering that the biggest enemy here can easily go through it as well. So he charged towards a tunnel on the complete other side.

A second after he heard a loud crash coming right from behind. If this tunnel was reached just a little bit later, the boy would have easily become a snack.

Drake didn't want to stop there and instead continued smashing against the tunnel, rage had conquered his entire brain and the sole intent was to get in.

This was a dead end tunnel so there wasn't a second option, there was no way out. And after about 3 clashes against the tunnel, he could see the very ceiling branching out a long crack.

Backing away, Timothy felt something pointy poking his ass. Turning around, something red made itself transparent in this tunnel.

Smiling, he rushed through a sentence. "An urchin. Man am I glad to see one of you bastards. Let's see if you can give me any extra upgrades!"

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