I'm a Stingray?

Chapter 168: Healthy haddocks

Chapter 168: Healthy haddocks

Damage regardless, the enemy would still need a few more seconds to return and attack. In other words, it gave Tim time to charge towards another enemy who was floating underneath.

Unwilling to miss a proper bite again, he tried focusing a hunch more regardless of the received pain that was damaging momentum. Finally, he managed to land a proper bite against the enemy.

The bite was inflicted against the tail-bone, such damage was equally terrifying to the other fish he had rendered immobile earlier. The only difference here was that this enemy was moving the middle back more, and the tail not at all.

Regardless of the damage, this enemy was still moving but the system somehow still notified. [Haddock killed. 40 system points have been given to you as a reward]

[Total system points = 86]

[You still have information regarding what effects these fish can give, would you like to hear them out?]

"No!" He answered swiftly, a tad agitated of that question.

For a second it was hard to determine where these points came from, specifically from which body. But after brief thinking, he was reminded of the enemy he had impaled with the aid of the entire tail. That was damaging enough but he had also unleashed all available venom against that fish, so such a kill made sense.

Giving a glance amongst the east, he noticed a coating of white. His vision was far too low when it came to determining detail, but even a fool would realise that a 15 meter patch of white that was swallowing the coral ~ could only mean that reinforcements were arriving.

While he was giving attention to the east, what could the corner of his eye was a fast moving animal that was too covered in a white colour. If it had any other shade, the hero would have trouble noticing this one's approach in time!

This one had gotten too close already and it didn't seem like an option to charge upwards, the enemy's forehead seemed a bit too big. So instead he charged straight down, although it felt unusual.

Regardless, he only needed a few inches to get out of the enemy's path. The momentum however, was too strong. Although he wasn't hit, the speed of this enemy was enough to drag him behind and even lead to a backflip.

By now the pain which was piled up with agitation, felt like a bit too much. He hoped for the reinforcements to put in a bit more work, but it will likely take a while more until they deliver their own part of the bargain, even though they had arrived in battle already.

There were just a couple more healthy enemies at the moment and both of them were focusing on Timmy. The reinforcements were solely focusing on the damaged fish so that didn't exactly prove useful, worse yet he will likely be cheated out of system points because he wouldn't exactly land the finishing blow.

One of the haddocks began charging directly towards the boy, but this time he had no intent of floating away for the sake of safety. Locking eyes directly with the enemy, one would expect a steamy romance session but that wasn't nearly the case.

Instead, he just inched a bit up and decided to submerge into a bit more pain for the sake of success. His tail was poking forwards, under the belly with a good C-formation.

Just a point of venom had regenerated, it wasn't enough but it will have to do. The enemy reached uncomfortably close in a split second, but wasn't agile enough to escape the gruesome barb that began scratching its forehead.

The enemy continued charging forward which only led to stretching the wound across the spine. The slight hump this species had, didn't allow the barb to continue sliding in a straight line. But the venom inflicted was spread across the entire wound instead of one particular spot.

This was a good shot, but that fact regardless, the young one unleashed a wild shout. His barb had been hurt more due to this attack and the pain was far more than expected.

He still could wiggle the tail around but any movement hurt like hell, this only pointed out that his tail muscle had been damaged quite enough for today.

Considering the situation, he awaited for the other healthy enemy to arrive in battle. But with a single view, he noticed that the same enemy who had tossed him off balance just earlier, had been entangled with the white-legged reinforcements.

Such a situation gave a wave of motivation to charge towards the enemy he had just cut. Using the barb was no longer an option whatsoever, simply because the pain was unbearable!

Instead, the young one used those marvelous jaws to land a bite against the enemy's tail-bone. This white-coloured fish was still taking time to turn around and face the battle, so landing the strike was easier. It was fair to such sudden pain that the enemy received, was strong enough to reduce half of the remaining energy it had.

Thanks to the inflicted damage, the enemy began putting in pale attempts to swim away. Mercy was one thing that the young one didn't have towards enemies. So the opportunity was used to lunge and land a few more bites against the enemies at a rapid pace.

Bite after bite was landed, until the system notified. [Haddock killed. 40 system points have been given to you as a reward]

[Total system points = 126]

It felt more than satisfying to kill another one of these half meter long bastards, but it didn't reduce the bodily pain he already had. A view towards the rest of the battle was given, and he could only hope that the reinforcements have proved their selves useful ~ simply because he would need to struggle a lot in order to continue battling.

Although a tad unexpected, it seemed that the white-legged shrimp had slaughtered more than enough of the enemies and they were battling the last one. Within a few more seconds of observation, the hero noticed that another group of reinforcements had arrived.

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