I'm a Stingray?

Chapter 183: Locked shut

Chapter 183: Locked shut

Ultimately, if either of those chunks bashed against the hero's head, the damage would be unfavourable. Because the hole itself was 6 feet across. Which meant that any coral that can fit through it, must be tremendously heavy.

Unwilling to even think about it twice, he turned around to escape being hit by any of these big chunks. It only took a few seconds to realise that it was a good idea, because the holy-tar had splashed high enough to almost hit the little boy, after the biggest chunk of coral met the bottom of the cavern.

Out of a sudden, the same opportunity of escape that was revealed earlier, came crashing down along with the coral. So now, Tim was stuck in this disaster and the situation was evidently just getting worse.

He took a peek towards the bottom of the cavern for the sake of figuring out what was going on. But what revealed itself now, was equally shocking to the overall situation.

Because the holy-tar of which was twirling, and bashing against every wall of the cavern before, had calmed down. It was staying completely still, but there was also a figure floating just a bit above the tar.

Judging from the blue colour this fish had, it was easy to determine that it was the speaker. Such a title had pushed the young one into thoughts, even in the midst of this disaster.

"That old anglerfish I battled, was a speaker too. At least that's what a few bastards said. But she didn't cause explosions like this even when being close to death... so how does this speaker here have the ability to explode?" Such a thought led to an instant and weird realisation.

He glared at the 5-foot long fish once more, and had it hard to believe a sour fact. "Didn't this bastard explode earlier? How the hell is he still floating there!"

After focusing towards the only enemy that remained here, a hint was recognised. But in an instant, the hero wished that he hadn't realised anything. This fish had a transparent body!

Tim's vision was definitely unable to pick up such hints. But the case here was that, rays of green light were pushing through the enemy's entire body!

Second-by-second, the same fish was becoming more and more transparent. His natural blue colour was fading away, and it was being replaced by a darker shade of green!

That's when the same fish unleashed a shout. It was ear-piercingly loud, but at the same time had such a thick tone; enough to make one think, that the devil himself had descended from the very realm of hell!

"The holy-tar has given me my soul back!" Was what the hero heard. It was enough to scar one's sense of being, for a long while.

Confusion itself was stronger than fear at the moment. Because whatever the hell was happening down there, the sea-pancake had no way of understanding it!

At this point he didn't want to look down anymore. And prayed to whatever deity ruled the oceans, to provide a way of escaping this hellhole. But if he was brave enough to look down, it would be noticeable that the enemy's body had disappeared.

That could had perhaps made the situation a loot scarier, but it would have been somewhat informative. Because it would be confirmed that the holy-tar, in some crazed way, could actually reap souls from any sacrificed fish.

It was tremendously difficult to understand just how on earth that was possible, but it gave a great hint. Whatever this sect was doing, it was definitely not holy ~ but the complete opposite.

The tar had calmed down, and although portions of the structure were still collapsing, this particular step of the situation was calming its seas too. Shock had definitely enveloped the boy's noggin, but his heartbeat was getting back to normal.

He hadn't ended up buried in piles of dirt, sand and coral, so it wasn't all bad. But there still wasn't a way to get out of here, meaning that he was trapped with the holy-tar that had behaved tremendously weird through these past few minutes.

Although his soul and body were scared to the core, he was still brave enough to approach the tar for the sake of experimental purposes.

Speaker. That was a name that ran through the boy's noggin over and over. So after a bit of swimming, he had reached to the point of being just 10 feet above the tar.

For the sake of testing, he uttered. "Holy-tar, can you speak to me!"

It was a tad difficult to stomach the fact, that some random fish had enough connection with the tar to rupture an explosion out of it. The hero felt capable to reap even more benefits, so he was willing to explore opportunities.

But regardless of attempt, the tar didn't speak back like he expected it to. It felt a tad demotivating, so he sighed. "I don't need this stupid tar anyway."

After observing the surroundings for a little while longer, he noticed that everything was falling into place to form a dependable structure. What was left of the cavern, was becoming a tad more solid. Nobody could get in here but it also went the other way around, nobody could get out.

Chunks of coral were littered all around the tar-pool, along with other masses such as dirt and sand. The place was a total mess, but it had its own beauty in a way.

The cavern's left walls had behaved much like a landslide, and were currently occupying half of the lower space. But at the same time, the cavern's upper sections had become a bit roomier, because so much of the ceiling had already fallen down.

There was no way out, that was behaving as a firm fact. But giving up wasn't something that the youngling planned. He could see several fish bodies littered in the tar, surely the collapse didn't allow them to escape.

But it also meant that some other tribe members had escaped. Meaning that they were free to cause trouble to any other good inhabitant of the reef. That thought, wasn't allowing the hero to give up!

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