I'm a Stingray?

Chapter 192: Black-light

Chapter 192: Black-light

Trying to comprehend the situation, Timothy uttered a single word as he gazed at the pool. "Osira?"

Before anyone could think twice about what was going on, the situation accelerated towards what was difficult to understand. Because whatever had emerged out of the pool of blue-tar, had unleashed an almost unnoticeable flash of black-light.

Tremendously faster than a blink of an eye, that same light had crashed against the president of these shrimp. Which ultimately led to this critter, being blasted across the sea-water for a few feet.

Although that shot seemed tremendously powerful, this shrimp had not met death. Although he had curled into a ball first for the sake of shedding a bit of pain away; he began moving, just a few seconds after.

Fire-like light had erupted from the president's numerous legs, and suddenly he just popped out about 5 meters away from the former spot. And from the looks of it, the brave and angry geezer wasn't heading for battle, but for comfort instead.

But with what power he had left, a shout was unleashed. "Kill them you dumb blobs! Kill them!"

The number of these white-blobs who were brave enough to face this disaster, charged all together. Only 3 of them could be counted, while the rest were either hesitant or swimming away. It was interesting to see bigger species being afraid of smaller ones.

Although this situation should be enjoyed, the hero was solely focused on who had just risen from the pool of blue-tar. The other end of the stick helped for such a matter: because whomever this creature was, had just started shaking away the substance that was covering its body.

It became easy to recognize that this was Osira, she didn't seem to have changed physically in any recognisable way. What behaved as a reminder that she indeed had changed at least in some way, was another factor.

Another beam of black-light had been unleashed from the lady's... well however she shot them out. And had crashed against the biggest blob here, who stretched a bit over 3 feet long!

This enemy was fairly one of the bravest, and had built up a momentum to bulldoze these intruders. But once this weird-light had struck this fat sect member, its momentum was blown down.

And it became difficult for this blob to keep going as well, because it was shaking its head for the sake of loosening up the strings of sudden pain.

Seeing that the lady was taking control of this battle, Tim began charging towards the enemy who had started all this additional headache to begin with! And that wasn't so difficult to do, as that bastardous shrimp had crawled in one of the cavern's tunnels.

Reaching the tunnel within a second thanks to rage, the hero began peeking around and noticed that it wasn't so dark here. The structure had no curls but was rather straight-forward.

At the end of the tunnel, he noticed the enemy shrimp laying down. This place was short built, simply because the entire cavern was still under construction.

The enemy had noticed the stingray's presence. So likewise, he began turning around for the sake of portraying a firm front. It was evident that a battle would break out in this snug tunnel, so the shrimp wanted to buy some time as the pain hadn't yet gone away.

Therefore, he spoke out. "You're undeserving! I should have been the king all along."

The young one wasn't so crazy about being their king, so he wasn't hung over the fact that all of this trouble was for a stupid title. Instead, he was angrier about the thought that this menace had tossed Osira in the tar-pool just a bit earlier.

So a tease was unleashed for the sake of mental abuse, "Undeserving, but I keep winning. So who's the true loser here?"

It felt morally difficult to tease a geezer, but this critter carried nothing but hate and hunger for power. So only the slightest amount of guilt had bloomed through this little debate.

But this wasn't the time to argue, this old menace must die. That's why the sea-disk didn't want to continue the conversation, and prevented the enemy from speaking as well.

"This is the end for you, old fart." It was a short sentence, but surely packed a punch.

After letting out a slow and powerless laugh, the white-legged one muttered. "It won't matter, you'll never leave this place alive. And if I die, my son will take over as the king."

Feeling that it was a bluff, the young one just sighed. "Dumbass, you won't be a king and neither will your son. This sect you were stupid enough to make a deal with, will try to enslave your entire community. You just helped them."

Feeling conflicted, the old man answered. "That's impossible! It would break the deal."

"They have already convinced you to allow an attack against your community. What the hell are you talking about?" Tim pointed out, eager to figure out a bit more information regarding the whole topic.

Agitated and wanting to brag as if being a child, the shrimp argued. "No. That was just supposed to be a motivation to build these caverns, they were all motivated to build a better and safer place to live in. I'm a genius, because they hated you more after every bite they took through these caverns."

Wanting to prove even smarter, he even added. "Today you were supposed to go in that pool, we lured you in."

Closing in towards the enemy so the chance of escaping wasn't given, the hero's face shifted towards aggression as he stated. "Those blobs knew that blue-tar can mutate other fish, but they allowed it anyway. They don't want me dead, not for your sake at least."

At this point feeling dumbfounded and angry at the same time, the latter questioned. "What do you mean?"

Feeling that it would be reasonable for this shrimp to know what the problem was, the sea-pancake deciphered. "Something big is coming and the mutated fish will be used to feed it. They wanted to use me for food, obviously and that's why they promised you that I would end up in that pool."

Thinking it through, the hero also asked. "Tell me you didn't agree to mutate a few shrimp?"

Feeling that the other side of the stick was a mind reader, the shrimp grunted. "Bullshit! That's impossible."

And that's when a fire-like colour broke out through the critter's legs. As an exchange, the enemy had leaped towards the hero with an intent that was in no way pure.

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