I’m In Charge of SCP

Chapter 36: Young President

Chapter 36: Young President

Yang Xue's words were so deafening that Zhang Shijia froze on the spot. He didn't understand why she would react so badly when he had only casually said a few words about Zhang Jue. He made it sound like Zhang Jue was a world-saving hero.

He glanced at Zhang Jue. He had no sense of decency. How could he be considered a hero?

"Let's go." Yang Xue said, pulling Zhang Jue's hands to leave, who expected Zhang Jue to hold her back.

"Sorry, it's my fault." Zhang Jue said. He stuffed the food in his hand into his mouth, swallowed it, and waved his hand, "Senior Brother Shijia, it was my fault, and you're right."

Yang Xue looked at him in amazement. As far as she could remember, Zhang Jue had never been at a loss with his words.

According to his character, if someone said one sentence, he had ten waiting in the back of his head. Zhang Shijia was a doctor of literature, and he might be able to write majestic articles. But when it came to his mouth, Zhang Jue could scold him to death.

However, this time, Zhang Jue did not open his mouth, obviously not like his style. When did this man change his character?


In fact, to Zhang Jue, things were not complicated. He was good at using verbal insults, but he was not a mad dog that would bite anyone on sight.

That person was a friend of Yang Xue's, and he had only come to be an escort. He doesn't want for both of them to fight - although it seemed that Yang Xue had nothing good to say about her senior brother Shijia in the first place.

The most important thing that if what he said was true, the literature club that often helped some illiterate people was a benevolent thing to do.

He keeps his cool despite making mistakes that others pointed out, and he shall not mock them. To sum up, Zhang Jue decided to give in and apologize. Endure it while keeping his calm like wind and water, and take a step back to eat and drink.

Yang Xue still wanted to speak, but Zhang Jue shook his head at her. Zhang Shijia didn't see Yang Xue's expression and was in a slightly better mood when he saw Zhang Jue's apology.

"Mr. Zhang. There is nothing better than knowing your mistakes, and since you recognize your mistakes, we can still be friends. I'm not going to hide it from you. Last year alone, our literature club helped over 30 people..."

"Ah, that's impressive..." Zhang Shijia switched his face and continued to boast about his achievements, but he had other plans in mind.

Yang Xue's attitude just now made him feel a little strange; it seems that he must come to some real provocation in order to let Yang Xue know how good he was and to make Zhang Jue realize the gap between them.

It was clear it may hurt Zhang Jue's feelings. With a glance in his eyes, he had a plan. Zhang Shijia continued to show Zhang Jue and Yang Xue around the campus and finally came to a lounge.

"There are still 20 minutes until the opening ceremony, and it's best for you guys to rest here for a while. I have something to do, so pardon me." Zhang Shijia poured them a glass of water.

Yang Xue said thank you and frowned, "I remember this is a VIP lounge, right? It's only open when the college receives important guests. Is it appropriate for you to bring us here?"

"It's fine." Zhang Shijia waved his hand, his eyes narrowed, "There aren't that many important guests anyway."

Yang Xue looked over at Zhang Jue, but he didn't even hear what they said, leaning back in his chair and closing his eyes.

Just for a moment, it shouldn't matter. Yang Xue thought.

Zhang Shijia winked at Zhang Jue without a trace and walked out of the lounge.

After Zhang Shijia left, Zhang Jue suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes were as sharp as a falcon. It startled Yang Xue.

"What's wrong? I thought you were tired and wanted to rest for a while."

Zhang Jue stretched his back and looked towards the door, "That prick left us here, obviously not in good faith. I shouldn't sleep here, and it's exactly what he wants me to behave."

Yang Xue said, "Then why didn't you leave just now? It's not like you at all."

"Oh? It seems that Dr. Yang knows me very well. Then may I ask what kind of person I am?" Zhang Jue had a blank expression on his face. Yang Xue's cheeks reddened, and she gave him a blank look.

"Forget it, no more jokes with you." Zhang Jue's expression grew serious, "The reason I'm not leaving is that I-" he sniffed in the air, "smelled something unusual."

Yang Xue was alarmed, "Could it be that the anomalies that escaped the site have arrived in the city? But those anomalies are marked. There wouldn't be any anomalies that aren't recorded."

"It's not from the site." Zhang Jue shook his head. He could not be very sure, "I just have this feeling. Maybe I'm too sensitive."

The two spoke a few more words, and before they had a chance to go out, they heard the sound of conversation coming from outside the door, and several leader-like people were walking this way.

"Director Li, Director Wang, I'm sorry, but President Bai is currently busy. I can only welcome you two fellow directors. It's an oversight on my part. I apologize."

"Vice President Zhang is joking. It's not easy for you to take time out of your busy schedule to pick us up. But tell me the truth, did President Bai get some backer from the big shots?"

"Well, I guess the cat's out of the bag. Our school was a bit short when we planned to build a few new laboratories, that equipment is expensive. A multinational company's CEO is on his way to visit the school to donate some of his money. President Bai and the Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning have gone to the airport to pick him up and will arrive shortly."

"Wait, the government was involved?"

"Yup, not only that but Multinational Companies, Rich Celebrities and those who do not want to make a public appearance and- what's this?" Vice President Zhang opened the door and was surprised to see someone in the VIP room.

He had already informed the staff, today's guests are important, and he couldn't afford to make a mistake. The city's influential leaders and investors are coming, and a simple mistake can't be tolerated.

Seeing two strangers, Vice President Zhang frowned slightly. But because of the guests, he didn't flare up immediately.

He asked, "May I know who you are and who brought you here?"

"Hello, I'm a graduate of Jiangzhou University's class of '16." Yang Xue replied, "We were invited to attend the university ceremony today, and it was Zhang Shijia who brought us here."

Hearing that it was Zhang Shijia who brought them here, Vice President Zhang's face eased slightly. Zhang Shijia was his nephew, and among the descendants of the Zhang family, he was considered the most promising one, and he usually did not make any mistakes.

Vice President Zhang smiled, "You looked like a distinguished figure, I wonder what you call them. Where do you work now?"

Yang Xue glanced at Zhang Jue, and seeing that he was non-committal, he could only take the lead in answering, "My name is Yang Xue, and I am a researcher at Peikang Pharmaceuticals."

"Peikang Pharmaceuticals?" Director Li, who had come with Vice President Zhang, heard the name, "Correct me if I'm wrong but, the chairman of Peikang Pharmaceuticals is Yang Wenbai, right?"

Yang Xue said, "Indeed, he is also my uncle."

"So it's Chairman Wenbai's niece." Director Li laughed, "Chairman Wenbai and I have been poker friends for many years. In that case, you should call me Uncle Li."

Yang Xue slightly bowed her body, "Understood, Uncle Li."

Seeing this scene, Vice President Zhang nodded, Peikang Pharmaceutical was a well-known enterprise in Jiangzhou City, and although he had never met Yang Wenbai, he had always heard of his name.

He turned to Zhang Jue, "How about this gentleman right here?"

Since they had entered, Zhang Jue had been slipping in and out. He was not rising to greet them nor speaking. Vice President Zhang had a poor impression of him, but Vice President Zhang was so good at controlling his temper that he didn't show it, intending to see what Zhang Jue had up to.

Normally, the SCP Foundation would arrange corresponding fake identities for its employees as a cover, just like Yang Xue and Yang Wenbai.

But Zhang Jue's Special Advisor title was specially approved by the O5 Council, and his identity had never been implemented. Although he could falsely claim to be Yang Xue's colleague, Zhang Jue did not feel the need to do so.

"About that, I'm doing odd jobs in a small company that's not well known, and currently, I'm just an employee there." He waved his hand, "You guys can continue, don't mind me." Zhang Jue was distracted, his mind currently thinking about that anomaly.

He was sure that something must have given him a psychic hint from the moment he met Zhang Shijia on the campus, but it never clicked on his head. Zhang Jue was thinking but in the eyes of Vice President Zhang. It was somewhat impolite, and his thought was snapped down.

"Since you are a member of the entourage, you should be on your best behavior." The entire VIP room had three sets of sofas, and Zhang Jue had one set all to himself. Seeing the guest's eyes, Zhang Jue realized what the problem was.

He patted his buttocks and stood up, saying, "Ah, apologies, sir. Please have a seat." That was more like it.

Vice President Zhang gave a dark hum and let the two directors take their seats. The scene was a little awkward for a moment.

Among several people, Director Wang was the oldest and relatively mild-tempered, smiling and asking, "Young man, what is your name? and what kind of work do you do?"

Sensing the goodwill released by that person, Zhang Jue arched his hand, "No need to be formal, old man. My name is Zhang Jue. As for my work... some trivial things are not worth mentioning. It is really difficult to say, such shame it is."

Yang Xue sighed due to Zhang Jue's response, always letting her have a kind of indescribable helplessness. If working at the Foundation was all "trivial things not worth mentioning," then she guessed there was nothing under the sky that could be called a big deal.

"Heh." Vice President Zhang snorted lightly and sneered, "Talk about working on an odd job, 'unknown' small companies, doing 'not worth mentioning' things, such fear of the unknown, isn't it. "

The two directors are old leaders of Jiangzhou University. Vice President Zhang spoke with full of doubt. Yang Xue was about to defend Zhang Jue when the door of the VIP room was suddenly opened again.

"President Bai?" Seeing the visitor, Vice President Zhang and the two directors hurriedly got up to greet them.

President Bai waved his hand at them, opened the door himself, and said to those behind him, "Minister Qiu, General Manager Lei, please come in." A middle-aged man with a large belly and a tall young man walked in with President Bai.

Presumably, these two were the Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning and the leader of a multinational company, as Vice President Zhang had said.

While walking, Minister Qiu smiled and said, "Mr. Lei, our city of Jiangzhou has a great people and a great place, it is definitely a good place for development, not to mention that Jiangzhou University sends an unknown number of talents to our country every year, look at the long term benefit-"

"I will consider it carefully." The young man called Mr. Lei smiled and nodded his head, raising his hands, giving people a gentle and elegant feeling. They were talking happily and on the other side. Zhang Jue secretly gave Yang Xue a wink.

He stayed because of the possibility of an anomaly here, but more and more guests are coming. It was best for them not to involve them in this matter. When they were just about to reach the exit door, someone called out Zhang Jue out of nowhere.

"Advisor Zhang?"

Zhang Jue mechanically turned his head and found that the young president looked at him with a smile. This time, everyone's eyes within the VIP room were drawn to him. President Bai didn't recognize them and glanced at Vice President Zhang.

Vice President Zhang shook his head without a trace; he was also confused about how these two people could be related to the president of a multinational corporation. Not only them but to Zhang Jue himself was also a bit strange.

He hadn't been in this world for long, and the people he came into contact with were all colleagues at Site-14, and he didn't remember having any encounters with this man. Thinking what that person had just said, Zhang Jue finally understood.

President of a Multinational Corporation, my ass, it was the fucking Foundation!

President Bai tried to ask, "Mr. Lei, do you know him?"

President Lei smiled and nodded. "This Mr. Zhang Jue, he is a special advisor hired by our company. A few days ago, a vicious incident happened in our company's branch, and Advisor Zhang helped us through the difficult times despite his safety. Not only recovered tens of billions of dollars or even more in property losses but also indirectly saved many people's lives, the headquarters has a very high appraisal of him."

"When I came to Jiangzhou City this time, the head office leaders assigned me several tasks, one of the most important of which was to commend Mr. Zhang Jue. Minister Qiu, don't you want me to invest here and President Bai, it seems that your school's equipment is about to be updated. To be honest, I don't know much about Jiangzhou City yet, and it's useless for you to lobby me if it works out in the end."

He smiled and took a sip of water, "Instead, why don't you ask Advisor Zhang's opinion about it?"

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