I'm Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl

Chapter 659: Desperate Situation

Chapter 659: Desperate Situation

I didn’t think there were any problems running into an unfamiliar mountain, I only wanted to get rid of my pursuers.

I was surrounded by tall trees and dense forests, the afternoon’s blazing sun had been isolated outside making me feel like I had rushed into a different world where I seemingly crossed space and time.

Then, a beetle as large as a fist flew by in front of me.

Damn, even if it’s not as large as my fist, it would still be as large as Ai Mi’s fist. It was even pure black, Xiao Qin would get scared to death if she sees it.

I comforted myself: The reason the beetle looks large is because it was flying, then if you add the shadows from the forest, it makes it look bigger. Afterward, I continued to run deeper into the forest.

The bald strong man came chasing from behind and he yelled at me to stop.

I ignored him and went another 50 to 60 meters deeper. The cold air caused by the unevaporated moisture on the leaves made me shiver.

I looked back behind me and the various green plants had already hid my path. I didn’t even know where I was, so my pursuers must have already lost sight of me.

“Damn brat, come out, you won’t get away. Once I catch you, I’ll skin you alive.”

The bald strong man was furious he could not find me and cursed out loud, but I was not worried about his threats at all. His voice sounded as if it came out of a maze.

I looked at the butterfly in my hand, it was more tenacious than I thought. It was still quite lively after being held by its wings for so long.

I put the butterfly into my own net and then tied the net up with a knot to trap the butterfly inside. Now, I can have my other hand free.

Yesterday morning it rained in Yi Ning district. The nameless mountain still had a lot of moisture compared to Cui Song Mountain, so I shivered several times in a row as I crouched behind a bush.

A leech the size of a small cucumber crawled out from underneath the dead branches and leaves I was stepping on. It crawled towards the gap between my pants and sneakers.

I moved slowly, but stomped it to death without mercy. It wanted some food, but I have not even eaten yet.

“Squeak”, after I stomped on the leech, another black creature the size of a slipper scurried by in front of me.

It’s a wild rat! It was a black one even larger than a shoe, the class leader would get scared to death if she saw it.

What kind of damn place is this? If I tied Xiao Qin and the class leader to a tree here, the beetles and rats alone can take their lives!

Although I wasn’t scared of the rat to the point I screamed out loud, but the sounds of its squeaks were quite ear-piercing in the tranquil forest. The bald strong man began cutting his own trail and making his way towards me.

The damn rat, if I had time, I would stomp it to death.

I cursed at it in my mind and continued to run. On the way, I passed by puddles of water, a group of mosquitoes, and a rotting rabbit corpse.

I thought I had lost the bald man when suddenly heard an owl’s cry overhead. It made me feel uneasy and I ran forward a bit again.

The topography of the mountains had its ups and downs. I felt panic from the bottom of my heart as I became hungrier inside the forest covered with thick foliage.

“Don’t underestimate nature”, the class leader’s words still rang in my ears. I’m afraid I’ve come to an unexplored part of nature.

But as a Spartan, how could I cower when I run into danger. The mountain might be dangerous, but that doesn’t mean I would be safe with my pursuers.

As expected, the sound of the bald strong man trampling grass gradually became inaudible. I don’t know whether he gave up the pursuit, or he ran into some unexpected trouble.

To be on the safe side, I walked deeper into the mountain.

The light around me only allowed me to see the outline of objects and I thought I shouldn’t move any deeper. What if a prehistoric giant cat, a prehistoric giant rat, or a prehistoric giant leech jumps out at me, then I would turn into the protagonist of a horror film.

I looked at the butterfly still fluttering its wings and started thinking about how to get out of here and what to say when I contact Ai ShuQiao.

Suddenly I lost my footing, it seems like I stepped on a round stone covered in moss. I quickly tried to regain balance while worrying about the butterfly. I felt like I could take a fall, but I can’t squish the butterfly.

I didn’t fall, but it seems I stepped on something in the grass when I slipped.

Then I felt a sharp pain coming from my ankle. Something sharp penetrated my jeans and left a bite mark on my ankle.

What is it, is it a snake? Does it have poison?

In order to avoid a second bite, I didn’t care about not being able to see clearly in front of me. I tried to escape, but I stepped on an even more slippery patch of moss.

It was followed up by a frightening fall I never want to experience a second time and I lost consciousness.

I had fallen into an abandoned bear trap.

I only realized after I woke up and used the light from my phone screen as a light source.

The trap was at least 5m deep and filled with rocks and leaves at the bottom. Luckily, the hunter had already removed the other bear traps (like sharp spikes), otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to get away with only losing consciousness.

Of course, I couldn’t climb out a trap that a bear cannot. Gramps taught me Yin Yang Sanshou, but he didn’t teach me how to fly.

I didn’t even have a single bar of signal on my phone, so it was impossible for me to call someone for help.

What’s worse was my left ankle turned red and swollen and it also made me feel slightly numb.

Did I get bit by a venomous snake? How strong is the poison? Is it a muscle toxin or a neurotoxin? Will I still be able to keep my leg?

My back and both my arms were injured when I fell into the trap. Although the butterfly was still relatively spirited, it did not bring me any comfort at all.

I had a strong sense of foreboding that if I mess up, I will die here.

I didn’t want to, but I could only call out for help.

“Is anyone there? Is…”

I scared myself as soon as I opened my mouth. It’s because of my voice, which I thought was quite loud, was so hoarse I was as quiet as a mosquito.

My throat was so dry it was like my saliva ran out. It felt like every drop of my blood was on the verge of boiling.

I then passed out again.

I don’t know how much time passed, but I woke up with pains coming from all over my body.

The paralysis in my left foot was worse and had spread to my entire lower leg.

I did not eat lunch, so it felt like I used up all my energy running earlier. I’m so sleepy, I want to sleep.

But… it was not the time to give up.

I clenched my teeth and pushed every cell in my body, then stood up abruptly.

I promised Ai Mi that I would not die. Spartans do not fear death, but I still have a lot of unfinished business.

I… want… to fight… I want to go against my fate…

I tried to climb up by sticking my fingers into the walls but the dirt was harder than I expected. I don’t know what the hunters did to it when they dug the trap, but I tried multiple times to no avail.

The insect net was also useless. It was quite sturdy, but it wasn’t sharp enough.

It would be good if I had a knife.

After wearing out the nails on all my fingers, I realized it was impossible to return by brute force. I had to drag around my paralyzed leg, even if I got out of the trap, I might not be able to find my way out of the forest.

I had to sit down for a rest, then picked up my phone again hoping for a signal.

Still no signal. I called everyone in my contacts, including 114, 119, 110, but none of the calls connected.

I couldn’t send any texts either, all of it would fail to be delivered.

It still had a lot of power left, but in this situation, it was no different than a MP4.

My voice was too hoarse to call for help, so I started to play a song in my phone at maximum volume, but no one came.

I looked at the butterfly in the net and I suddenly remembered the story of the girl who was trapped at the bottom of the valley of despair and was saved by carving words on the wings of a bee.

But it’s not realistic at all, even if I did have her carving skills and let the butterfly go, it would most likely get eaten by the predators in this forest first. Even if those butterfly catchers catch it, they won’t be kind enough to save me.

Even though I got a rare butterfly worth $500,000, I ironically fell into a desperate situation. At this moment, I would rather exchange the butterfly for a five dollar platter of dumplings.

The pain in my ankle hit me again. It was probably because the acidic venom was eating away at my muscles. The fear of the unknown toxicity worsened the symptoms.

I don’t have any strength left, but I have to try again. I don’t want to die in a bear trap and become food for wild rats.

The bottom of the trap was paved with hard rocks without a single blade of grass, extinguishing my hope of getting sustenance.

I was getting very hungry and my eyes fell on the weakened butterfly and a great name came to my mind.

Bear Grylls, the man at the top of the food chain.

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