I'm Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl

Chapter 673: Blind Dog Eyes

Chapter 673: Blind Dog Eyes

At around 10 o’clock, after Dr. Yu took my blood pressure and measured my heartbeat again, I went to the staff cafeteria of the special education school, where the French chef would show off his skills and cook for us with his life on the line.

Since everyone was catching up on sleep, pretty much everyone has not eaten breakfast. Winnie, who has tasted the French chef’s cooking before, said: if I had known, I would not have eaten anything last night.

Seeing Winnie’s expectation, the others also sat behind two round tables with curiosity, waiting for the meal to start.

There were only two round tables in the staff cafeteria. Peng TouSi arranged for the adults to sit at one table and the minors to sit at one table. Since the police and firefighters involved in the rescue have left, so there were plenty of seats.

On the adult side, hosted by Peng TouSi, the ones present were Dr. Yu, Director Cao, the special education school principal, and three of the school’s affiliated physicians. Since my dad stayed in the school hospital to take care of Auntie Ren, 004 and 005 also came to fill up seats so it wouldn’t look too empty.

Teacher Yu had already led the other students back to the city yesterday on the advice of the class leader. He was relieved to learn that I had been rescued, apparently he was scared sick.

On the minors side, there were more people. In clockwise order, it was me, Ai Mi, Winnie, Niu ShiLi, Xu LiJun, You Chen, Pi ZeGuang, Eunuch Cao, Mu ZhongMing, and the class leader.

There was an empty seat between the class leader and me. I intended to let Xiao Qin sit there, but she had gone to take care of her mother. Food suitable for the patients was first prepared by the French chef and then sent to the room, so that Auntie Ren, Xiao Qin, and my dad would not go hungry.

I also wanted to visit Auntie Ren and even eat with them together, so that we would look like a happy family.

But Auntie Ren is emotionally unstable right now, what if she gets angry at me and injures herself. Also, since my dad can not come to the celebration, then I must stay, otherwise it seems like we don’t value the people who were involved in my rescue at all.

I felt a little lonely as I looked at the empty seat to my right, but if I think about it, it’s not like we are a million miles away from each other and we could see each other an hour later, so that gave me some peace of mind.

Although Ai Mi initially listened to Peng TouSi’s advice and agreed to lend the French chef to hold a celebration dinner for the people involved, she herself originally did not intend to attend.

“Wouldn’t it be an insult to my status to eat in such a crude place.”

Ai Mi seems to have forgotten that she had once eaten with me at the food courts in Henderson Mall and even at a small restaurant in the food stall street.

“Miss.” Peng TouSi, who has figured out Ai Mi’s character, advised her, “One of the major reasons why your mother is so powerful now is because she is courteous. She never cares about if it insults her status or not to those who are capable or who have value to her.”

It’s not a lie, since when Peng TouSi first went to the United States, he offended a gang and was shot with a submachine gun. As he was dying in a pool of blood, it was Ai ShuQiao who picked him off the street.

Ai ShuQiao could tell he was not simple before she investigated Peng TouSi’s identity, so she sent out her own medical team (including the “King of Poison”) to cure him at any cost, and even visited him personally when he first came to his senses.

“Huh.” Ai Mi blinked, “You mean, if I show up, these guys will work harder for me in the future.”

Peng TouSi nodded irresponsibly.

Thus Ai Mi was tricked and brought to the staff cafeteria. She first nitpicked the cafeteria, then insisted on sitting in the adult area (Director Cao expressed a warm welcome, preferably on his lap, and was then threatened by 004 and 005).

Finally, under Peng TouSi’s persuasion, she reluctantly went to the minors seat and sat between me and Winnie. She used the two of us as a wall and refused to let others approach.

“Why didn’t the violent girl come?” Ai Mi, who was dressed like an aristocrat, glanced at the empty seat to my right.

“Xiao Qin’s mother was in a car accident yesterday and is being treated at the hospital here. Xiao Qin went to accompany her.”

On the other side at the adult area, Director Cao was desperately gesturing to me, as if he was surprised by the “cousin” relationship between Ai Mi and me.

Next, he drew a triangle in the air, and a gesture that the Chinese think means “ok”, but to the Japanese it means “money”.

I think I understood, he wants to buy Ai Mi’s panties, but I glared at him to show I would not do that kind of business with him again.

Ai Mi looked surprised to hear that Auntie Ren had been injured.

“What, that martial arts director can get injured? I thought she was made of iron.”

After a pause, she then said to me: “You know, manservant, there are rumors in the crew that the martial arts director was pregnant. I don’t know which wild man made her pregnant…”

“No badmouthing Auntie Ren.” I was a little rough on Ai Mi to get her to stop talking, I think she provoked me when she inadvertently called my dad a “wild man”.

“You…” Ai Mi was angry that I was being mean to her, but I had just been rescued so she couldn’t throw a tantrum. She swept back and forth across the round table with resentful eyes, looking for someone to take out her anger on.

Before Ai Mi sat down, most of the students were talking and laughing, listening to Winnie praise the French chef’s cooking. Only the class leader had her head down and not participating in the discussion.

After Ai Mi sat down, there was a period of awkward silence. Winnie was still talking loudly, but when no one replied she also quieted down.

The main reason was due to Ai Mi’s beauty that was out of this world. Her delicate Barbie-like features, her young but heartwarming body posture, as well as her aristocratic clothing and condescending expression had shocked everyone.

It was written all over her face: You are all pigs. I’m only sitting with you guys because of the manservant and Winnie. This will be the most glorious moment of your life, so make sure to remember it well.

Although they had all seen Ai Mi yesterday and the day before, she was mostly in the helicopter or guarded by bodyguards, unlike now, where they can actually take a close look at her.

Niu ShiLi, Xu LiJun, You Chen, Pi ZeGuang, and Eunuch Cao, all the boys temporarily stopped breathing because of Ai Mi’s entrance, and they all blushed a little to varying degrees.

Ah, Mu ZhongMing was an exception, he was different from the lustful Eunuch Cao, he was a real eunuch. He only glanced at Ai Mi, but his expression did not change at all.

Eunuch Cao was the first to react. He secretly pulled out his mini-camera, then reached under the table with the intention of secretly taking a picture of Ai Mi’s lower body.

If I remember correctly, Ai Mi should be wearing purple stockings under her short skirt today to match the purple theme of her outfit…

You actually have the guts to secretly take pictures of my sister’s stockings? Eunuch Cao, are you tired of living? I might have some heart problems right now, but I could still effortlessly put you to death.

Um, I said previously I could put down some obsessions normal people can’t since I’ve already faced death once… but I will never put down the obsession with my sister! You can still be forgive if you offend me, but if you offend my sister, then I won’t let you off easily.

Before I could reprimand Eunuch Cao, Ai Mi also saw his strange movements. It was perfect timing as she was looking for someone to vent her anger on, so she took out her small cell phone and aimed it at Eunuch Cao like a gun.

Ai Mi’s cell phone was modified by Dr. Yu and had a weak laser emitter that could temporarily blind the opponent as long as it was aimed at their eyes.

Eunuch Cao was unprepared and was blinded by Ai Mi in one fell swoop. Eunuch Cao cried tears of pain, he covered his eyes and rolled on the ground, while crying out:

“My eyes, my eyes, my eyes!”

Director Cao saw his son suddenly wail out loud and was slightly worried, but Dr. Yu explained that Ai Mi’s cell phone laser had limited power. It would not cause permanent damage to the eyes, at best, it would have similar pain levels to some instant ramen seasoning being spilled in the eyes.

That’s painful enough, I remember the Little Tyrant once did that to me, I thought I would go blind at the time!

I can’t hold a grudge against her because Xiao Qin was currently a ‘candidate step-sister’, but of course, she may think she is the current ‘childhood friend’ or ‘candidate girlfriend’ and I can’t say she’s necessarily wrong.

Anyway, there are too many variables in the future. I can’t predict the future, we can only move forward one step at a time.

Sure enough, after Eunuch Cao rolled around for a while, he got up from the ground with bloodshot eyes.

The miniature camera he left on the floor was picked up by the sharp-eyed Winnie. She casually looked through the data inside and exclaimed:

“Huh, my swimming photos are also there, I never expected to be so photogenic.”

So Eunuch Cao, you didn’t even listen when I told you to delete Winnie’s swimsuit photos, did you? Or did you delete them and then use a recovery tool to restore them.

Also, Winnie, could you have a little common sense? Those are photos someone took secretly, but you actually showed them to Niu ShiLi, did you not see his entire face turn red?

I told Winnie to temporarily keep Eunuch Cao’s camera, I would return it to him after I process the contents. Eunuch Cao was grief stricken and lost all his spirits.

“My butt is indeed a bit big….” Winnie murmured as she looked at Eunuch Cao’s close-up shot of her own butt in a swimsuit.

But she was extremely optimistic and immediately became happy again. She also handed it to Ai Mi as well as me to have a look.

“Look, doesn’t it look like the cover of a Japanese AV? If this was printed on the cover of a DVD, will there be any sales? Ye Lin, will you buy it?”

What kind of question is that? Look at how embarrassed Niu ShiLi is, why does Shen ShaoYi even like you? What girl would discuss with boys if they look like an AV actress?

I’m going to have a nosebleed! My heartbeat is increasing, if I die on the spot, it’s all your fault!

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