I'm Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl

Chapter 676: Class Leader Doesn’t Know That I Don’t Know

Chapter 676: Class Leader Doesn’t Know That I Don’t Know

“Ahem.” I purposely raised my voice and cleared my throat. The class leader was as uncomfortable as a cheating student being watched by the invigilator in an exam.

At the adults table, Peng TouSi took the place of my dad and made a toast to thank everyone involved in my rescue. I must say, Peng TouSi, in many cases, feels very dependable like a father.

His relationship with Ai Mi is like that of a father and daughter rather than master and servant. Although Ai Mi doesn’t treat Peng TouSi with respect like a father, at least Peng TouSi loves Ai Mi like a daughter.

Director Cao and Peng TouSi were talking and laughing, Dr. Yu and the three doctors from the school hospital talked about medical topics, 004 and 005 spouted off about the mosquitoes in Cui Song Mountain being too big. Out of everyone present, only the principal of the special education school, was not talking and felt a bit awkward.

He was the first to participate in the rescue after my disappearance, he did his part as a host for the police and firefighters involved in the rescue, he also provide helped out Ai Mi’s team, so he played a non-negligible role.

But the class leader lead our class here partly because she wanted to increase revenue for the school and help promote tourism on Cui Song Mountain. It resulted in an incident where students were nearly killed, so the principal felt that he was also partly responsible for the accident.

Therefore, the principal was even prepared for being sued, but he did not expect that after I was saved, whether it was my dad, or the class leader, or Peng TouSi, no one had any intention of holding him responsible, but also invited him to the celebration banquet.

The principal felt ashamed of himself after Peng TouSi made a toast and thanked everyone.

Dr. Yu, who was sitting next to him, guessed what he was thinking. He poured him half a glass of wine and said to him, “There’s nothing to dwell on, Ye Lin won’t get rich by suing a school for handicapped children; if he wanted to get rich, he would have gotten rich long ago.”

Do you mean I should rely on Ai ShuQiao, then wait for “mother” to give me an allowance? I guess that would be the fastest way to make money.

“No.” The principal said after drinking a little wine, “Ye Lin is young, but he has donated to our school more than once. I know he is not that kind of person, but he almost died here, I still have lingering fears…”

“Principal, if you’re really sorry.” Dr. Yu leaned back in his seat, “Pay attention if you’re on Cui Song Mountain to see if there are traces of the blue morpho butterfly. It can be dead, it can even be a piece of it, it can give me some information for my research.”

It seems that Dr. Yu was still doing his best to try and cure the toxin in my body. I hope they can give their best, so then I won’t have to die.

“Class leader, thank you for organizing my rescue.” I sincerely thanked the class president, but in her eyes, the smile on the corner of my mouth seemed to harbor ill intentions.

Seeing the adults having a toast, Xu LiJun had an idea and said, “Since Ye Lin was rescued, and the class leader also worked hard, let’s use drinks instead of alcohol to show appreciation.”

Although Ai Mi was also one of the initiators of the rescue, but Xu LiJun knew that the little loli should not be trifled with, so he did not want to casually release suggestions related to her.

Although Amy is also one of the initiators of the rescue, but Xu Lijun knows that this little loli is not easy to mess with, do not dare to casually release suggestions related to her.

“Dr-… drinks.” Ai Mi suddenly noticed that Xu LiJun brought out a bottle of coke from under the table.

Ai Mi immediately hit Winnie’s arm and gestured at her with her eyes.

Winnie has been Ai Mi’s lapdog for a while, so she immediately understood. She rushed over to Xu LiJun, who was about to open the bottle of coke, and snatched it from his hands.

Xu LiJun was stunned, he did not understand why Winnie grabbed a bottle of coke worth less than 10 dollars when the table was full of expensive French dishes.

“It’s nothing, you guys drink the Sprite, this one is for Miss Ai Mi.” Winnie said while holding up her index finger and gesturing them to keep silent, afraid that Peng TouSi over at the neighboring table would see.

I think Peng TouSi already saw it, but since today was a special situation, he allowed Ai Mi to drink the normally forbidden coke as a reward.

If the French chef had seen Ai Mi not interested in the various delicacies he had cooked with all his heart and soul, but concentrated on drinking a bottle of coke that was available everywhere for fear of being snatched, he might have immediately cut open his abdomen.

After Ai Mi was attracted by the coke, she stopped whispering into my ear for the time being. Right after I clinked glasses with Niu ShiLi and drank a third of my drink, the class leader said:

“Your body hasn’t recovered, so don’t drink so much carbonated drinks.”

I shrugged my shoulders and joked, “The official pairing with a French meal is red wine. If I don’t drink carbonated drinks, do you want me to drink red wine?”

The class leader said with slight anger: “I told you that you are not allowed to drink in the future.”

She blushed right after she finished speaking. She bit her lower lip and didn’t know what to do, because she said the same sentence the day before yesterday after I drunkenly kissed the class leader.

“Okay, okay, okay.” I nodded my head three times in a row, “If you don’t let me drink, then I won’t drink.”

I’m afraid that alcohol is not good for my heart problem.

“Class leader, you’re amazing.” You Chen joked, “Ye Lin has a stubborn temper, but he listens to you!.”

After Ai Mi took a gulp of cola, she spoke like she was angry at someone: “henpecked male.”

You don’t have to master Chinese so comprehensively! If you have time to learn level 10 Chinese, at least first learn to use chopsticks! Your the only person on the table who completely uses a knife and fork!

The class leader heard the “henpecked male” statement and her face turned even redder. The class leader’s face was now the same color as a bright red scarf.

“You, you don’t have to take it seriously…” the class leader said to me in a completely different way than usual.

Huh, is she referring to the contents of the text message? What exactly was written in the text message that I don’t have to take seriously? If current phone text messages were stored in the SIM card instead of the phone’s internal storage, I would have removed my SIM card and put it into Ai Mi’s phone to see the text message!

“So, you’re lying to me?” I acted like I was disappointed as if I knew what was written in the class leader’s text message.

“It’s, it’s not entirely a lie…” the class leader pursed her lips tightly for a long time before saying, “I was in a state of panic at the time…”

I took an indirect approach with the class leader and said mischievously:

“Which part was a lie, and which part wasn’t?”

The class leader was pressed by me and she clenched her jeans around her knees and caused wrinkles. It was quite a disturbing sign for the class leader who has OCD and doesn’t like to see anything out of place.

“Can’t you just pretend it didn’t happen.”

Eh, class leader, do you regret it? Do you regret confessing to me in the text message? Although I might not be alive soon, so I can’t really be your boyfriend… but it still hurts if you want to retract the confession.

So I quoted a common online phrase: “If events already done can be treated as if they didn’t happen, then there’s no need for the police.”

I guess my words hit harder for someone who aspired to be a police officer.

“I, I didn’t say anything hurtful…” the class leader’s tone was so pitiful.

“But I took it seriously.” I put on a very angry look, “Honestly, class leader, about what you promised me, when exactly can we do it?”

Seeing me shamelessly urge her, the class leader closed her eyes and her shoulders trembled slightly, as if she was giving up on herself and said:

“At least, at least until we graduate high school,.”

“What, that long?” I pretended to be surprised and opened my eyes wide, “Class leader, you’re good at school, so who knows which high school you will get into? Maybe after you go to high school in Shanghai, you will forget what you promised me…”

“How could I forget?” The class leader glared at me, “If you can’t wait, then pretend I didn’t say anything.”

So… what’s going on? What I can’t wait for right now is the contents of the text message!

Ai Mi tugged on my clothes to make me accompany her to the washroom. She didn’t do anything other than drink cola, so it was understandable that she had to go.

It would have been more appropriate for Winnie to accompany her, but she was currently in a heated discussion with Niu ShiLi about some novel.

Ai Mi asked Winnie to hold the rest of the cola so it won’t be stolen. Winnie held the bottle tightly and continued to debate with Niu ShiLi.

Ai Mi felt that the washroom outside the cafeteria was not sanitary enough and insisted on going back to the RV, so I could only let her do as she pleases.

There were other bodyguards watching the RV. Obama had woken up from his nap and was asking the bodyguards for food.

“You also want to go to the inferior cafeteria?” Ai Mi said to Obama with a small frown, “You’re not allowed to go, you’ll be played with and abused by Katyusha.”

The class leader won’t abuse the dog! The class leader genuinely likes to play with cats and dogs, she even treats you like a small dog or cat.

Ai Mi then received a phone call from the director and began talking back to him. It made me recall some of my past memories. I then took out my phone which had no battery left and fiddled with it in my hand.

I then discovered Eunuch Cao sneakily popping his head up. When he saw me looking at my phone with a look of distress, he inquired:

“Master, is your phone out of power?”

“Why, do you have a charger?” I showed Eunuch Cao the charging port of my phone without much hope.

“Jie jie jie jie jie, master, you’ve asked the right person.” Eunuch Cao laughed playfully, “I brought a solar powered charging bag with a total of ten charging ports. I can charge anything as long as it is not a product of Namek.”

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