I'm Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl

Chapter 743

Chapter 743

In the past few days, Dr. Yu, having been repeatedly thwarted in his pursuit of Chen YingRan, realized that his love for robots and modified humans was being challenged by mature women with large breasts.

So in order to strengthen his determination to advance the human race through mechanization, he brought back the design he had drawn in high school, made slight improvements according to the drawings and completed the B-2 robot.

Dr. Yu regretted it right after he finished debugging the artificial intelligence of B-2.

The robot was too lame and his own design in high school was too childish. Most importantly, making such a useless robot had not only failed to strengthen his beliefs, but also cost him unnecessary research expenses.

So Dr. Yu made a smart decision and decided to sell B-2 to Ai Mi as a follower. He glorified it and called it “a high-tech gift to Miss Ai Mi”, as long as she “aids his research”.

“50 cents would be enough assistance for your research.” Ai Mi’s words almost killed Dr. Yu.

“Miss Ai Mi, the manufacturing cost of my robot, in terms of hardware, is at least ¥200,000…”

“It’s not that much.” Ai Mi made irritating remarks while eating ice cream bought by Peng TouSi.

“Anyway, at least let me recoup my costs.”

Ai Mi immediately made a “don’t lie to me” look, but still did not stop licking her ice cream.

“What’s the point of this garbage can-like broken thing. Can it catch a Frisbee, can it hold slippers, can it pull a sleigh? I don’t need any useless followers.”

“Hey, Miss Ai Mi, I think you listed all the functions of a dog. I made a robot, not a robot dog! B-2 has a strong self-learning ability. in addition to being a mobile wifi source, it can act as a gps and secretary, so Miss Ai Mi, you no longer have to worry about getting lost.”

Ai Mi was a bit tempted after she heard that B-2 has the function of leading the way. Ai Mi had an awful sense of direction, to the extent she would often get lost even when using the map on her phone.

“So, can B-2 buy ice cream for me?”

In fact, Ai Mi wanted to use B-2 to buy cola and chips, but couldn’t really directly say it in front of Dr. Yu.

“Yes.” Dr. Yu replied confidently, “As long as you instruct B-2 clearly, then give him money, he can go to the grocery store to buy things. The storage box in his abdominal area will come in handy.”

“Except B-2’s wheels can only move on flat surfaces. It t can’t go up and down the stairs, so it can’t go to a store that requires going up and down steps to shop…”

“Rubbish.” Ai Mi pointed out without mercy, “A robot that can’t even go up and down stairs has the nerve to call itself a robot?”

“It’s my design from high school after all.” Dr. Yu reminded, “And ¥200,000 is already over the cost…”

“Heck, I can give Winnie ¥200,000 and she will buy me ice cream for a year.”

“Although there are some things that humans can do that robots can’t do for now…” Dr. Yu mused, “There are some things that robots can do that humans can never do.”

“What is it?” Ai Mi said sarcastically, “Turn into a pile of scrap metal?”

“Eternal life.” Dr. Yu uttered those words with excitement and fervor, “As long as there are sufficient backups of the robot’s intelligence system, then it can rely on replacement hardware and live forever.”

Ai Mi stuffed the last piece of ice cream into her mouth and sucked her milk-soaked fingers. The ice cream was limited daily like any other sweet treat.

“Immortality, that means, I can hit this robot every day and you can fix it?”

Dr. Yu was quite surprised by Ai Mi’s sudden advancement in thinking and the fact that the other party was going to treat his robot this way.

But when he thought about it, in order to sell B-2, it didn’t matter how Ai Mi treated the robot. It wasn’t a successful work of his anyway.

“That’s right.” Dr. Yu shifted his Google glass on his left eye, “The good thing about robots is that they are made of metal and they won’t completely die no matter how they are beaten. Miss Ai Mi, when you are not happy, you can always beat up B-2 to vent your anger.”

“Beating. Beep. According to the “Public Security Management Punishment Law”, beating others, refers to the blatant damage to the physical health of others. The behavior generally uses punches and kicks, or the use of sticks and other apparatus to beat others…”

B-2 somehow had started to search for the meaning of “beating” on the internet.

“Sticks?” Ai Mi held her little chin and thought for a while, “A few days ago, someone gave me a prop sword, it can act as a stick to beat this robot.”

“Beep. B-2 was not made to be beaten, this is not the same as the master assured, not the same…”

B-2 emitted an electronic beep while turning its flat, upside-down pot-like head toward Dr. Yu.

Dr. Yu was a little ashamed to face his creation and somewhat awkwardly turned his face away.

“Wait.” Ai Mi suddenly snapped, “You said it was my follower, so why does it call you master.”

“I’m the creator, so naturally I’m master number one.” Dr. Yu explained, “I will be setting you as its number two master, so it would also have a large scope of privileges.”

“No, I want to be master number one.” Ai Mi’s tone was non-negotiable, “I must have maximum control over my own follower. If you don’t modify its programming to make it treat me as master number one, I won’t buy this lousy robot.”

Dr. Yu and Ai Mi haggled a bit and finally, Dr. Yu gave up Master Number One to Ai Mi and gave Master Number Two to himself. At Ai Mi’s request, my looks and other information were also entered and I became Master Number Three of B-2.

After being set up by Dr. Yu, B-2 restarted with a ⊙▂⊙ expression.

“Beep. B-2’s current master number one is Miss Ai Mi, master number two is Dr. Yu SuiLiang, master number three is Ye Lin. The three people’s orders are based on prioritized based on rank and can not violate the Three Laws of Robotics…”

Ai Mi frowned: “What are the Three Laws of Robotics?”

Dr. Yu geekily explained: “The three robot laws was proposed by science fiction writer Asimov, and has now evolved into the Three Laws of Robotics.”

“First law: A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.”

“Second Law: A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.”

“Third law: A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.”

“Remove the first law.” Ai Mi ordered immediately after listening to the explanation.

“Are you sure?” Dr. Yu’s eyes couldn’t help but widen in shock, “Are you sure you want to remove the first law that robots must not harm humans?”

“Beep. B-2 thinks it doesn’t matter.” I don’t know if it heard that Ai Mi was going to beat him up, so it expressed its own evil opinions, or it just had a poor way of expressing himself.

Ai Mi immediately felt the malice from the cylinder robot and said: “The first law can’t be completely abolished, it has to be modified to not hurt the master, and can’t stand by and watch the master get hurt. There is no need to have such restrictions for others.”

Ai Mi then set Winnie and Peng TouSi as the fourth and fifth master. The reason why Winnie was higher was not because Winnie had exceeded Peng TouSi in Ai Mi’s mind, but because Ai Mi thought Peng TouSi was strong as hell and didn’t particularly need robot protection.

“Okay.” After overseeing Dr. Yu modify the first law, Ai Mi crossed her arms and asked proudly, “So what weapons does this robot have that can be used to attack the enemy? Let’s add a Gatling gun on each of its shoulders.”

Dr. Yu’s eyes were now bloodshot. As her private doctor, Dr. Yu had never realized Ai Mi was so difficult to deal with.

Actually, if you think about it, it’s not difficult to understand. It’s not like Ai Mi can ask him to transplant more arms. Now that it’s for a robot, not her own body, she wouldn’t hesitate.

“I can’t add Gatling guns.” Dr. Yu said in cold sweat, “It will make B-2 lose balance and it can’t withstand the recoil either. I can only load it with anesthesia darts, it can automatically be fired under the command of the master or if the master is threatened.”

“Toxic anesthesia darts?”

“Just ordinary anesthesia darts. There will be three different doses depending on the size of the target and B-2 will modify the dose in a flash and shoot.”

“Tsk.” Ai Mi said with a disgusted face, “What kind of robot is a robot that can’t kill people? It looks like I can only use it as a punching bag…”

“Beep. Although it’s not wrong my body is shaped like a punching bag, but my main function is a personal assistant…”

“The main responsibility of my personal assistant is to take a beating.” Ai Mi called B-2 to return with her back to room 101.

“Hurry up, stop moving so slow. The prop sword hanging in my room can’t control its thirst anymore.”

“Master number one’s order. Beep. Must be obeyed.” B-2 looked a little reluctant to follow Ai Mi and kept chanting, “According to the “Public Security Management Punishment Law”, assault and battery may be punished by detention for ten to fifteen days, and a fine of five hundred to one thousand dollars…”

“It’s okay, I have plenty of money, and can also let 004 and 005 take the blame.” Ai Mi said casually, “And the most important part is that you aren’t a human. You’re not even a living creature, so you don’t have human rights nor dog rights. I won’t feel any psychological burden no matter how much I beat you up.”

“Beep. But when the second master first started me, he assured me that I would have a bright future.”

Ai Mi suddenly made a mischievous face, “I bet you haven’t seen the U.S. presidential elections before, right? Before they came into power, they make all kinds of promises, but in the end how many do they actually achieve?”

B-2 emitted another electronic sound, it seems he went online to check information related to the presidential elections.

After some research, B-2 said with understanding, “Beep. Humans are all liars…”

“How dare you insult me?” Ai Mi said angrily, “Later, I will let Peng TouSi hack you with an axe.”

B-2 immediately stopped talking, and after a while, began to send out a string of numbers that Ai Mi could not understand: “01011110110101110011110011111000110…”

“No cursing.” Dr. Yu followed up from behind, “No cursing in machine code.”

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