I'm Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl

Chapter 751: Friend Of Women

Chapter 751: Friend Of Women

The reason why Xiao Qin was moaning on the bed in room 103 had a lot to do with me.

She had asked me to go to the bathroom a while ago, so I could guess that it was due to her period.

Xiao Qin had a shy look on her face as I led her to room 103 and let her go on the bed to rest for a while.

Each standard room in the VIP building contains a living room and two bedrooms. I intended to let Xiao Qin sleep in one of the bedrooms for a while, then I would go to the other bedroom to not disturb her.

But Xiao Qin looked at me with begging eyes, hoping I could stay in the same bedroom with her.

“Can, can you give me your hand to hold, I feel so weak right now…”

Xiao Qin laid on top of the cotton bed sheets and raised her head slightly as cold sweat oozed from the corners of her forehead as she pleaded with me.

Both her expression and posture were quite pitiful. She was obviously wearing an expensive private school uniform, but she looked like a dead fish flopping on the shore. If I had known she was about to have her period, I would never have asked her to help lift Xing Xing.

The bedroom might only have a single bed, but it wasn’t too small and it was enough to squeeze two people of my size. I sat on the edge of the bed vacated by Xiao Qin, then extended my left hand to her and she gratefully grasped it.

I wanted to hold the class leader’s hand when I had a heart attack, and Xiao Qin wanted to hold my hand when she had menstrual cramps. Why are we both so focused on hands?

However, I was pretending to be sick when I held the class leader’s hand yesterday, but Xiao Qin is actually in pain right now. Also, I’m partially at fault for causing Xiao Qin to have lasting menstrual pains.

I felt a deep sense of guilt. I realized that Xiao Qin’s hands were slightly cold and cold sweat was coming out of her hands. It was summer right now, so it’s unbelievable the short-haired girl lying on the bed would have such cold hands.

“Xiao Qin, the next time you don’t feel well, don’t try to act strong. Some heavy work should not be done by girls anyway.”

“But, I’m happy to be able to help Ye Lin classmate…”

Xiao Qin mumbled on the bed, but she seemed to not even have the strength to raise her head.

“Don’t you want a pillow.” I said, “Also, why are you sleeping on your stomach.”

“Sleeping on your stomach can relieve menstrual cramps a little, but I don’t really understand the principle behind it…” Xiao Qin seemed to pause a bit because of the pain, then she sighed, “Only at these times will I feel slightly that having small breasts is also beneficial…”

“Won’t it chafe when you’re lying on your stomach.” I laughed out loud.

“It’s not as simple as chafing.” Xiao Qin shook her head, but because she didn’t have the strength to lift her head, it turned into rolling her little head on the bed sheet.

“Ye Lin classmate, menstrual cramps feel like non-stop diarrhea. It always hurts and will keep on hurting, and if it’s serious it will hurt until your vision goes dark, you feel hot and cold, you can’t stand, you can’t sit, so you can only lie down…”

Stop it, I already know you’re very miserable right now. Auntie Ren clearly doesn’t have hereditary menstrual pains, so it’s all my fault that you suffered a cold before your first period.

“I, I’m not even the worst. My classmates at the girls’ school used to have pain so bad that they hit their heads against the wall, some even rolled on the floor…”

No wonder the Scientific American magazine once mentioned that women’s pain tolerance far exceeds that of men. It turns out that it’s not only childbirth that will be painful, monthly periods may also be torture! It turns out that it’s developed from usual practice. If men want to train the same pain tolerance, then they have to hire someone to kick their balls once a month.

Xiao Qin continued with a %gt;_lt;% expression and said:

“Anyway, when I have a stomachache, lying on my stomach is the most effective position. I heard from Winnie say that girls with large breasts will feel suffocated and very uncomfortable when they lie down on their stomach. Once before when Gong CaiCai had her period, she got persuaded to try eating some ice-cream from a salesperson and the result was awful. She couldn’t even lie down on her stomach, and apparently it was painful to the point where she even wrote a will…”

So from the point of view of menstrual pain, Gong CaiCai is classified as the “occasional pain” type, like Ai Mi. If gets cold before the arrival of the period, then she will have occasional menstrual pain, and it would be more serious than Ai Mi.

Now, I have the physiological data of five girls… why do I feel like a pervert…

Also, if Gong CaiCai knows she can’t eat cold stuff before her period, why would she eat ice-cream? So in the end, it’s still because she doesn’t know how to say no to others? If you’re always too kind and never want to hurt anyone, you will only make yourself suffer!

It occurred to me that Ai Mi was receiving a massage from a masseuse in room 101. Some health care program seemed to mention that massaging a girl’s lower back can alleviate menstrual cramps to some extent.

“How about I massage your back.” I offered, after all, I was indirectly responsible for Xiao Qin’s menstrual cramps and I wanted to take responsibility.

“No, no need.” Xiao Qin was flattered, “Ye Lin classmate, just let me keep holding your hand…”

“Maybe it will work.” I insisted, “Has Auntie Ren never gave you a massage before.”

“Yes, she has but…” Xiao Qin was still hesitating.

“Ha, so that means it’s effective.” I didn’t wait for Xiao Qin to agree and pulled my left hand back from her tight grip. I then rubbed my hands together to raise the temperature of my palms to massage Xiao Qin’s back.

I had good intentions, but when I really did it, I found the position was a bit awkward.

In order to massage Xiao Qin’s back at the same time with both hands, I had to straddle Xiao Qin’s legs, close to her hips.

I tried to use my knees to support my weight and not press on Xiao Qin’s legs. Only my two hands were in contact with Xiao Qin’s back waist massaging her through her little coffee-colored suit top.

“Is it here.” I pressed it and then asked if the pain had subsided.

“A little more, a little further down…” Xiao Qin’s voice gradually became quieter. I could not see the expression on her face from this position, but her tone carried an unconcealable hint of happiness as if she felt that it would be worth it to have a lot of pain every month if I could massage her.

The area I was massaging was already at the waist. If I went a little further down, it would be getting close to her skirt, almost reaching her butt.

From where I was sitting, I could reach Xiao Qin’s thin shoulder blades to her butt with my fingertips.

I was looking at her from an overhead angle and I felt a sense of conquest, as if Xiao Qin was a fish lying on the kitchen chopping board, ready for me to filet.

Now was not the time to think weird thoughts. Heroes wouldn’t take advantage of their childhood friend while they are suffering from menstrual cramps.

Thus I restrained myself and used as moderate force as possible to massage her lower back from top to bottom. I basically went from her lower back all the way down to the edge of the butt. I could clearly feel the curve of her body under Xiao Qin’s skirt when approaching her butt.

Technically speaking, it could count as touching Xiao Qin’s butt. Anyway, I already touched above her skirt more than once during the massage, but it was purely to relieve her pain, and I didn’t have any dirty thoughts.

“Mhmm.” Xiao Qin suddenly moaned once while being massaged.

I thought it would only be an occasional occurrence, so I continued to use some force, but I didn’t expect Xiao Qin to let out various other noises like “Oooh”, “Mhmm”, “Ahhh” of both happiness and dejection.

What are you doing, the two of us are already in an awkward position. Also, how can you make sounds of both happiness and dejection at the same time?

“Sorry.” Xiao Qin apologized to me in between her moaning and said, “Ye Lin classmate’s massage feels too comfortable. Sometimes I feel like you’re making the menstrual pain completely disappear and I unconsciously cry out in happiness, then I realized the pain didn’t disappear and feel a bit dejected…”

Stop kissing up to me, I’m not even a massage apprentice, so how would I have the ability to make menstrual pain go away?

“Hey, can you stop screaming?” I paused and asked Xiao Qin.

“Okay, okay.” Xiao Qin hastily agreed and said, “Ye Lin classmate is riding on my back out of good intentions, but I’m crying out in ecstasy. I’m really shameless…”

“I never said you were crying out in ecstasy. Also, who’s riding on your back? I’m simply sitting behind your thighs, I’m not sitting on top of you at all.”

Xiao Qin didn’t respond, but covered her mouth with both hands as if she swore she wouldn’t make another sound.

So I started massaging again and Xiao Qin did hold back from making any more sounds the first few times, but then, I don’t know if my massage technique, which was refined by Yin Yang Sanshou, was really that effective, but she started making moaning sounds again.

“Ooohhh… mhmm… eehhh…”

It’s even worse than before! Now she was covering her mouth with both her hands, so the moans were coming out from between her fingers which made it even more erotic. Why does it sound like the held back moans of a clandestine love affair?

Don’t forget that my hands are now less than an inch away from your unguarded butt. It’s not even wrong to say that I’ve crossed the line and already massaged your butt.

Ai Mi lifted your skirt before, so I still remember you wore lilac low waist underwear. If you tempt me with your voice, what if it gets to my head and I lift your skirt and do dirty things to you.

How perverted would I have to be to use an excuse of giving a massage, but then raping her while she has her period.

I think Xiao Qin partly does feel comfortable, but she’s also trying to tease me. Although I’m happy Xiao Qin is becoming more energetic, but she may have underestimated the seductive power of her voice.

I’ve mentioned before that Xiao Qin’s voice is clear and sounds very nice.

If we’re purely talking about voice, even Ai Mi who has recorded music before, is actually slightly inferior to Xiao Qin.

So if she uses her voice to moan, something will go wrong. Xiao Qin, stop playing around. You will feel regret when you make me go wild.

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