I'm Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl

Chapter 753: Brutal Crowd

Chapter 753: Brutal Crowd

The name of the manga “Cthulhu also wants love” is already a joke. If you add your unpredictable drawing style plus the random office romance, the editor will obviously classify it as a comedy! While the author may have drawn it seriously, but the manga simply exudes an extreme sense of contradiction and extreme ridiculousness.

Later that night, I went online to study Xiao Qin’s work of art. I was even further inclined to believe that editor had an unique acumen as it would been a loss for humanity if “Cthulhu also wants love” wasn’t labeled as a comedy.

Her work was already hard enough to describe with words and I didn’t see any improvements to Xiao Qin’s art skills. It was also a first draft, so the lines were all over the place, and I was barely able to finish the story with the matching text.

They all say the masses have discerning eyes, so let’s use u17’s user base to roast Xiao Qin’s work.

I never expected this manga to be roasted by this many people after only being uploaded for a few days. It had even more viewers than manga with a more traditional art style. It’s probably because Chinese people are nosy, so once a work reaches a certain level of bad, everyone will come to take a look.

“What’s Cthulhu? I think I’ve heard about it before and it sounds awesome.”

“Doesn’t it have the same inspirations as Nyaruko? Cthulhu is a fairly old horror series.”

“But Nyaruko made the Cthulhu monsters effeminate and cute, this manga actually drew them in their original forms.”

“Pfft~ it’s unexpectedly cute. Especially boss Ke, its octopus head is really round like a potato.”

Since Cthulhu had a lot of subordinates, it had a nickname of boss Ke. Xiao Qin drew the manga in an office setting, you can think of Cthulhu as a general manager.

“Isn’t this Spongebob? I can’t believe the author could make a Cthulhu inspired story feel like Spongebob.”

“Boss Ke actually teases his own secretary, he has no integrity.”

“The Hydra’s pointed teeth are terrifying, isn’t this more like a horror manga?”

Although it’s technically a romance manga, Xiao Qin would find it easier to accept if it was classified as a horror instead of a comedy.

I felt like the tone of the next comment sounded like Xiao Qin, then I checked the username ID and as expected it was Celery-sensei A. (Her last account Celery-sensei was banned)

“My manga isn’t funny at all. I drew a romance story between horrifying creatures, so please read it seriously.”

The internet users responded quickly and immediately replied with roasts:

“Found the author in the wild, everyone come and look.”

“The topic of dating between horrifying creatures is already hilarious, also the art is just at another level.”

“That’s right. Most of the time I couldn’t tell what the author was drawing, but after making sense of it, I just want to laugh for some reason…”

“Author, how did you come up with such a hilarious manga?”

“I drew a romance manga, it’s not funny at all, you guys are all awful.”

“The author is mad. Based on the personal introduction, it seems like the author is only 14 years old, female, is she still in middle school?”

“The author should upload a selfie. If she’s a cute girl, we will come read your manga every day!”

“You perverts, can you read the manga seriously…”

“It’s impossible to read this manga seriously. The more you try to read it seriously, the more you want to laugh.”

“It looks like the author really didn’t intend for it to be a comedy, but for some reason it gets people laughing…”

“Hey, do you guys think it’s closer to ‘One Hundred Thousand Bad Jokes’ or ‘Uncle Ju 5 year old'”?

“Neither, it should be a category of its own. The drawings are awful, but that’s one of the aspects that makes it funny.”

“My drawing skills are superb, you guys are just jealous of me. ‘Uncle Ju 5 year old’ is an actual trash manga. If they could that many recommendations and views at 5 years old, they definitely are colluding with the editor.

Xiao Qin’s ‘Love at Zhoukoudian’ didn’t pass the last time it was uploaded, but she coincidentally saw ‘Uncle Ju 5 year old’ on the list of recommendations, so she sent 500 comments basically all saying “trash manga” or “way worse than Celery-sensei’s ‘Love at Zhoukoudian’.”

Xiao Qin maliciously flamed them while also promoting her own work, thus her first Celery-sensei account was mercilessly banned. Now she calls herself Celery-sensei A, I’m not sure if she will change her name to Celery-sensei B if she gets banned again. If she uses up all 26 letters of the English alphabet, will she switch to 001 and 002?

“Little girl, Uncle Ju isn’t 5 years old! Have you heard of 5 year olds becoming uncles?”

“Well you can’t be too sure, I have a nephew who’s ten years older than me.”

“Wouldn’t it be awkward when you guys meet?”

“It used to be awkward, but now that we’re more familiar with each other, last year he even joked and asked me for new years money.”

“Speaking of that, China’s seniority hierarchy isn’t really rational. My family had a lot of older kids, so now I have the lowest seniority and I don’t even want to go home.”

“I have a classmate in the same situation. This would be way too much of a coincidence, is that you Zhang Fan?”

“Huh, there are actually classmates who would coincidentally meet, then let me confess. Wang Xiao Yu, I love you. Please give me a chance to take care of you for the rest of your life.”

“OP above came to the wrong place. If you’re going to confess, do it face-to-face, what are you going to achieve by posting it here?”

“I’m Wang Xiao Yu. Try again when you get accepted into a top university.”

“Girl, don’t go. Forget about the dude who doesn’t even have the guts to confess. I’m a graduate of Peking… Qing Dao, how about we become friends?”

“Peking Qing Dao isn’t remotely close to Peking University, also it’s obvious that’s a fake Wang Xiao Yu.”

“Hey, what are you guys talking about on my manga page. How rude, talk about the manga.”

“Haha, the author caught us, but off-topic conversations is another tradition of u17, not every manga even gets comments.”

Since there was a lot of places to roast about Xiao Qin’s “Cthulhu also wants love” and there was also a lot of users teasing the author, which led its ranking to shoot up to 15th place on the second day and it continued to go up.

What’s ironic was there was another author who wasn’t able to gets his works approved, so they began to comment negatively in Xiao Qin’s manga:

“I can’t believe they are ranked so high with such awful drawings, they must have colluded with the editor.”

Now the other users weren’t going to take it.

“They’re only 14, relax. We’re only roasting it to joke around.”

“Even if they are colluding with the editor, the editor should pick a more presentable one. The art makes it obvious its made by a layman, so there’s no value even colluding with each other.”

“That’s not true, didn’t Sister Feng become famous? Nowadays, you don’t need to be good at drawing, you just need to be unique.”

“No, I’m the best at drawing. You’re Sister Feng, your whole family is Sister Feng.”

“Haha, author is here acting cute again. Here I’ll pat your head, don’t cry.”

Looking at all the comments along with Xiao Qin’s responses, I suddenly realized that the majority of the commenters were male. They would all likely trigger Xiao Qin’s androphobia in real life, but Xiao Qin can chat with them normally online. I felt like Xiao Qin posting her manga online will definitely be beneficial to helping cure her androphobia.

But those were all thoughts I had later on. Currently, I was still giving Xiao Qin a massage and her moans were becoming more frequent to the point where we couldn’t hold a conversation anymore.

“Mhmm… it feels so good… right there… ahhh… you’re incredible…”

Do you think you’re dubbing an AV right now? I’m not going to massage you anymore if you keep this up.

“Hey, quiet down, this is a medical exercise. I’m going to stop if you keep yelling.”

Xiao Qin was very focused, but when she heard me say that, she blurted: “Don’t stop, I still want more, I want more~~~”

At this time, Ai Mi opened the door and barged in.

Her ponytails dragged behind her as she stomped into the living, then ran into the bedroom and angrily glared at us.

“Violent girl, what are you doing? What kind of stuff did you guys get up to right when I take my eyes off for a second.”

Ai Mi had just received a massage in the neighboring room, so she was wearing a tight fitting exercise outfit that revealed her shoulders and thighs, which was very similar to a swimsuit.

She had a towel draped around her neck and a thin layer of sweat covered her body. I’m not sure if that was because the masseuse was very skilled and actually made it an exercise even though Ai Mi was only lying down.

I wasn’t afraid because I didn’t do anything wrong, but I tried not to look at my sister’s figure and replied: “Xiao Qin wasn’t feeling well because of her menstrual pains. I’m giving her a massage to reduce her pain since it’s my responsibility as her boyfriend.”

Ai Mi eyed us both up and down with suspicion, but slightly calmed down when she saw we were both fully dressed.

“Hmph, did you forget your responsibility as an older brother because you only care about your responsibility as a boyfriend?”

Ai Mi randomly tossed her towel aside, then flung herself onto the bed so she would be lying right next to Xiao Qin.

“I also want a massage because I don’t feel well. Damn manservant, hurry up and massage me.”

I frowned and said, “Ai Mi, didn’t you just get massage by a professional? Also, it’s not like your stomach hurts…”

“Idon’tcareIdon’tcareIdon’tcare.” Ai Mi flailed around randomly and kicked at the mattress, “Get off the violent girl and give me a massage! If you’re willing to give your girlfriend a massage, but not give your sister a massage, then doesn’t that mean you love your sister less than your girlfriend?”

As a siscon, I couldn’t just ignore her last words. Thus I hesitantly stepped off the bed and looked at Xiao Qin and Ai Mi, who laid side-by-side like they were still secretly competing with each other.

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