I'm Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl

Chapter 762: I Must Cause Trouble

Chapter 762: I Must Cause Trouble

I checked my watch and it was 9:40. At this time, Ai Mi was already experiencing a hellish experience filming action scenes at Film City. Xiao Qin stayed at home due to her menstrual pain and was happily reading the comments for ‘Cthulhu Also Wants Love’.

I’ve never been to a highway service stop before. For some reason, it simultaneously looks like a train station and a school.

The garden square was paved with white tiles and the flower bed was flanked by half-full parking spaces. The entrance to the main building, which was also white, had a sign that read “Dong Shan City Service Stop” with three flagpoles in front of the entrance. The highest one in the middle was flying the flag of the People’s Republic of China, and on one side was a blue flag while the other side was a yellow flag, but who knew what it represented.

Other than the large “Dong Shan City Service Stop” sign, there were also a lot of smaller signs hung on the white main building. For example, “Convenience Store”, “Sheng Fu Bookstore”, “Peking Duck Store”, and “Dong Shan Specialty Barley Tea”…

I’ve lived in Dong Shan City for 14 years, but I’ve never heard of a ‘Dong Shan Specialty Barley Tea’, it’s probably there to trick people who aren’t locals that are passing through the city.

Also, the “Peking Duck” is definitely fake. Apparently, not only are the ducks not from Beijing, but there are even doubts about whether it’s even a duck, since it seems to be supplied by a certain goose farm.

It was good to have service stops built on the highway, but due to its special location and lack of competition, it was like a monopoly regardless if it was a publicly-owned or privately-owned service stop. The parking might be free, but all the goods sold inside was more expensive than the ones found in supermarket. A bottle of water that only costs ¥1, would be sold here for ¥3.

The first thing I saw was the large truck filled with dogs, which was parked to the left of the flower bed. Other than its large size, the rear compartment door was open, and more than 10 volunteers were busily going in and out to take care of the caged dogs.

To be honest, it was pretty hot outside and it’s not like the dog dealers would give the dogs a bath, so the smell was quite strong and none of the other drivers wanted to park next to the truck. One driver who noticed empty there were empty spots immediately left after he drove over and took a whiff of the air.

“Are you guys trying to make biological weapons?” A sedan driver complained.

“Do you eat dog meat?” One of the female volunteers asked back with an angry cross-eyed look.

“Why would I eat dog meat?” The sedan driver said while holding his nose, “Dog meat isn’t really presentable, who would eat it when there’s beef and lamb.”

“Hmph, count yourself lucky.” The female volunteer unclenched her fist, “If you eat a man’s best friend, we might have smashed your car.”

“Don’t!” The sedan driver saw the hostile gazes of over 10 volunteers and was quite scared, “I bought this Japanese car to save fuel, but it was smashed last year by patriotic youth. Please be generous and let me go. My son also has a dog, I don’t eat dogs.”

I heard from Ai Mi that in the United States, there were two major organizations you shouldn’t mess with. One were the gay rights organizations and the other were the radical animal protection organizations.

If you said bad things against gays in public, it would be fine if you were an ordinary citizen. If you were a public figure, you would be publicly criticized and a public apology would be considered a light punishment.

Don’t even bring up the animal protection organizations. The peaceful demonstrations are fine, but the more radical ones send razor blades and bullets to people who run animal laboratories. Some even pick the locks to those laboratories and destroy the equipment inside. Some even more extreme ones even publicly announced they may kill humans to save animals. They probably think they are on the side of justice since they’re saving the earth, which is probably the exact same mindset as a terrorist.

The entertainment industry was also harmed by radical animal protectionists. The Pisces sisters, who are also beloved by lolicon like Ai Mi, attended a private party. The younger sister was wearing a mink coat, but when she went to get on a car, two animal protectionist members ran up, then stripped the coat off her and left her in her underwear. The bodyguards thought they were fans and weren’t able to respond in time, so those two ran away with the coat.

Later on, those two animal protectionists got beaten up by a group of lolicons. The lolicons then got into an internal struggle over the the mink coat, then finally they were all taken away by the police.

“I’ve never worn those furry clothes.” Ai Mi gloated, “Also, how could she only wear underwear underneath, they got what they deserved.”

Although China’s animal protection organizations are still in the early stages, but their fanaticism is catching up. If they don’t calm down, we would eventually also get a couple terrorists like the ones in the US.

I saw Xiao Ding among the volunteers and went to say hello.

“Eh, Xiao Ye, you’re here?” Xiao Ding raised his head and said while giving a dog behind the cage a needle, “How did you know I was here? Oh, Shu Sha told you, right?”

The other volunteers saw that I was acquainted with Xiao Ding, plus my sunglasses hid my gaze, so they also treated me as an animal love and no one came to ask me: “Do you eat dogs?”

Actually, while I’ve never eaten dog meat before, I have eaten Siberian roe deer meet with my grandfather when I was young. I think my grandfather has eaten dog meat hotpot before to treat a stomach problem.

I wasn’t qualified to be like those volunteers and yell “People who eat dog meat are all demons”, otherwise that would make both me and my grandfather demons.

But I don’t think I would be able to eat dog meat ever since I raised my own dog, I wouldn’t be able to eat deer meat either. It’s difficult to explain, but you would understand when you raise them.

My opinions on eating dog meat was basically: I won’t eat it myself, but if someone else likes to eat, I won’t interfere as long as they’re not eating another family’s pet dog.

Of course, once you’ve raised a dog, if you found out there was a dish with dog meat on a table of food, then you wouldn’t be able to eat any of the food anymore. It’s probably the same feeling of disgust Muslims have towards pork. Once you know there’s dog meat, it would taint all the other food too.

I would like to appeal to young people to try not to eat dog meat. The treatment of stomach problems should rely on regular meals, and dog meat recipes are unscientific. The most important thing is that eating dog meat harms your chances of finding a girlfriend.

Haven’t you seen all those young girls in South Korea who dress as dalmatians while holding a sign that say “Why do you have to eat me?”. The next day, they would be dressed as shepherd dogs while they lie in a paper hotpot and call on the public to change their eating habits.

Cute animals, especially dogs and cats, easily captures a young woman’s heart. If she found out you ate the same species as her precious baby before your date, then there’s a significant chance your date would amount to nothing.

I have two examples around me. The class leader and Ai Mi would never find a boyfriend who would eat dog meat. The class leader might be able to stay calm and say “we aren’t suitable for each other”, but Ai Mi would probably just tell her bodyguards to open fire.

Xiao Qin once said she would follow my eating habits. If I ate dog meat, then she would also eat dog meat. If I don’t eat it, then she would definitely not eat it. Why does it feel like it would be the same result for Xiao Qin if I replaced dog meat with human meat?

After I learned a bit more about the current situation, I asked Xiao Ding, “Where’s Shu Sha?”

Xiao Ding pointed to the small restaurant to the right of the main white building, “She followed Ma-jie to negotiate with Heibai Wuchang, and there are several other volunteers who are also inside. You should hurry up and go take a look, I’m afraid Ma-jie and Shu Sha will be at a disadvantage if they get into an argument. If I wasn’t the only veterinarian here, I would have went in as a bodyguard.”

“Eh, Xiao Ding, you’re getting bolder and bolder lately!” I couldn’t help but express my surprise, “Before, you would hide as far away as possible if you hear there would be a fight. Also, while you’ve sheltered a lot of stray dogs before, it’s the first time you’ve stopped a car to save dogs. Have you always been so radical?”

“People are bound to do a few stubborn things in our lives…” Xiao Ding looked off into the distance, “If you repress your impulses when you’re young, you will regret it when you’re older.”

So we haven’t seen each other for two days and you’re already a philosopher! I hope that when you said impulse, it’s not the impulse to take Shu Zhe’s virginity, or you would have to face then class leader’s shotgun.

I walked quickly towards the small restaurant and I already could see the class leader and others sitting inside through the glass door. Unexpectedly, a car drove violently past me, almost grazing my pants before applying the brakes. I was so angry I took off my sunglasses and shouted at the driver: “Are you blind?”

I felt a bit of regret after the words left my mouth because it was a police car.

But I didn’t feel any more regret once I saw Officer Ma exit from the driver’s seat. He probably drove right by me on purpose to piss me off.

“Hey, Officer Ma, you’re here to eat too?” I greeted him a bit sarcastically.

Officer Ma didn’t come by himself, he also brought another officer, who was standing behind him and looking at me in silence.

“Where would I get the time to eat at a restaurant?” Officer Ma wasn’t really in a good mood and said: “I came to take care of a stop the car to save the dogs incident.”

Huh, aren’t you in the narcotics division? Why would you come to deal with a stop the car to save the dogs incident? Even if the volunteers called the police, they wouldn’t call the narcotics division!

I noticed neither Officer Ma or the officer with him had a police dog. If they came to look for drugs, then a police dog was a necessity.

“Why didn’t you guys bring a dog?” I questioned.

“Do you think there’s not enough dogs here?” Officer Ma said angrily, “It was hard enough for me to get some days off, but now she gets into trouble. I already told her not to join any animal protection organizations…”

After I heard what Officer Ma said, I suddenly realized that Ma HuiYu was probably related to Officer Ma.

“Ma HuiYu is your sister?” I blurted out.

“She’s not my sister, she’s just a relative.” It seems like Officer Ma didn’t want to speak about their relationship as he and the other officer walked towards the restaurant.

Right before he entered, he turned and said to me: “Ye Lin, I don’t have time to deal with you today. If you don’t cause any trouble, I can let you get away with your crimes for another short period of time.”

If Ma HuiYu is related to you, then the class leader is related to me! I’m definitely going to cause you trouble today!

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