I'm Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl

Chapter 779: Summer Job

Chapter 779: Summer Job

What Luo Ning said threateningly to me and the class leader before he was taken away by the police was still on my mind.

“Don’t think this is over. Someone will get revenge for me, so just you wait.”

At first, I didn’t really take it seriously. I thought it was only a fake threat since the security guards he relied on were all brought to the station too.

But his following words cast a shadow over my heart.

“Li LaoEr and Zhao GuangTou used to be enemies. The only reason they could cooperate was because they were hired by someone even stronger. We all work under him, so he won’t abandon us and he won’t let you get away with it.”

I wanted to ask him more about it, but Luo Ning had already been brought onto the police car.

Xia B Li LaoEr and Zhao GuangTou were indeed sworn enemies.

For a period of time, the two of them claimed the other one slept with their girl. They brought their subordinates to an abandoned construction site and fought each other multiple times. The porcelain teeth in Zhao GuanTou’s mouth was added in by himself after his teeth were knocked out by Li LaoEr.

It was impossible for Luo Ning to call both Li LaoEr and Zhao GuangTou to block me and the class leader with his abilities.

So what he was saying was probably the truth, that there was someone even ‘stronger’ above Li LaoEr and Zhao GuangTou. I don’t know what his intentions are by gathering all of the adolescent criminals in Dong Shan city.

Zhao GuangTou had bad luck. First he blocked the class leader and her brother and ended up being beat up by Li CunZhuang and Tang Jiang. Afterward, Xiao Qin and I attacked his headquarters. I don’t know where he found an expert fighter, but was able to hinder me. In the end, he was set up by Xiao Qin and got a concussion. He left the life of crime after he developed dissociative amnesia.

Li LaoEr was even more unlucky. Not soon after being discharged after he was sent to the hospital by me, one of his stupid subordinated stabbed someone and gave them a severe injury. In the end, he was also caught through the police interrogations and brought to the police station.

Why did I call Li LaoEr’s subordinate stupid? It all started because a certain boss paid an ex-convict ¥100,000 to teach a lesson to someone in his own industry for not paying back his loans. The ex-convict didn’t do it himself, but paid a fugitive ¥50,000 to handle it for him. The fugitive used ¥20,000 in the same manner and it kept going down the ladder until it reached Li LaoEr’s subordinate and the pay was only ¥400. The damn hooligan almost killed someone for only ¥400, so how can you not call him stupid?

It looks like there are certain benefits to gathering all of the adolescent criminals, for example: it doesn’t cost much to use them and they are stupid. Some of them use the fact that they are protected by the Minor Protection Law and do things that are even more cruel than what adult criminals do.

It looks like Li LaoEr and Zhao GuangTou can’t really do anything anymore, but I can’t let my guard down. If what Luo Ning said was true, that there was an adolescent criminal organization and he was a member, then they may try to get revenge on us in the future.

Fuck, don’t tell me they’re going spend ¥400 to send some stupid assassin after me? I don’t want to die in the hands of an idiot! I’ll give you ¥800, so go and kill your employer!

It wouldn’t be unusual for me to become a target of those criminals, since I’ve already pissed off a bunch of hooligans from the west district. But now the class leader was also in danger! Li LaoEr and Zhao GuangTou were gone, but we can’t guarantee there won’t be another pair that’s similar to them!

Thus I escorted the class leader home.

We didn’t ride the volunteers vehicle, nor did we listen to Winnie’s suggestion and follow her to Film City first and let Peng TouSi take us home.

Of course Peng TouSi was enough as a bodyguard, but we couldn’t ask him to be the class leader’s bodyguard everyday. Also, the class leader had already looked up the best public transportation route on her phone and insisted on taking public transportation home.

There were very few passengers on the bus. The class leader didn’t look like she was in a good mood and I also stayed silent for a while.

The class leader was thinking if it was the right choice to take action together with animal protection groups. In the eyes of a radical animal protectionist, the class leader who has used guns to kill wild boars before, probably aren’t even considered as the same species as them.

The reason I was silent was because I was thinking of a plan for the future.

It was a shame Xiao Qin’s father, Huo ZhenBang, went to Shanghai to test a new medicine for AIDS. If not, he could have spared one of his subordinates to be the class leader’s bodyguard.

A while ago, in order to defend against Zhao GuangTou, I asked Uncle Hu and Uncle Bao to covertly protect the class leader. It even made the class leader suspicious because she thought they were bad people, thus she practiced to use concealed weapons to defend herself.

By the way, is telling the triads to protect a future police officer essentially telling them to dig their own grave for Uncle Long, Hu, and Bao?

If I have no other choice, I would have to ask 004 and 005. They aren’t outstanding, but they should be enough to deal with some hooligans.

Ai Mi has over twenty bodyguards, and Peng TouSi himself can count as ten people, so it’s fine even if she didn’t have 004 and 005.

But I’m afraid it wouldn’t be easy to convince Ai Mi to lend 004 and 005 to ‘Katyusha’.

Ai Mi already didn’t have a favorable impression of the class leader. To this day, she still carried a grudge from Gong CaiCai’s birthday, where the class leader and the others forced her to dress up like a doll.

“How ironic…”

The class leader, who was sitting in the row in front of me, muttered to herself.

“I only went with Ma-jie to get closer to dogs and cats, but I wasn’t even able to pet one… they are still very afraid of me.”

“Sigh, do I still smell like gunpowder? I haven’t fired a gun for a while now…”

I subconsciously brought my face close to the class leader’s hair and sniffed it.

“There’s no gunpowder smell, at least I don’t smell any.”

The class leader abruptly jerked forward as if it was humiliating to have her hair sniffed by me.

“Class leader, you often shower twice a day even during winter, so the smell of gunpowder would have all been washed away.”

“How… how do you know how many times a day I shower?”

“Your brother told me. He always likes to talk about you, so you should be careful of him.”

“… Xiao Zhe didn’t tell you voluntarily, you must have forced him. Don’t bully my brother anymore.”

“Huh? Why would I ask him about that?”

The class leader wanted to say something, then turned around and ignored me. She didn’t look out the window or read the signs in the bus, she was focused on ignoring me.

After today, the class leader realized my heart problems weren’t as serious as she thought, so she didn’t treat me as well as before either. I think the class leader would still help me peel an apple, but she won’t let me sleep on her lap anymore.

I thought it was pretty awkward, so I changed the topic.

“Um, class leader, do you still want to play with Obama? That’s Ai Mi’s dumb Husky.”

The class leader didn’t turn around, but her body visibly trembled. Her long black hair moved along to her body and it took a while for it to calm down.

“That silly Husky has been the only dog that wasn’t afraid of you so far. He already got quite familiar with you on Cui Song Mountain. Have you never thought about playing more with Obama?”

The class leader rested her hands on her knees.

“It would be a lie if I said I didn’t want to… but it seems Ai Mi doesn’t like me, so I’m afraid she wouldn’t let me play with her dog.”

After I confirmed the class leader wants to play with Obama, then I could try to improve the relationship between the class leader and Ai Mi, then let Ai Mi lend 004 and 005 to the class leader.

“Ai Mi is a bit petty, but it’s not like she would bear a grudge against someone for a her whole life. If you’re willing to make some sacrifices, then there’s still a possibility Ai Mi would let you play with Obama.”

The class leader immediately turned around and her perfect posture to ignore me was broken.

“What sacrifices? Does she want me to apologize? If she doesn’t mind, I could even cook a few dishes for her…”

I raised my hand up to tell the class leader to calm down.

“Apologizing and cooking will both help you improve your relationship with Ai Mi, but that’s not really that important. If you want to play with Obama, I’m afraid you will have to wear a maid outfit for a while…”

“What?” The class leader thought she had misheard.

“A maid outfit.” I repeated, “It’s because you forced Ai Mi to wear different outfits, so she wants to get revenge. She told me before if you want to play with her dog, then she will only forgive you if you wear a maid outfit and act as her maid.”


The class lead stayed silent for a while and didn’t immediately accept or reject it. It’s obvious how important it is for her to play with a dog.

After the bus passed another stop, the class leader finally said: “Is that Ai Mi’s idea or your idea?”

She watched me with her hawk-like eyes as if she was trying to see my inner thoughts.

“Of course it’s Ai Mi’s idea.” I replied with a bit of a guilty conscience.

While it’s true Ai Mi brought it up first, but I’ve imagined the class leader in a maid outfit numerous times. If the class leader really apologizes to Ai Mi in a maid outfit, then there’s no way I’m going to miss my chance to see it.

“Stop dreaming, I won’t agree.” I don’t know what the class leader saw from my eyes, but she rejected it.

But she still asked me for Ai Mi’s phone number as said she would discuss it privately with Ai Mi.

Do you want to ask her if there’s a way to play with Obama without wearing a maid’s outfit? Class leader, I think you’re the one who should stop dreaming. Ai Mi is pretty stubborn, so the more you’re ashamed about wearing a maid’s outfit, the more she would force you to wear it!

I suddenly realized this was a great opportunity. If the class leader can improve Ai Mi’s impression of her with the maid’s outfit, then I can convince Ai Mi to lend her 004 and 005 as bodyguards!

Thus I blurted out: “Class leader, you might as well treat it as a temporary job before summer break ends… just be Ai Mi’s actual maid for a few days.”

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