I'm Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl

Chapter 786: PRISM

Chapter 786: PRISM

The video showed that after the four white mice were injected, they began to tremble and were abnormally excited. I might not be an expert on mice, but I could see they weren’t feeling any pain and actually enjoyed it.

Then they just died.

It was as if they were in ecstasy for up to half an hour before they died.

“What happened?” I was rather shocked, “Why did it look like the mice took drugs? I think you injected them with drugs instead of my blood, right?”

I had a reason for my doubt. According to Dr. Yu, he experimented with almost 200 mice, but only 4 were exceptions, so it was hard to believe it was my blood.

“It’s true that what I injected in them wasn’t extracted from your blood…” Dr. Yu said slowly, “It was actually extracted a second time from other infected mice.”

“What do you mean?”

“First, I want to tell you: many of the mice, when injected with your blood, wasn’t even able to survive the first heart rate speed up and died, accounting for 90% of the total number of deaths.”

Damn, how many mice did you kill in the past couple of days? I thought there were only around 200, but now it sounds like there were at least 1000. Dr. Yu, you’ve obtained the achievement of killing a thousand mice! You’re going to be added to the SAVE organizations blacklist, so you should watch out for radical animal protectionists coming to assassinate you!

“Second extraction basically means taking the strongest mice who survived the first heart rate speedup and drawing out all of their blood…”

I think it would have been better for them to die from the injection. I shouldn’t appear in front of animal protectionists anymore. While I didn’t directly kill these white mice, but they still died because of me!

Don’t worry, if you guys get reincarnated into dogs or cats in your next life, I’ll make sure to treat you well. What, you’re calling me narrow-minded? I am narrow-minded, so what? If you don’t like it, then come and bite me right now!

Dr. Yu continued: “After I drew out all their blood, I would refine it. Then I would take it and inject it into their body, which was recorded on video…”

“The amount of the second extraction was limited, so we only performed 4 follow-up tests. It had a death rate of 100%, but it seems they were in ecstasy before they died. I dissected their brains afterward and was able to confirm my observations.”

“Isn’t that a fucking drug? Also, it’s the type of drug that would kill you after getting high once.” I said in astonishment, “The only thing my dad forbids me from doing is drugs, but instead of taking drugs, I became a drug.”

“Calm down.” Dr. Yu waved his hand, “Just because it happens in rodents, doesn’t mean it will occur in primates. Even if your blood extract would have the same effect on humans where you die after feeling pleasure, it would be impossible to use it as a drug, at most it would be used as a drug for euthanasia…”

“So, patients who can’t endure the pain can die painlessly by sucking my blood? I’m basically a mobile humanoid euthanasia machine.”

“Sucking your blood directly is useless. It has to be refined and purified to remove most of the blood while retaining the virus. It was a purification method my senior colleague gave me and it’s indeed a tiny bit more effective than the method I thought of…”

It’s not a tiny bit, but a lot, right? Dr. Yu was extremely proud, so if his method was only a tiny bit better, there’s no way he would admit it. His nickname was the Poison King, he specializes in pharmacology, so of course he would be better than someone who was proficient in multiple different areas.

“I don’t want brain damage, I don’t want to become a drug, and I don’t want to be a drug for euthanasia.” I said with a bitter face, “So what’s next? Are there any reliable methods to treat it?”

“Well… I already gave the results of the trial to my senior. He said that’s he’s very confident he could cure you, but does not want to give you a cure yet…”

“Why, does he want to watch me die? Or is it because I haven’t paid him yet?”

“He doesn’t want any money. He just wants you to provide a bit more blood samples for experiments.” Dr. Yu propped his elbow on the experiment desk and teased one of the drunk mice through the cage, “He has a peculiarity where he always want to get to the bottom of it. There’s no way he doesn’t want to experiment further when he sees such interesting experimental results.”

So he wants to delay it a few more days to get my blood, then he would only cure me once he saves enough of it for experiments?

“Um… it’s understandable, but what if I suddenly die?”

“I could cure you more or less. Even without my senior’s help, I could also make a cure, but there’s a low chance of it causing brain damage…”

“That’s enough.” I raised my hand up, “I’ll wait for your senior. If someone as confident as you uses ‘more or less’, then that means you can’t do it at all. I don’t want to become a retard.”

Dr. Yu looked like he suffered a big shock.

“Hey, even if your brain gets damaged, I’ll take responsibility and give you a mechanical brain. It would increase your arithmetic calculation speeds dramatically. You would be able to solve cubic equations in one second, and you can get into famous high school, famous universities without any pressure!”

“I wouldn’t even be human anymore! Also, I don’t even know if they would let me take the entrance exams! I’m already in distress about becoming a humanoid euthanasia machine, I don’t want to become a humanoid computer!”

There’s a manga called Chobits which is about an otaku picking up a computer that’s shaped like a cute girl, then they start their shameless lives together… then what would I be? Who would pick up a computer that’s shaped like a Spartan?

“Dr. Yu, Dr. Yu.” Someone suddenly barged into into the infirmary without knocking. It was Winnie who was holding her phone up high in her hand.

“Hurry. I saw someone playing Heimerdinger in LOL and remembered you promised to upgrade my phone, but you haven’t done it yet. You can upgrade it for me right now or I’ll forget later.”

Winnie handed her Samsung phone over to Dr. Yu, then jumped in spot in excitement. She was as excited an otaku waiting for his game to install. At this point, she noticed me standing in the infirmary.

“Ye Lin, you’re also here. Are you also looking to upgrade your phone?” Winnie then frowned, “Doesn’t your phone have a lot of problems? I think you should have Dr. Yu fix it before upgrading it.”

It was like Winnie was treating Dr. Yu’s place as a mobile repair shop. I think that’s pretty disrespectful towards one of the top brain surgeons in the world.

But Winnie was right. My phone has been through a lot and the disadvantages of getting a knock-off are starting to show…

First, during the battle with the underwear thief, young master Xu, a crack appeared in the upper right corner of the screen, but it didn’t affect use other than a little light leakage.

The class leader had OCD, so she urged me to fix it. She even said she would pay the repair fees, but I didn’t agree.

Later, other problems began to pop up like the battery not filling up and losing charge quickly, or there would be a lot of static during calls. Winnie borrowed my phone to play games a few times, so she knew about these problems.

Fang Xin once predicted that my phone would soon malfunction and then save my life. Chronologically speaking, it was true. It did malfunction first and then it accidentally called 110 to save me, which is still creepy when I think about it.

I watched Dr. Yu take out a cable and connect Winnie’s phone to his Google glasses. I don’t know what he checked, but then he commented, “The chip is too old, it’s too troublesome to upgrade, why don’t I buy you a new one.”

“Hey, hey, hey.” Winnie pressed her hands down onto the operation bed and said with dissatisfaction: “Dr. Yu, you said last time you would upgrade my phone from a single core to a quad-core. That’s why I told you Chen YingRan’s phone number, but you lied!”

“I never lied.” Dr. Yu spread out his hands, “It’s true it can be upgraded, but it’s too annoying. Why don’t I just buy you a new phone with a quad-core.”

“I don’t want to change phones.” Winnie complained, “I recently became friends with the rich Miss Ai Mi, so I have a bit more money now. My parents even suspect that I’m an escort, but I’m too lazy to explain it to them. If I buy a new quad-core phone, they would be even more suspicious.”

Dr. Yu suggested: “Just say it’s a new phone you won in a raffle. I could even send you a few fake texts from China mobile. Your parents should be easily tricked as long as they aren’t experts.”

“That, that’s great!” Winnie was overjoyed, “Make sure the fake texts are realistic, also…”

She propped her hands on the operation bed and kept her two feet off the ground as if she was on a pommel horse or parallel bars.

“Also, when do you plan to buy the phone with me? Or should I buy it first and you will reimburse me…”

She suddenly began to speak more respectfully! Winnie, where’s your integrity? If anyone saw, they would actually think you were in an escort relationship with Dr. Yu.

“I don’t have time. Tell Ye Lin to go buy it with you, of course I’ll pay for it.”

I saw Dr. Yu ordering me around without holding back, so I didn’t hold back with him and pulled out my own phone, handed it to Dr. Yu and said:

“Help me look at this phone too, it malfunctions a lot. If it’s broken and can’t be fixed, then you could also buy me one…”

“Are you two trying to rip me off? I could buy Winnie a phone because I did make her a promise, but why would I buy you a new phone?”

Although that’s what he said, he still took my phone and connected it to his Google glasses. Winnie and I couldn’t see what tests he ran.

After only a minute, Dr. Yu’s face became unusually serious.

“The chip on this phone… has long been banned in the States, so how did it end up here?”

“Huh, why was it banned? Was the quality not up to par?”

China’s knock-off manufacturers always had a habit of buying trash electronics from America. I could understand if that’s why my phone had that chip in it.

“It’s not about quality…” Dr. Yu sucked in his breath, “There’s a hidden back door in this chip that can be used to monitor the owner’s text and calls. The one who designed this chip was actually one of my classmates…”

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