I’m Only A Defense Against The Dark Arts Professor

Chapter 120: Watching From The Side

Chapter 120: Watching From The Side

Hogsmeade is now under Aurors’ patrols. Sherlock has walked all the way to Hogwarts and has encountered three interrogations from the Aurors, including Tonks group.

She had just left her status as an intern. Her main task should still be doing tasks in the office, but now there is a shortage of people, so she was also dispatched here.

A large number of Aurors were dispatched in Hogsmeade, not only to catch the culprit of the serial killer but also to arrest Black. Although there have been seven known attacks, five of them have been Muggles, and two were wizards, they still have to be alert about Black.

Anyone who knows the inside story knows that the attack is far more troublesome than Black’s. Because of this case in the UK, so far, the British Aurors have not gotten any key clues, and the most important information is only known by the three German Aurors.

Sherlock wondered if the German Ministry of Magic had shared the culprit’s information with the British Ministry of Magic. For Black’s arrest, they can only wait around Hogwarts and perhaps also catch the serial killer on Hogsmeade.

The two targeted Hogwarts, and this semester has not yet started.

Sherlock walked to the end of Hogsmeade Street, and just as he was about to walk toward the gate of Hogwarts, he found a dog curled up beside a trash can in a small alley. The dog looked like a stray, but it was big, and its fur was smooth. It was obvious that it had been carefully raised before being abandoned.

The dog caught his attention briefly, but Sherlock was not an animal lover and had no intention of adopting it. Walking into the gate of Hogwarts, the school was still empty, but Dementors could already be seen on both sides of the school gate.

When Sherlock entered the door, the two dementors floated over to check on him. He didn’t resist. The two dementors stared at his face as if to determine whether he was Black or not.

At this moment, a cold aura suddenly spread from one of the Dementors. Sherlock could clearly feel the temperature in his body dropping, and the positive emotions in his body were being sucked out. The moment he noticed the problem, he didn’t hesitate and pulled out his wand.

“Expecto Patronum.”

Countless silver strands spewed from the tip of his wand. The two Dementors suddenly let out a silent scream, and the robes on their bodies were constantly being worn away. It was only when their bodies had begun to become illusory they were barely able to get rid of the entanglement of those silver strands.

They walked away in embarrassment, not even daring to look back at Sherlock.

“That thing seems to only prey on the weak.” Sherlock sneered.

Judging by how the Dementors were doing now, he was sure that if they had been stationed near Hogwarts, something would have gone wrong this semester. They didn’t hesitate, and it was not like Azkaban, where there would be food to fill their stomachs.

But Sherlock does not need to worry about this matter for the time being; Dumbledore should understand it better than he does. Sherlock walked into the castle and, as soon as he reached the Great Hall on the first floor, ran into Professor McGonagall.

“Good morning, Professor McGonagall.” Sherlock greeted.

When Professor McGonagall saw him, her brows retracted, and she had a smile on her face that was usually not shown, “Good morning, Sherlock. You came in time. After you put your things away, please go to the principal’s office. The password is Lemon Sherbert, and Albus has something to say to you.”

Sherlock nodded, indicating that he understood the situation. He and Professor McGonagall separated in the Hall and went to his office to put things away. Even though it’s been two months since he’s been here, there’s not much to clean here, and the house elves in the castle do the job well.

He walked out of the office and went in front of the stone statue at the entrance of the principal’s office.

“Password?” The stone statue asked in a muffled voice.

“Lemon Sherbert.” Sherlock replied.

It is simple to get into the principal’s office, just say Dumbledore’s favorite sweets, and it will eventually be correct. The statue jumped to the side, making way for him. Sherlock walked in, followed the spiral staircase, pushed the door, and walked into the principal’s room.

Dumbledore was lying on the seat with his eyes closed as if thinking about something. The principals in the portrait on the wall were still snoring, and the Phoenix was combing his bright red feathers with his sharp beak.

After hearing the movement, Dumbledore opened his eyes and looked at Sherlock, who came in with a smile on his face, “Did you have a good time this holiday?”

Sherlock sat opposite Dumbledore, and a cup of steaming black tea automatically appeared in front of him, “It’s not bad, and I had several good experiences there. The food there is much better than the food here.”

“I received a letter from Nick in which he told me the whole story. You and Harry have received the French Wizarding Medal from the French Ministry of Magic. That is amazing.” Dumbledore looked a little surprised, and apparently, he didn’t expect Sherlock to have such an experience with Harry.

Sherlock waved his hand, “We didn’t expect such a thing to happen. The wand thief was bold and even dared pretend to be Nicholas Flamel. He was so close to fooling everyone and getting away with it as well.”

They chatted for a while about his experience, and Dumbledore opened his mouth to explain why he was looking for him.

“When you arrived in Hogsmeade, you should have seen the situation over there.”

Sherlock nodded.

“The problems are pointing toward this direction, and it’s all on Hogwarts.” Dumbledore’s eyes darkened.

“The Black incident is something we need to pay attention to, but the serial killing is another big problem.”

“Do you know why Ms. Silk came to Hogwarts last semester and said she wanted to live in the castle temporarily?”

Sherlock frowned, “She thinks the killer will come to Hogwarts.”

“It’s not that she thinks.” Dumbledore shook his head and said meaningfully, “It’s that she knows and sees that the killer will definitely come to Hogwarts.”

Sherlock was slightly taken aback. Dumbledore’s words seemed a bit weird, but Sherlock was reminded of her whole appearance when they were in the Forbidden Forest before. She has a blindfold on her face.

“She’s a Seer?”

“In some ways, she can see more than us.” Dumbledore didn’t say it explicitly, but he hints it that way.

Sherlock asked, “I was curious. Since she was a German wizard, why did you promise to bury her relatives’ grave in the Forbidden Forest at Hogwarts?”

Hearing Sherlock’s question, there was a look of nostalgia on Dumbledore’s face, and he said softly, “Her father was an Auror at the British Ministry of Magic. He died in an incident more than ten years ago, and it was her mother who took her to Germany.”

After hearing Dumbledore say this, Sherlock didn’t ask any further questions. The Auror, who died in a mission more than ten years ago, can still make Dumbledore show such respect, which can only mean that he died in a battle against Voldemort.

It would be no surprise then that he would agree to bury his grave in the Forbidden Forest.

“I agreed to her request to live at Hogwarts for the time being, but I also asked her to have someone with her while she investigated the case.”

“This is also Fudge’s request to me, as he is also worried about these three German wizards. They have repeatedly asked the German side to share the serial killer’s information, but the German Ministry of Magic always refused.”

“Aurors in the Ministry of Magic are short in hand right now, not only to investigate Black’s incident but also to maintain order in other places. He hopes that I can send a professor from my side to monitor their movements at all times in case they make a harmful move to the British wizarding world.”

Sherlock understood Dumbledore’s meaning, so he volunteered himself to answer the situation.

“What about my teaching activity at the school?”

Dumbledore had clearly made arrangements, “Your teaching assistant this year, Remus Lupin, is already on the Hogwarts Express. With him, your tasks will not be so heavy, and you will have more time to do other things.”

Speaking of this, Dumbledore suddenly said with a smile, “I would also like to congratulate you, Sherlock. Under your teaching last year, the students achieved excellent results in the last semester’s OWL and NEWT exams. Everyone was above A, and more than 80% of the students even got O and E grades.”

“I suggest that in this year’s class, you can focus on the upper grades. Those students are under a lot of exam pressure, and the lower grades can be handed over to Lupin.”

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