I’m Really Scared

Chapter 10: Lin Shuman Dies

Chapter 10: Lin Shuman Dies

How come there is such a guy who doesnt do anything but make things difficult for people!

The female ghost with red high heels and white clothes put away her fake smile and spat angrily at Jiang Siyan, who had fallen to the ground.

After she spat, she hurriedly left the crime scene with some guilty conscience and followed Guan Shans back.

The observation task also includes stabilization of the subjects emotions. I didnt violate any rules, it was just a part of the task.

The Female Ghost muttered to herself and swaggered past Xiao Wang.

The latter just called the emergency number in a panic, as if he hadnt seen her at all.

The ability called No sense of existence, to ordinary people, was an unsolvable super-dimensional power.

As long as she didnt interfere with them drastically such as tripping Jiang Siyan with her foot no one would be able to realize her existence.

But in the same way, if she interfered with someone alone, it would result in a situation where only that person could see her.

This kind of ability had miraculous effects, whether it be to infiltrate somewhere undercover or to interrogate someone for a confession.

Yes, the so-called female ghost was naturally Lin Shuman who was ordered to come and observe Guan Shan in secret.

Last night, she fled the scene in horror and returned to the chaotic research institute together with the Unitary brigade of the Special Security Group, the superior team directly above their third team, to clean up the mess.

In a way, Jiang Siyan was indeed very intuitive.

The incident of the SX snacks catching fire last night wasnt that no one took photos, but that they were all erased.

After all, the so-called accident wasnt actually caused by a gas explosion.

Rather, it was the last resort used by the Special Security Group to erase the bloodbath caused by those ability users.

Its just that the movement was a little bit big.

The logistics department that had been cooperating with the operation had to eliminate all the hidden dangers that may occur in the vicinity one by one.

It wasnt only the photos that were deleted, but also the memories of the people involved.

Which led to a bizarre situation where no news media was able to obtain first-hand information about a serious fire that obviously happened in front of a large crowd.


It should be said that the only person who had it now was this reporter named Guan Shan.

Time 22:06, coordinates on the 8th floor of the Wanji Building, reporting to Lin Shuman.

The observation mission is about to end.

The target is heading to the elevator, and it is predicted that he will board the 22:15 bus schedule. Please be prepared for the transfer of staff

In summary, throughout the day today, the target did not engage in any unusual behavior other than handing over the photo to the newspapers president.

Lin Shuman took two quick steps, and followed Guan Shan in front of her, dashed into the elevator, stuck to the corner, and added: Director Xia, do you need to recycle the photos?

While reporting with her special headset, she glanced at Guan Shan carefully.

Guan Shan was unaware of the fact that a large living person was standing just a meter away from him.

He even played with his phone in the elevator in a bored manner.

Obviously, Guan Shan didnt notice her existenceeven though Lin Shuman had actually been watching him closely all day.

Lin Shuman glanced at Guan Shans mobile phone interface and saw that he was chatting with Shen Dinghua again.


After this day, she realized that the biggest gain from observing Guan Shan was a big pile of dog food.

Except for working hours, this person basically only talked with Shen Dinghua about some homely topics, they were simply acting like an old married couple.

According to the information, these two people had been in the same class from kindergarten to high school. They could be described as standard childhood friends.

But in high school, Guan Shan dropped out of school due to family changes for more than half a year, during which time was always in the care of Shen Dinghua.

Later in college, because Guan Shan decided to become a journalist, Shen Dinghua surprisingly enrolled in a photography major without saying a word.

It was impossible to explain why without love.

Lin Shuman couldnt help but mutter: They have a really good relationship going on, but even though they live next to each other, and arent working overtime today, why wont they go back together?

Thinking of this, she froze.

These two people It seemed that even when they were not working, they only used their mobile phones. They rarely talked face-to-face and dont show any intimate actions.

If one didnt know the past of the two, one would think that they were just ordinary acquaintances.

Lin Shuman shook her head and suppressed her curiosity: Forget it, maybe its just some weird habit, the mission is still whats important.

After the incident last night, the higher-ups did not pursue their mistakes too much, because this incident was ultimately a lack of information from the intelligence department.

Only afterward did Lin Shuman learn that Zhao Hong and Fang Minmin were involved in something that seemed to be more than what they knew.

Lin Schumanns authority was not high enough to learn the specifics, but it seemed to be related to the recently emerging ability users organization Killer Bees.

However, all those things were left to the higher-ups.

She, on the other hand, was given a new task after a night of discussions from the higher-ups.

It was to observe the mysterious figure-Guan Shan who suddenly appeared last night.

After all, she was the only person who had close contact with Guan Shan at that time but was not killed by him.

Moreover, after watching the video recorded by the video function of Lin Shumans headset, the higher-ups determined that her ability was effective against Guan Shan.

So, she was the best person for this task.

The main content of Lin Shumans task was to record Guan Shans behavior and report it back to the logistics department for them for their personality and ability user danger assessment.

However, Guan Shan behaved like an ordinary person

But that was precisely the most unusual part.

Because the young man in front of her, called Guan Shan, was simply not an ordinary person at all!

Just ask, which ordinary person can easily kill two D-class ability users with just a gun?!

D class isnt even the lowest rank among the ability users!

According to the international grading standard, the ability users are divided into seven classes: F, E, D, C, B, A, and S based on the energy levels they have.

The energy level requires a special instrument to be detected and is used to gauge the general strength of the power of the ability users.

Generally speaking, the higher the energy level, the stronger they are.

The ability to reach D class meant that the ability user possessed an ability with a certain amount of threat.

If left alone, they will cause great harm to society.

Thats why a person who can kill two D-class ability users head-on must be at least D-class themselves, not to mention that Guan Shan had already shown some abnormalities at the time.

As long as you use the energy level detector at a close enough range, even an F-class will respond.

This was also one of Lin Shumans tasks.

However, Guan Shan had no energy level response at all!

If Lin Shuman hadnt taken look at herself, she would have suspected that the energy level detector provided by the logistics department was broken.

Is it because of his abilities? But shouldnt he be leaning towards the combat type; he didnt show any signs of a disguised type

While Lin Shuman was speculating inwardly.


The elevator door opened.

Lin Schumann immediately followed Guan Shan out of the building and headed to the bus stop.

A reply came from the headset, and Xia Lei, the team leader of the Unitary Brigade, sounded: No, there is no risk in that picture.

Xia Lei said: You are doing very well, but the personality analysis requirements of the target are a bit complicated. Continue to observe tomorrow. The transfer staff is already waiting on the bus, and you can get off work.

Lin Shuman was relieved when he saw the lights of a bus approaching in the distance.

From the side.

Guan Shans face was divided by the lights and the night, and there was only a little light reflecting in his dark eyes, which made her shudder involuntarily, remembering the look of blood on that face last night.

Hurry up, hurry up

Every second next to this lunatic made her feel like she might be cut in two at any moment!

Lin Shuman waited for the door of the bus to open, looked at the transfer staff who had already been seated inside, and passed a message through the headset.

Todays task is complete.

She watched the bus leave and just as she was about to take off her headset.

Xia Lei suddenly connected to the channel: By the way, next time, dont do anything extra outside of the task. The psychologist in the logistics department is complaining.

Lin Shuman was stunned: Huh?

Xia Lei spoke in a serious manner: Just this morning she gave Jiang Siyan a psychological hint to amplify his emotions so that he would take action against Guan Shan in order to observe how Guan Shan would respond.

After all, a person will only show his truest side when he is angry.

Th-that means

Yes, this was also part of the plan.

Xia Lei sighed helplessly: Oh, now its fine. Jiang Siyan was directly put into the hospital by you. Its not easy finding another suitable and easily suggestible object to stimulate the targets emotions.

Lin Shumans face flushed, and she whispered embarrassedly: Yes, yes there wont be a next time.

Xia Lei chuckled and said, Its okay, its just a reminder that enough was observed today.

After waiting until there was no sound in the headset.

Lin Schumann stood in the cold wind for a while, slowly squatting down and holding her head, covering herself hard, desperately trying to shrink herself.

How she wishes she was an S-class No sense of existence now.

Aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! What have I done aaahhhhh! Pretending to be a god, doing such a stupid thing and now its known by my leader and colleagues! Wooo Im dead, Im dead, Im going to go buy a train ticket.

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