I’m Really Scared

Chapter 8: Tactful and Polite Guan Shan

Chapter 8: Tactful and Polite Guan Shan

Seeing the president, everyone was shocked.

News Department Director Peng Fei quickly stepped forward and explained: Nothing, nothing, its about the fire last night. Brother Jiang was asking if any of us had first-hand material.

He was obviously doing this for Guan Shan.

He changed the nature of the matter from questioning one person to asking everyone.

In this case, if Li Zhiying did not continue to ask questions, the situation would have changed to the latter.

Jiang Siyan didnt dare to take advantage of the president in such a situation, so he could only take a step back.

The matter would be over.

Dont only look at Director Pengs honest face, in truth he was slyer than Jiang Siyan.

Unfortunately, Li Zhiying didnt intend to simply accept that argument.

She looked around and focused for a few seconds on Shen Dinghua, who was standing violently, and Guan Shan and Jiang Siyan, whose atmosphere still had a trace of friction.

I can roughly understand what happened.

For such a thing, there is no need to call someone up to ask alone, right?

Li Zhiying walked over to look at Jiang Siyan, tapping the ground with her high heels, her eyes calm with invisible pressure.

Jiang Siyan immediately put on a business-like appearance and said with a smile on his face: I just want to educate some young people who are not enterprising, they are not serious, they do not work firmly, and they talk back. How can these types of people properly work?

Although his momentum was weaker now, he was absolutely convinced that Guan Shan wouldnt be able to produce any real photos.

If there really were first-hand materials, the guys who chase any news like wild dogs grabbing food would have released them ages ago.

There was no movement, which meant that either there were no witnesses last night, or it was suppressed.

He knew it very well. If not, how could he make use of the subject?

As long as this is certain, he doesnt believe that Guan Shan can turn over the sky.

Was it possible that he could make material out of thin air?

Since all face has been torn off, Guan Shan chose not to bother with that guy anymore, straightened up, and said, Whether I take things seriously and how well I work, Director Peng is the only one who is qualified to evaluate that.

And you with all due respect, you usually drink tea alone in the office, with the computer not even turned on, it seems to me that you cant even see how I work, right?

When Jiang Siyan heard this, he was furious: You dare to mock me?!

Guan Shan glanced at him strangely: No, no, no, of course not.

Jiang Siyan thought he was going to give in, his face had eased a little until he heard Guan Shan say again: I just told the truth, how could it be called mocking?

He smashed his mouth and exclaimed: Sometimes I really think you are quite amazing, you cant be seen or found anywhere, but you are mysterious and have a special presence.

Guan Shan said: Arent you kind of like a fart?

All the people sitting at the workstation below suddenly fell on the ground, their shoulders trembling violently, and the sound of poof came one after another, as if they were dubbing.

Shen Dinghua laughed directly.

The moment she saw Guan Shans attitude change, she had no more worries left in her heart.

Xiao Shan has always had his own ideas. Once he does something, he would have already thought out the consequences and countermeasures.

At times like this, she just needs to support him and wait.


Where has Jiang Siyan ever been scolded in public like this, his nose was crooked, and his face blue, pointing at Guan Shan, he turned to complain to Li Zhiying angrily: President, look, look, what kind of attitude is this!

Already insulting the boss; I dont know what will happen in the future! This kind of person should not be kept!

Guan Shan twitched the corners of his mouth and laughed: Insult?

Even if you dont understand and dont know the quality of my usual work, I havent been absent from work once since I started working here. The tasks of the day will definitely be completed even if I have to work until midnight. These things can be known immediately just by checking the records.

But when it comes to you, I will become a waste, with no business ability, never serious and unreliable work!

His eyes were almost on fire: Who, exactly, is insulting whom?!

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel again, Peng Feis forehead was sweating, and when he looked left and right, he felt at a loss.

At this point, there was no way to persuade

Alas, Peng Fei sighed in his heart. He was very optimistic about Guan Shan. This young man was hardworking and principled, and he knew the principles of patience.

But today I dont know what happened, but it looked like he doesnt care about the future anymore.

Now, we can only pray that the president would do something!

Duk Duk Duk!

Li Zhiying did do something. She tapped the desk with her slender fingers and said sternly: Quiet, where do you think this is?

Jiang Siyan was so angry with Guan Shan that his lungs were about to explode. He pointed to the latter and was about to rebuke loudly, but was blocked by Li Zhiying. He almost choked to death holding back his breath, widening his eyes.

You could have spoken up at any time, but why choose now!

The kid had finished speaking, but he had nowhere to refute, he could only snort coldly and put down his finger that pointed at Guan Shan forcefully.

In fact, Li Zhiying, after seeing the words of the two going back and forth, had generally understood what happened.

Jiang Siyans virtue and ability level, Li Zhiying knows well.

This guys a middle-aged man. The reason why he was appointed as the deputy editor-in-chief of the newspaper was in large part because the old man of the other party has a certain status in the newspaper industry.

Coupled with the friendship between elders, Li Zhiying gave him a place.

Most likely, what happened today was Jiang Siyan looking for trouble.

At this moment, she unexpectedly looked at Guan Shan a few more times.

This little reporter, who has just turned from an intern to a full-time job, is quite courageous However, Jiang Siyans behavior was too much.

Its true that were still missing a way to restrain him

Guan Shan may be a good choice.

But the premise is that he has the ability.

Li Zhiying thought for a while, looked at Guan Shan, and said, You said you could get a picture of the fire scene?

Guan Shan nodded.

Jiang Siyans heart thumped; this was a means to protect Guan Shan!

If this kid is saved today, he would lose all face!

Jiang Siyan couldnt be any angrier and quickly said: He was just talking nonsense. Theres no news from those media sources. A little reporter, where does he have the ability?

Li Zhiying glared at him and scolded him: We, as people of the media, have to speak with facts. How do you know that he doesnt have this ability?

This was exactly the same as what Guan Shan mocked him with!

But this time, the opposite is his own boss

What else could Jiang Siyan say, so he could only angrily shut up with a black face.

Li Zhiying looked at Guan Shan and then said: Recently, on the public fire safety awareness day, I was going to make a special edition on fire safety. If you can really get the photos, I will include them in the recent fire examples. You and Peng Fei will be jointly responsible for the content.

She narrowed her eyes, her gaze becoming stern: But if you are lying

Guan Shan glanced at Jiang Siyan, and solemnly said: Then I will resign myself.


Li Zhiying nodded with satisfaction: News is time-sensitive. Ill only give you one day.

This matter is settled.

Jiang Siyan was anxious when Li Zhiying said that Guan Shan would be responsible for the special issue, but then he thought, Guan Shan could not get the photos at all!

This wave was his own death!

Oops, be stable!

Thinking of this, Jiang Siyan was no longer anxious, looked around, snorted coldly, and went back to his office to continue drinking tea.

When he thought of Guan Shans destiny and resignation, he felt that the tea became a bit sweet.

There was also the ceiling, I have to find someone to fix it

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