I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

C201 Auron

C201 Auron

Check out early access chapters on my Patréon, currently 14 chapters ahead! 



Leaving Megaton's son for the time being, Peter and Tony walked the halls of Megatron's massive flagship, surveying the damage. The once formidable warship, now riddled with scars from the battle, still hummed with power, the giant arc reactor in its core keeping it operational. 

Tony was examining the ship with a mix of fascination and unease. "This thing's a mess, but it's still running because of the arc reactor. I don't like the idea of keeping Decepticon tech around, but it's my dad's work powering this thing. We can't just leave it."

Peter leaned against a nearby console, his thoughts turning practical. "We could take control of the ship. Repurpose it. The Decepticons don't need it anymore, and we do. It's a powerful asset..."

Tony arched an eyebrow, his thoughtful frown shifting into a smug grin. "They're powering it with my Arc Reactor, so the ship's practically mine already, right?"

Peter smirked. "Technically."

The two shared a brief moment of understanding. The war was over, and now it was about securing the spoils. And Megatron's Flagship was a prize too valuable to leave behind.

Tony crossed his arms, glancing at the exposed wires and half-destroyed panels around him. "We'll need to do some serious work on this thing, though. It's seen better days, but we can fix it. Alfred or Jarvis can integrate into the ship's systems and make sure we don't run into any nasty surprises."

Peter nodded in agreement. "Alfred, you hear that? Get ready to start integrating into the flagship's systems."

Alfred's voice came through Peter's comms, cool and efficient as always. "Already preparing the necessary protocols, Master Peter. Once connected, I will begin syncing the ship with the Red Room's systems."

As Peter and Tony continued surveying the ship, the remaining Decepticons gathered outside the bridge. Some were tending to their wounded while others watched with thinly veiled resentment as Peter and Tony took command of their flagship. 

One of the Decepticons, visibly agitated, muttered under his breath, "They took everything from us. Even our ship…"

Peter, sensing the unrest, turned to face them, his gaze was unwavering. "This is the cost of your actions. The war is over, and you lost. Unfortunately for you, losers don't get to choose what they keep. I'm sure Megatron's led you through countless battles, right? And I'm sure your enemies had some pretty valuable things. Did he ever leave any of it behind for them to keep?" The Decepticons scowled, knowing the answer. "I didn't think so..."

The Decepticons didn't argue. They couldn't. Megatron was dead, and without him, they had no leader, no leverage. Some of them grumbled, their optics flashing with discontent, but they knew better than to resist.

Tony clapped his hands together, breaking the tension. "Alright, time to get to work. First thing's first, we dock this thing with the Red Room, just like Optimus's ship."

Peter agreed, his mind already racing with the possibilities. Megatron's flagship, equipped with Howard Stark's arc reactor, could be a game-changer in future conflicts.

"Alfred, let's get this ship docked," Peter ordered.

"Understood, Master Peter," Alfred responded. "Beginning integration with the flagship's systems now. I will guide the ship to dock with the Red Room once the process is complete."

As the hum of the ship's systems began to stabilize under Alfred's control, Peter felt a sense of relief. With the flagship now under their command and docked with the Red Room, they had a powerful tool at their disposal. 

Tony was already planning the repairs, upgrades, and modifications in his head, a glimmer of excitement in his eyes as he looked around the massive vessel.

"Okay, this might actually be fun," Tony admitted with a grin.

Peter chuckled, "Just don't blow anything up, alright?"

"No promises," Tony replied with a smirk.


Later that night, Peter led Optimus deep through the halls of Megatrons former ship. The cleanup had been exhausting, physically and emotionally, but Peter had one thing to show Optimus before they could finally rest.

Peter stopped in front of a large, imposing door—Megatron's personal quarters. He placed a hand on the control panel, feeling the tension in the air as the door slowly slid open, revealing the secret workshop beyond.

The room was dark and cluttered, filled with unfinished projects and abandoned prototypes. Dusty schematics were scattered across workbenches, and various mechanical parts lay discarded in piles.

But the centerpiece of the room was what drew Optimus's attention immediately—a massive, partially constructed Cybertronian that bore a striking resemblance to Megatron himself.

Peter stepped forward, his voice low and somber as he gestured to the inanimate figure. "This is it, Optimus. Megatron's 'son.' The Decepticons I spoke to said he was trying to create a successor. He wanted the AllSpark to finish him."

Optimus stared at the incomplete Cybertronian, his optics narrowing as he processed what Peter was saying. For a long moment, he said nothing, simply gazing at the unfinished creation, its lifeless form a reminder of the complex, twisted mind of his former brother.

Peter continued, his tone careful as he recounted the details. "It seems like Megatron wasn't just after the AllSpark for nefarious purposes. He was trying to create a new legacy—someone to carry on after he was gone. This… was his attempt to have a future, no matter how warped it might have been."

Optimus's expression shifted, a deep conflict stirring within him. As he looked at the partially constructed Cybertronian, memories of the Megatron he once knew began to surface—the brother he had fought beside before the war, the one who had shared a vision for a better Cybertron. There had been a time when Megatron had stood for hope, before his ambition had driven him down a darker path.

Seeing the unfinished creation before him stirred something deep within Optimus's spark. Megatron, despite his madness and cruelty, had wanted something more. The desire to create a son, to have a successor, suggested that a part of the old Megatron—the one who longed for connection—still existed, buried beneath layers of hatred and ambition.

"I… never thought I'd see this," Optimus finally said, his voice thick with emotion. "Megatron, even in his madness, wanted a future. He wanted… a son."

Peter could hear the conflict in Optimus's voice. It was clear that this discovery had shaken him more than he'd expected. For so long, Megatron had been nothing more than an enemy—someone who had to be stopped. But now, this unfinished creation revealed that there had been more to him, even if it was buried under the weight of his anger and ambition.

Optimus turned to Peter, his expression pained but resolute. "Peter, I need to ask something of you," he said softly, his optics glowing with both hope and sorrow. "Use the AllSpark. Bring him to life."

Peter hesitated, unsure if he had heard correctly. "Uhh… are you sure that's a good idea?"

Optimus nodded, his voice steady but filled with emotion. "I do. This is not just about creating another warrior, Peter. This is about honoring the brother I once knew—the Megatron who fought for justice, before the war consumed him. I want to raise this Cybertronian, not as a soldier, but as someone who can live a life free from the hatred that destroyed Megatron. A better life."

Peter was silent for a moment, considering Optimus's words. He knew the risks involved in using the AllSpark on a Cybertronian created by Megatron himself. But there was something in Optimus's voice—something genuine, something filled with hope—that gave Peter pause.

Optimus was unwavering, his resolve clear despite the risks. But most of all, he was begging Peter for help…

Peter sighed, running a hand through his hair as he weighed the decision. "Are you sure about this, Optimus? Bringing Megatron's successor to life… it could be dangerous, especially if he finds out what happened to his father."

"I know the risks," Optimus replied, his voice unwavering. "But I also know that this is my way of honoring the brother I once loved. If there is a chance that Megatron's son can live a better life, then I must take it. I will guide him, teach him. I will make sure he does not fall into the same darkness."

Peter studied Optimus for a long moment, seeing the sincerity and deep conviction in his optics. Finally, he nodded. "Alright. If you're sure… I'll do it."

He stepped forward, standing before the inanimate Cybertronian, the AllSpark glowing faintly around his neck. Peter took a deep breath, feeling the familiar hum of energy radiating from the relic as he focused on the task at hand. The room seemed to buzz with anticipation as the AllSpark's power began to build, a bright light emanating from its core.

Optimus watched with bated breath, his hands clenched tightly at his sides as Peter channeled the AllSpark's energy into the unfinished creation. The workshop was filled with a brilliant light as the AllSpark's power surged through the Cybertronian's frame, its metal shifting and coming to life.

Slowly, the Cybertronian's optics flickered, a soft glow emerging as it began to stir for the first time. The metal plates of its body shifted and clicked into place, its movements slow and uncertain, like a newborn taking its first breath.

Peter stepped back, his heart pounding as the new Cybertronian sat up, its optics fully coming to life. The room hummed with energy as the creation blinked, looking around the workshop with curiosity and confusion.

Optimus, his voice filled with emotion, stepped forward. He knelt before the newly created Cybertronian, his massive frame dwarfed by the gravity of the moment.

After a long pause, Optimus spoke, his voice soft but filled with purpose. "I will not call you by the name of my fallen brother, nor will I name you in the same fashion as the Decepticons," he began. "So, instead, I shall call you… Auron."


A/N: 1800 words :)🚨🚨

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