I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

C203 Inches From Betrayal

C203 Inches From Betrayal

Check out early access chapters on my Patréon, currently 14 chapters ahead! 



After the battle had ended and the tension had simmered down, both Natasha and Mikaela found themselves with the same thought. Peter would be exhausted, and if there were ever a moment to make their move, it was now. 

Separately, and unbeknownst to the other, they each planned to surprise him, dressing themselves in sultry, revealing outfits that accentuated every curve. Each woman resembled a temptress, draped in dark, seductive attire, like succubi preparing to claim their prey.

Mikaela arrived first, her heart pounding with anticipation. She crept through the base, her steps light and calculated, knowing that Peter would be heading to his quarters soon. She slipped into his room, biting her lip as she glanced around at the Spartan surroundings. Her fingers played with the edge of her barely-there outfit as she confidently strode toward his bed. 

Just the thought of how surprised Peter would be sent a shiver down her spine. Perfect timing, she thought, settling herself on his bed.

But before she could fully prepare for his arrival, the door to Peter’s room creaked open again. Mikaela’s eyes snapped up in surprise.

Standing there, equally dressed to seduce, was Natasha.

The two women locked eyes, each taking in the other’s intentions instantly. Natasha narrowed her eyes, her posture radiating irritation as she stepped inside.

“What are you doing here?” Mikaela asked, her voice low but dangerous.

“I could ask you the same thing,” Natasha replied coolly, crossing her arms over her barely covered chest, making no attempt to leave.

They stared at each other for a moment, the tension between them thickening like the air before a storm. Neither one was willing to back down, and it became clear that neither would be the first to leave.

“Get lost, Red. I was here first.”

Natasha scoffed, her lips curling into a half-smile. “In your dreams. I’m not leaving you alone with him. Not a chance.”

Mikaela bristled, but she quickly realized this was a battle she wasn’t going to win with words alone. So instead, she huffed and turned away, climbing onto Peter’s bed with an air of defiance. “Fine. But I’m not leaving either.”

Natasha’s eyes narrowed but after a moment’s hesitation, she followed suit, settling herself on the opposite side of the bed. The two of them sat there in silence, each glaring at the other while they waited for Peter, shooting venomous looks and muttering under their breath.

Minutes later, the door slid open again, and Peter stepped inside. His tired eyes blinked in surprise at the sight of both women lounging on his bed, their outfits leaving little to the imagination. 

Natasha and Mikaela immediately shut their mouths, casting one last glance at each other before focusing their full attention on Peter, both of them smiling innocently as if nothing had happened.

“H-Hello there…” Peter stared at them, rubbing the back of his neck in confusion. “What’s… going on?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.

Before either woman could answer, Peter held up a hand and shook his head. “You know what? Who cares.”

Without further hesitation, Peter kicked off his boots and pulled his shirt over his head, revealing his toned chest and muscled arms. 

Both Natasha and Mikaela felt their faces flush as they watched, unable to tear their eyes away from him. He then unbuckled his pants and tossed them aside with the same casual air, leaving him standing in just his boxers.

Natasha and Mikaela exchanged a brief glance, both of them blushing furiously at the sight of Peter’s physique. But before they could recover from their surprise, Peter climbed into bed between them, his body radiating warmth as he settled down with a sigh.

Each woman tensed slightly, unsure of what to expect next. But Peter simply reached out with both arms, pulling them close to his sides before wrapping a blanket over them. 

As they snuggled into his arms, Peter could feel the tension in both of them. The Force told him everything he needed to know—they weren’t ready. Despite the boldness of their seductive outfits, they weren’t prepared for much more beyond this. 


“This is your one and only free pass,” Peter muttered, his voice a low, disappointed rumble. “If either of you come into my room dressed like this again, I won’t be responsible for what I do to you.”

His words sent a jolt of heat through both women, and they instinctively buried their faces in his chest, hiding their flushed cheeks. “…”

Peter’s steady heartbeat filled their ears as they lay there, enveloped in his warmth, their earlier rivalry momentarily forgotten. For a brief second, Natasha and Mikaela exchanged a glance over Peter’s chest, but this time, it was less venomous and more… resigned.

Before they even realized it, Peter was already asleep, his breaths deep and even as he drifted off. The two women, despite their initial intentions, remained curled up at his sides, their rivalry on hold for the moment. 


While Peter slept peacefully, his two women by his side, across the Atlas(Red Room), Peggy Carter was on a very different mission. She had her own agenda—one that she wasn’t particularly proud of.

Her orders from the World Security Council were clear: obtain a Decepticon body for study. The technology held within those metal giants was invaluable, and Shield couldn’t afford to let it slip away. 

But Peter… she wasn’t sure if he would agree to it. So, she decided to act without permission. It wasn’t her proudest moment, but she had a job to do.

Slipping through the base was easy enough. She had access to nearly everything within the Atlas, and the soldiers still responded to her commands. After all, she was Peggy Carter, one of the highest-ranking agents in Shield. Even though Peter technically controlled the base, she knew that the Shield agents stationed here would listen to her before anyone else.

She moved swiftly through the halls, her heart pounding a little faster than usual as she neared the section where the Decepticon bodies were being held. It didn’t take her long to find the right room. Two Shield agents stood guard outside the door, their expressions neutral as they noticed her approach.

“Director Carter,” one of them said, snapping to attention. “Anything we can do for you?”

“Yes,” Peggy responded, her voice steady as she glanced at the door. “Open it.”

The guards nodded without hesitation, inputting the necessary codes to unlock the door. There was no question, no suspicion. She was Peggy Carter, after all—who would question her?

As the door slid open with a hiss, Peggy stepped inside, her gaze immediately falling on the pile of massive Decepticon bodies stacked in the corner of the room. The remnants of fallen warriors, each one a potential treasure trove of information and technology. The room was dimly lit, the cold glow of overhead lights casting eerie shadows across the metal corpses.

Peggy stopped in place, staring at the pile of bodies. For a moment, she felt a sense of satisfaction. This was it. She could take one—or two—and Shield would have what they needed. It would be simple enough. No one would miss a Decepticon body or two, not even the Decepticons themselves. They had bigger concerns now.

“Ma’am?” Behind her, one of the Shield agents asked, glancing at her uncertainly. “Do you need any help?”


But as Peggy prepared to give the order for them to help move the bodies, something inside her shifted. Her throat tightened as she considered the consequences. 

Peter trusted her. He had been nothing but honest and forthright with her, and this? This was betrayal. She was acting behind his back, and if he found out… no, when he found out, it would ruin everything. Their relationship, their partnership—it would all be destroyed.

Peggy froze, her gaze still locked on the Decepticons. She couldn’t do it. Not like this. Not without Peter’s consent.

“No,” Peggy said finally, her voice firm but quiet. “Return to your post.”

Peggy swallowed hard, her hands trembling slightly at her sides. She could feel the weight of her decision pressing down on her.

The agents exchanged confused glances before hesitantly nodding, stepping back, and returning to their posts without further question.

As the door closed behind them, Peggy let out a long, shaky breath. She had almost made a terrible mistake. She glanced at the Decepticon bodies one last time before turning on her heel and leaving the room. She would talk to Peter about this tomorrow. She had to.

What Peggy didn’t know was that her decision had just saved her from disaster.

Unbeknownst to her, two beings had been watching her every move. High above, nestled within the base’s newly integrated systems, Atlas observed all. As the living embodiment of the Red Room, he was aware of everything that happened within his walls, and Peggy’s actions had not gone unnoticed. Every step she had taken, every order she had given, had been carefully monitored.

Beside him, in the digital ether, Alfred—Peter’s ever-watchful AI assistant—had also been keeping a close eye on the situation. The two entities communicated silently, sharing information in real-time. And if Peggy had so much as taken a single scrap of metal from the Decepticons, they would have immediately alerted Peter.

For now, though, Peggy’s decision had spared her from that outcome. She had chosen the right path—at least, for the moment.


The next day…

The soft morning light filtered through the windows of Peter’s room as he slowly stirred from sleep. The warmth and comfort of the night lingered in his thoughts, but as he stretched his arms out, he realized that the bed was empty. Both Natasha and Mikaela were gone.

Peter sighed, a mixture of disappointment and amusement crossing his face. He had enjoyed their warmth and softness throughout the night, the weight of their bodies pressed against his sides. But now, they had disappeared, slipping away before the sun had risen.

He chuckled softly to himself. Of course, they’re gone, he thought. They probably wouldn’t appear in his bed again until they were ready for more than just sleeping and cuddling.

Rolling out of bed, Peter stretched once more before standing up, the cool air hitting his skin. He scratched the back of his head, still groggy, when his gaze fell on something—or rather, someone—sitting in the corner of his room.


She sat in a chair, her posture stiff, her expression serious, and there was a faint hint of guilt in her eyes. She had clearly been waiting for him to wake up.

Peter raised an eyebrow at her presence, not at all bothered by the fact that he was standing in front of her in just his boxers. “What’s with the creepy morning visit, Granny?”

Peggy’s expression didn’t change. She didn’t seem to care about his teasing this time. She held his gaze, her voice steady but tinged with remorse. “I came to apologize...”

A/N: 1860 words :)🚨🚨

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