I’m the Only One Who Can’t See Ghosts

Chapter 35: King of Spirits, Yoo Hajin (2)

Emotions can be such a nuisance. Despite clearly residing within my heart, their comings and goings are beyond my grasp.

So, I wonder, when did this anger that now fills my heart first enter?

I pondered this as I looked at the huge door being opened by the lab director.

Why did I smash the head of Cheonsu’s subordinate with a soju bottle?

What made me so angry that I broke the promise to my sister?

That’s when everything started to go awry, unable to contain that anger.

Why didn’t I pretend to be scared of the Spirits at Pyeon Station? 

The moment I thought about being scared of the Spirits upon seeing the blood on the floor of Pyeon Station, anger surged within me.

Was it when facing the Dream Merchant?

Why did I act indifferent upon seeing young psychics suffering in the DMZ? And when I tried to behave like other psychics, why did I get angry?

And now, why am I so angry?

Where does this anger come from?

The anger surges when I think of the people captured as test subjects, Kirieon being tortured for protecting humans, and the puppy crying as it watched its mother being butchered.

Was I always such a righteous person?

Even after abandoning my own family.


It doesn’t matter where this intense anger that makes my head throb comes from.

I don’t care if they call me a fool. Today, I will destroy these bastards.

The lab director glanced at my decaying face and muttered to himself, “Why is it opening so late?”


White smoke spewed from the door.

The giant door fully opened.

Beyond it was a vast hall-like room.

The only things in this huge room were a transparent glass display case and the black object it contained.

What a tremendous waste of space.

“That right there is the Demonic Weapons Black Sheath.”

The lab director pointed at the display case.

Encased within was the Black Sheath, a long and dark object.

It was too thick to be a sword, lacked a handle, and wasn’t sharp. Yet, it bore a resemblance to a sword.

It looked just like a sheath. Without realizing, I blurted out,

“A sheath...?”

“Indeed, your words are accurate, Spirit King. The Black Sheath was the sheath for the black sword, known as the strongest amongst the demonic weapons. It was the only sheath capable of containing the Black Sword.”

The lab director, perhaps excited, spoke rapidly.

“A sheath that can completely suppress the black sword. Do you grasp what this means? If the origin of a physical phenomenon is psychic power, this sheath can nullify it entirely.”

He continued without pause.

“Even if a master of the Qigong Sect could collapse a mountain with their energy, the Black Sheath could nullify the kinetic energy of the falling rocks. And if a master of the Ilwol-Oakmoon Sect set a mountain ablaze, the Black Sheath could eliminate the thermal energy of the fire. Of course, such miracles require consuming enlightenment, but isn’t it fascinating?!”

“Shut up.”

Why is he so loud? Makes me want to hit him.

Anyway, I got the gist of how to use this thing.

It can disregard the physical effects resulting from a psychic’s power.

With this, I won’t have to worry about getting hurt by stone fragments like at Pyeon Station. 

But wait.

“Does it only nullify effects that come into contact with the Black Sheath?”

“Yes, only the physical phenomena that touch the Black Sheath can be nullified.”

Hmm, that’s somewhat disappointing. Visible threats can be avoided anyway, and if something’s too fast to see, the Black Sheath wouldn’t be able to stop it.

But it’s still much better than nothing. 

Annoyed, I said,

“I’ll take it. Bring it here.”

“Yes, to your esteemed self, the truth.”

The lab director pressed something, and the transparent case opened, slowly bringing forth the sheath known as Black Sheath.

He offered it to me with both hands, respectfully.

Holding the Black Sheath, I murmured,

“I’ll go see Kirieon after this.”

Let’s release Kirieon, known for her strength. And then, let’s wreak havoc here.

It’s an unwritten rule that test subjects trapped in a lab always escape, and it’s standard for such secret labs to meet their end in an explosion.

Today, I’ll cause a proper chaos.

* * *

Kirieon lost track of time amidst the madness consuming her.

She was filled with pain, bitterness, sorrow, and hatred, forgetting what she once dreamed of in life.

Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill.

Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill.

Kirieon’s mind was overwhelmed with thoughts of killing.

Clank- Clank-

Even as the prison door opened, Kirieon didn’t move an inch.

It must be another tormentor, she thought. And this pain, too, would be swept away by time.

“Phew, I’ve even received a vow from them, so there shouldn’t be any eavesdropping or surveillance.”

A man’s voice was heard. Yet, Kirieon remained motionless.

“Up close, you look like you’re just in your twenties. Is this person really the top master of the Qigong Sect and the pioneer of the Qigong Faction?”

Hearing about the Qigong faction and Qigong sect made Kirieon flinch slightly, but she remained still.

“Miss Kirieon?”


“Huh? Oh, I’m not an enemy, I came to rescue you.”

“Kill. Kill.”

“It’s good to kill, but shouldn’t we kill only the bad guys and save the ordinary people and victims who were captured here?”

“Kill them all.”

Remembering how she ended up here trying to protect ordinary people and how she was betrayed.

Now, she decided to live only for herself. She would kill everyone without hesitation.

Kirieon’s eyes glinted menacingly as she finished her thought.

The man fell silent upon hearing this. Then, he spoke again.

“Hmm. Being locked up here for so long, it’s natural to go mad. But your eyes still look sane; seems like you can handle yourself well.”

“Kill. I’ll kill even ordinary people. I’ll kill you too.”

“Still, I’m going to save you.”

But Yoo Hajin had no choice.

It was because only by causing chaos could Kirieon bring about the collapse of this place.

However, Kirieon couldn’t understand that.

Save someone who says they’ll kill you? Where on earth would you find such a foolish hero?

Isn’t that just like the old her?

Thinking of her former self, Kirieon gritted her teeth.

“You’re annoying. I’ll kill you.”

Yet, the man ignored Kirieon’s words and touched the gold-plated ropes.

Anyone attempting to untie these would be cursed many times over what Kirieon had suffered.

Seeing the man arrive unscathed made it clear he was a master. Such a master should have recognized the curse contained in those ropes.

Still, the man began to tear apart the ropes with his hands, silently. Freeing someone who intends to kill him, despite knowing he’d be cursed?

Kirieon watched the scene with wide eyes.

“Why is this so tough? It’s harder than tearing down barbed wire.”

After freeing Kirieon from all the gold-plated bindings, the man said,

“I heard that Miss Kirieon fought for many people. And that’s how you ended up trapped here.”

Kirieon quietly looked up at the man. He had a cold but decent-looking face.


The man didn’t answer Kirieon’s question. He simply turned around and left the cell.

The man thought his trivial words of comfort or apology might enrage the mad Kirieon, so he left. However, Kirieon saw the man’s actions differently.

'Is he saying he’ll show me through his actions? I want to kill him. He’s too much like the old me.'

Not saying a word but showing his back. That was a promise to answer through actions.

Kirieon truly wanted to know what that answer would be.

And if the answer turned out to be pathetic, she would kill everyone here, along with himself.

“This guy is too bothersome. Too troubling. So troubling it’s driving me mad.”

Kirieon muttered as she stood up.

Kirieon, a figure born of Yang and nearly reaching the pinnacle of Yin, was among the strongest of the strong.

She mastered the essence of soul inscriptions, spirit techniques, and divine resonance without using Qigong techniques that manipulate only Yang Qi and Yin Qi.

Hearing those words meant that in this world, the only one with a sure chance of victory against Kirieon was none other than the Spirit King himself.

Kirieon manifested her fundamental Qi, as one who had fully realized the essence of life belonging to Yang Qi, and instantly healed her body.

After a light stretch, she concentrated Yang Qi in one hand and Yin Qi in the other.

“Yin-Yang Qi Technique.”

She then crouched down, bringing both hands together.

“Splitting Head Genesis Wave.”

With those words, the prison confining Kirieon evaporated.

* * *

“Spirit King, did you enjoy yourself? Kirieon is currently...”

I ignored the lab director’s words and bolted.

Kirieon would soon escape.

Where’s the best place in this lab to hold out?

The only option was the specimen storage, where they prevented escapes.

The fact that it was good for confining people meant it was also good for holding out from the inside.

I had no choice but to flee there.

Whoooom- Kwa-wa-wa-wang-

An enormous roar began to shake the entire corridor.

Glancing back, the corridor in the distance seemed to have expanded threefold.

“She is really damn powerful!!!”

After such intense labor, she could take on ten squads alone!!! She’s a living bulldozer. A living forklift!!!

I shouted at the security forces rushing towards the noise.

“Stop the intruder at once!!! By the command of the Spirit King!!!”

“To the truth of the Spirit King!!!”

The security forces heeded my call and sprinted down the corridor. Then another roar echoed.

“We need to grab everyone and get out of here!!!”

Run, damn it!!!

And so, I arrived at the specimen storage. I quickly punched in the code, and as the door opened, I was met with the terrified gazes of numerous people.

“You fool. I knew it would come to this. You’ve come to save the criminals, as expected.”

At that moment, an incredibly eerie voice echoed from behind.

It was the entrance of Kirieon, a madwoman incomparable even to Nayu.

Kirieon stood before me, completely bare, her arms smeared with blood. Aside from her expression being slightly off, she could have been mistaken for a charismatic mixed-race beauty, reminiscent of a war goddess from a Greek mythology comic book brought to life.

Her combat prowess must rival that of a war goddess.

The war goddess Kirieon spoke,

“Ah, this is too fun. Isn’t he just like the old me?”

Kirieon pointed at me with her finger. Nervously, I gripped the Black Sheath as if it were a sword.

“Still, you’ve earned some merit by rescuing me, so I’ll spare your life if you leave now.”

“Can I take the people with me?”

“Of course not. You’re as naive as I used to be. Who else but me would correct such folly?”

Kirieon flashed a sly smile and then exclaimed,

“Yin-Yang Qi Technique, now, witness this power. Evade it. Sunset.”

Kirieon drew her finger from left to right.

What was that supposed to do?

However, screams soon erupted from behind.

“I can’t believe it, what kind of power is that?”

“Mom, I’m scared.”

“It’s okay. Everything will be okay.”

“That person is taking this on for us...”

What the hell.

I couldn’t see anything. But Kirieon, observing my inaction as if I saw nothing, suddenly burst into rage.

“Are you just standing there, taking this hit to protect the criminals?? I never thought there’d be another idiot like the old me in this world!!!”

Kirieon wore a strangely amused yet angry expression as she wiped the corner of her eyes.

“Pathetic. Absolutely pathetic! Someone as pathetic as you needs to have their habits corrected right from the start.”

Kirieon resumed her stance.

She formed several hand seals with each hand, then brought them together in a peculiar pose.

“Extreme Yin Qi Technique. Absolute Chaos Epitome. A technique that even the leader of the Ilwol-Oakmoon Sect had to retreat from. A rookie like you wouldn’t stand a chance. Run.”

Kirieon said with a sly smile.

But still, I saw nothing.

– – – The End of The Chapter – – –

[TN: You can support the translation and read 5 chapters ahead of the release here on Patreon: /Bill94 ]

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