Immortal Path Space

Chapter 149: Medium-grade Spirit Stone

Chapter 149: Medium-grade Spirit Stone

"Fellow Daoist, the value of these items on my table exceeds that of the Resplendent Visage Elixir, and I have at most two of them."

The items on her table were no ordinary treasures but a collection of rare finds she had gathered over the years.

"This Fellow Daoist, I only have this one Resplendent Visage Elixir, and it was not easy to obtain. I was planning to give it to a beloved female cultivator. I won't exchange it without sufficient benefits."

Wang Hong spoke confidently, knowing that a woman with a high cultivation level wouldn't fear death, so what were a few Spiritual Objects to her? He had the upper hand.

"Giggle! It seems fate has brought us together! Look, why not give it to me? If you want, becoming Dao Companions is not impossible!"

This female cultivator, having lived for over a hundred years, had encountered countless male cultivators. Occasionally teasing younger ones was her favorite pastime.

Besides, old cows prefer young grass, right?

"Cough! Fellow Daoist, if you were to give the Resplendent Visage Elixir to another female cultivator midway, you might face consequences when you return! If you can't choose three Spiritual Objects, I won't make the exchange."

Wang Hong firmly stated.

"Alright, I'll let you choose three, not understanding the value of a rare beauty." The female cultivator said with a hint of lament in her eyes, as if Wang Hong had abandoned her without reason.

Wang Hong picked three items from her table and handed her a Jade vial containing a Resplendent Visage Elixir.

He chose two Spirit Herbs and an intriguing piece of Golden Ironwood. His main interest lay in this black spirit wood, showing signs of vitality. It should thrive when planted in his spatial storage.

Golden Ironwood was an excellent material for refining tools and could grow into a third-tier spirit wood. In its infancy, it was green, gradually turning black after three hundred years, and finally, around eight hundred years, it would transform into a golden third-tier spirit wood.

The first transaction of this exchange was a success, marking a promising start.

Next was an elderly male cultivator, his table adorned with feathers, bird claws, and a chaotic arrangement of ores.

"I have some Flame Bird feathers and claws, along with some Iron Mother Ore. I want to exchange them for Nourishing Essence Pills."

This request posed a challenge. As Foundation Building cultivators, everyone found Nourishing Essence Pills insufficient for personal use, let alone trading them for tool-refining materials.

In such exchanges, cultivators often offered items they didn't need personally but hesitated to sell for Spirit Stones.

Pills and Spirit Wine were especially hard to come by, as these were items everyone could use, and once used, there was no surplus for trading.

As expected, after fifteen minutes passed, no one responded, and the old man's trade failed.

The subsequent twenty-plus transactions varied in success and failure.

Wang Hong managed to exchange for a second-tier Spirit Herb, a variety he lacked in his spatial storage. He paid with two second-tier spirit fruits.

He also eyed several Spiritual Herbs but lacked what the other party desired.

Now, it was the turn of a middle-aged man carrying a giant whip to make his trade.

"I have a whip made from the antlers of a Three-Eyed Lustful Deer. I want to trade it for a second-tier healing pill."

The Three-Eyed Lustful Deer was known for its lecherous nature, and its antler whip was a potent tonic for replenishing Yang energy.

Soon, two cultivators expressed interest in the trade, with one being a middle-aged woman. In the end, the female cultivator exchanged two second-tier healing pills for the whip.

Next up was a sturdy-built Foundation Building cultivator in the middle stage.

"I have a thousand kilograms of Iron Mother Ore and want to exchange it for some second-tier Spirit Wine. Would any Fellow Daoist be willing to part with it?"

The sturdy cultivator looked around after speaking, but to his dismay, no one showed any reaction. So, he repeated his words.

Seeing the continued lack of response, the sturdy cultivator took out another item from his Storage Bag.

This item was as thick as a thumb, square in cross-section, and less than an inch long, emitting a faint white glow.


"Medium-grade Spirit Stone!"


Instantly, a series of exclamations echoed through the crowd.

The sturdy cultivator had revealed a medium-grade Spirit Stone this time. The distinguishing feature of a medium-grade Spirit Stone from a low-grade one was its different cutting shape. While a low-grade Spirit Stone was thumb-sized and square, a medium-grade Spirit Stone was also thumb-sized but rectangular, roughly equivalent in volume to two low-grade Spirit Stones.

In the Cultivation World, Spirit Stones were classified into three grades: upper, medium, and lower. Usually, when people mentioned Spirit Stones, they referred to the lower-grade ones. The exchange rate between the upper, medium, and lower grades was one to ten thousand.

For instance, one upper-grade Spirit Stone could be exchanged for ten thousand medium-grade Spirit Stones, and similarly, one medium-grade could be exchanged for ten thousand lower-grade ones.

However, due to the continuous decline of Spirit Qi in the world, medium-grade Spirit Stones had become extremely rare, and upper-grade ones were even rarer.

Cultivators often said that even with Spirit Stones, it was challenging to purchase second-tier Spiritual Objects. This was mainly referring to lower-grade Spirit Stones. With medium-grade Spirit Stones, such purchases were still feasible.

Medium-grade Spirit Stones were considered a more robust form of currency in the Cultivation World. This was because they not only served as currency but also had many effects that lower-grade Spirit Stones couldn't replace.

For example, assisting in cultivation: all Spirit Stones had a role in aiding cultivation. Holding a Spirit Stone while meditating allowed the absorption of its Spiritual Energy, making cultivation noticeably faster than simple meditation.

Wang Hong rarely relied on meditation to enhance his cultivation, so he hadn't used Spirit Stones for cultivation assistance.

After reaching the Foundation Building stage, the assistance provided by lower-grade Spirit Stones in cultivation became minimal. Medium-grade Spirit Stones were needed for better results.

Besides meditation, they were also immensely helpful in restoring Spiritual Power. Holding a Spirit Stone during or after a battle significantly increased Spiritual Power recovery.

For Qi Cultivation cultivators, the Spiritual Energy recovery provided by medium-grade Spirit Stones could even rival that of first-tier Spirit Wine, although there was still a considerable gap compared to second-tier Spirit Wine.

Seeing the sturdy cultivator directly present a medium-grade Spirit Stone, it stirred a bit of interest among the others.

However, after hesitating for a while, no one spoke up. Generally, even if cultivators possessed second-tier Spirit Wine, they wouldn't have much. Exchanging it meant losing what they had.

Wang Hong, having been in business for many years, had earned millions of Spirit Stones, but he had never seen a medium-grade Spirit Stone.

Now that he saw one, he intended to make the exchange. Unlike others who carried only a few or a couple of pounds of Spirit Wine, his spatial storage was already piled up with a small mountain of second-tier Spirit Wine, totaling thousands of kilograms.

"I do have some second-tier Spirit Wine. How much are you planning to exchange for one medium-grade Spirit Stone?" Wang Hong inquired.

The sturdy cultivator, who had lost hope after seeing a few people hesitate earlier, didn't expect another person to show interest.

"I'd like to exchange for a pound of second-tier Spirit Wine. Do you have that much?"

[Read at /shanefreak, and heartfelt thankyou for your support!]

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