Immortal Space

Chapter 156: breeding poisonous bees

  Chapter 156 Cultivating Poisonous Bees

  When the success rate of refining the first-level low-grade fireball talisman reached 80%, he stopped practicing talisman making and went to study runes again.

  Because he currently has the most proficient, only the flame rune.

  He doesn't need to worry now, because his spirit grass is not old enough, and he can only make first-order middle-grade talisman paper at most.

   It will take a few months to make the top-grade talisman paper, and it will take at least a few years to refine the seven-star grass for the second-order talisman paper.

  This is the reason why there are so few second-order talismans on the market, mainly due to insufficient raw materials.

   Now he gradually discovered a problem. It turned out that after the establishment of the foundation, it was not only difficult to find the second-level elixir suitable for their level, but also other second-level spiritual objects.

  For example, materials for talisman making and refining materials, he has encountered them several times, and he asked himself to find materials in order to refine the desired spiritual weapon.

  So far, his melee weapon has not been seen yet, and if he wants to get a spirit-level talisman pen in the future, he must prepare his own materials.

  The material for the pen holder should be able to be planted in the space. In fact, there are many spiritual woods that can be used for refining tools.

  He will pay attention to collecting some of these materials in the future, and plant them himself if they can be planted in the space, which will save a lot of trouble in finding materials.

  It seems that if you want to strengthen your own strength in a short period of time, you can't rely on talismans.

  The improvement of self-cultivation is the most basic, but the mana of Dantian Zhihai is fixed every day, and there is no shortcut.

   In addition, he only has poisonous bees and poisons to use.

  After years of cultivation, his poisonous bees have been fed a large amount of elixir. A very small number of them have reached the first-level mid-level, but most of them are still low-level, and only have the strength of the first level of Qi training.

  The few poisonous bees who have reached the first-level mid-level, only have the strength of the fourth-level Qi training.

   Moreover, the strength of all poisonous bees has stopped growing now, as if they have encountered a bottleneck.

   After all, there are very few spirit bees in the wild who can reach the first level of Qi training, and the qualifications are there.

  Spirit bee battles are won by numbers, and its space area is only so large, and the nectar source it can provide is also limited, which also limits the number of bee colonies.

  At present, the total number of spirit bees and poisonous bees in the space is about 100,000. This number can ensure their food supply balance, and there is also a small amount of spirit bee royal jelly and spirit honey.

  If this amount is exceeded, there will be a shortage of food. If Wang Hong does not buy additional spiritual honey for feeding, a large number of spiritual bees will starve to death.

  He is now trying to find a way to help them break through the bottleneck, which requires him to prepare another panacea, which requires a lot of time and energy and a lot of experiments.

  His initial idea was to use the formula of Breaking Barrier Pill as the basis, and then make changes to make it suitable for poisonous bees.

  Barrier Pill is the most suitable elixir for human qi cultivators to break through bottlenecks, and he also does not lack red blood ginseng, the main drug for refining Breaker Pill.

  However, the physiques of humans and monsters are still different, and they still need to be improved.

   But there is another point, which also limits the growth of poisonous bees, that is, the lifespan of ordinary spirit bees is only more than a hundred years.

   It is good that monsters have a long lifespan. This is also relative. It is impossible to survive indefinitely. Wang Hong has not heard of a species that is born with infinite lifespan.

  Ordinary bees live for only a few months, but spirit bees can live for more than a hundred years, which is already a hundred times that of ordinary bees.

  The lifespan of the queen bee will be longer, and it will have a lifespan of three to five hundred years.

  The time lapse of the current space is more than a hundred times that of the outside world. As long as its strength cannot be raised to the foundation building stage, the lifespan will increase.

   As a result, Wang Hong had just raised some strength for them, and then his life essence was exhausted, and he died! It's like busying yourself in vain.

  However, he still has to do this. Once he encounters enemies, he still counts on them to fight.

  This is the problem that Wang Hong hopes to solve from another aspect.

  Improve their overall aptitude so that they can reach a higher level in their lifetime, and even allow them to reach the foundation building stage. Of course, this can only be thought about at present, and it is too far away.

  As for the elixir that can improve aptitude, it can be regarded as a treasure in the entire world of cultivating immortals. He doesn't have it, and he hasn't even heard of it.

   If you have this kind of treasure, you must first improve your aptitude.

  Although the aptitude of the poisonous bee cannot be improved directly, he thought of an indirect way to improve it.

  If the rank of the queen bee is increased, the qualifications of its offspring should also be improved.

  In reality, at least on the human side, if the parents are high-level monks, the offspring born will generally have better aptitude.

  Wang Hong guessed that monsters should be similar in this regard.

  Besides, the lifespan of the queen bee is longer. In three to five hundred years, it is still very hopeful to pile up a queen bee in the foundation-building stage with elixir.

   Now, he decided to improve the overall strength of the bee colony, and use the elixir to pile up a queen bee at the foundation stage at the same time.

  Currently, his first task is to develop a panacea that can help poisonous bees break through the bottleneck.

  Because the queen bee is also in the bottleneck period at this time, it has not been improved for a long time.

  Wang Hong was taking pills to practice every day, and studying runes and researching elixir in his spare time. Another year passed.

  Just last month, he prepared a medicinal liquid and mixed it with poisonous honey. After feeding some poisonous bees, the strength of these poisonous bees began to grow again.

  Kung fu paid off, and finally successfully formulated a breakthrough elixir suitable for poisonous bees. Since then, there has been another elixir in this world.

  Wang Hong didn't know if Yaozu had a similar elixir, if not, if his elixir leaked out, it might bring disaster to himself.

  Things succeeded a few steps, which put him in a good mood. On this day, he cooked a large table of delicious food and prepared to reward himself.

  He sat at the stone table and poured himself a glass of fine wine.

  Xiaopeng squatted on the other side of the stone table. It has grown up a lot now, standing taller than Wang Hong by a head.

  At this time, he squatted very low, bowing his head to his ears (pretend he had ears), trying to make himself look shorter than Wang Hong.

   There was a wine glass in front of it, which was empty, and it peeked at the wine jug in Wang Hong's hand from time to time.

  Wang Hong drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, and poured himself another full glass.

   "You said you are such a big bird, why is it useless for me to educate you?"

  Xiaopeng half-understood what he heard, but his eyes still sneaked at the jug in Wang Hong's hand. A thin stream of transparent saliva hung down from the corner of its mouth, stretching long but continuously.

   "I often warn you, don't drink if you can't drink, and drink less if the wine is not good.

   But when you see wine, you have to drink, every time you have a drink, you get drunk, you can get drunk when you get drunk, just stay honestly, or just sleep.

  You still go crazy with alcohol every time. Last time you got drunk and flew into the air, jumping and writhing around, so that all the disciples of Kaiyang Peak could see it.

   I was so scared that I hid in the courtyard and dared not go out, for fear that people would know that it was my spirit beast. I couldn't afford to lose this man! "


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