Immortal Space

Chapter 181: beauty and ugliness

  Chapter 181 Beauty and Ugly

   Among the monster race, not all are in the form of monsters, and some have a certain human form.

  Under normal circumstances, monsters cannot transform until they reach the fourth level, and the fourth-level monsters are comparable to the Nascent Soul Stage of the human race.

  However, when some monsters are at the third level, which is equivalent to the golden core state of the human race, they can achieve partial transformation, which not only has a human shape, but also retains the characteristics of the monster race, and it looks a bit neither human nor demon.

   In addition, there are some special cases, some monsters who are above the fourth level, and some of the offspring they gave birth to have been in human form since childhood.

  The offspring of these humanoid offspring also have a certain probability of appearing humanoid.

   This also led to the existence of many half-human, half-demon individuals in the Xizhou demon world.

  And this **** or demon covered in black fresh armor is a third-order incomplete monster, and its body is a black flood dragon.

  At this time, it is enjoying the service of two strong women, watching the dance below, and shouting loudly from time to time.

  At this time, in the center of the hall, a group of more than a dozen toads the size of millstones were jumping happily.

  They stretch their front legs for a while, and stretch their back legs for a while, performing single-leg hops, double-leg hops, triple-leg hops, cross-legged hops, forward hops, back hops...

   This is a dance that has long been famous among the Yaozu, called Qunha Luanwu.

  While the monster was watching the dance, Yun Qingya walked in from outside the hall, and then prostrated herself on the ground.

  Most of the monster races don't pay much attention to etiquette, and there is no need to notify when entering the door, just come in directly.

  But if you are unlucky, you happen to catch up with a monster that is hungry or in a bad mood, and you are swallowed in one gulp. This is also a common occurrence.

   Therefore, low-level monsters dare not disturb high-level monsters at will.

   "Report to the master, this mission failed, and the iron tower was also killed by the human race."

  Yun Qingya said carefully, for fear that Hei Jiao would tear her to pieces in a fit of anger.

  She saw with her own eyes that a pet was torn to pieces by the black dragon in a fit of rage because of ineffectiveness in handling affairs.

   "Roar! Then why are you still alive?" Hei Jiao was furious.

  In an instant, a long whip appeared in its hand, and it whipped towards Yun Qingya.

   "Ho Ho Ho Ho!"

   "Papa papa!"

  The long whip fell again and again, leaving **** whip marks on Yun Qingya's body.

  At the same time, the tension in Yun Qingya's heart relaxed a lot, so she probably won't kill her.

  This kind of punishment has been with her since she was a child. When Heijiao was happy, he would whip her a few times, and when he was angry, he would whip her a few more times.

  If it weren't for the immortal cultivator's strong resilience, her body should be full of scars, and there would be no good place for her.

  The main reason is that the aesthetics of the Yaozu is different from that of the Human Race. The Yaozu advocates strength and likes to be strong and powerful.

  For women's aesthetics, they like to be tall, strong and muscular.

   It is best to have thick hair and a little beard, because they have either hair or scales.

   Therefore, when they saw a woman with smooth and delicate skin like Yun Qingya, they would feel very uncomfortable.

  So even though Yun Qingya is his favorite, he still hates it.

  If it wasn't for hearing that the human race is very perverted, and they like this kind of extremely ugly woman, it would have eaten Yun Qingya long ago.

  It sent Yun Qingya to go undercover on the human race, but it had a big plan, related to a big plan of the monster race.

  Hei Jiao twitched for a while, and scratched the bucket-like thighs of two beautiful women beside him, and then gradually calmed down his anger.

   This kind of tall, strong, thick-haired, bearded beauty is the best in the demon world, one in a million.

  After all, most of the human women are soft and weak, with smooth and tender skin, without any hand feeling.

   "I asked you to learn alchemy, have you ever mastered it?"

   Another purpose of it sending Yun Qingya is to learn the art of alchemy.

  In the entire Xizhou demon world, there are not a few monsters who can make alchemy and weapons, and the monster clan has no talent in this area.

  Because of their inherited blood, they are born with many powerful abilities, such as fangs and claws, hard shells, and some monsters are born with a certain spell.

   In this way, their creative ability is naturally greatly suppressed.

   "Reporting to the master, I have learned to refine the second-order elixir."

  Hearing this, Heijiao's mood improved a lot. Having a pet who can make alchemy will be its cash cow in the future.

  Elixirs are very popular in the Xizhou demon world. Although they are not specially refined for monsters, they are countless times better than swallowing the elixir raw.

   "If it weren't for the fact that the human race likes such an ugly woman like you, I would have eaten you long ago. Okay, you can go down."

  Hei Jiao waved his hand a little impatiently, making Yun Qingya retreat.

  After Wang Hong stayed in Qingxulou for two days, Wu Dayong summoned him, saying that he had business to discuss.

   Then Wang Hong came to a secret room under the guidance of Wu Dayong.

   This is a room dedicated to discussing big business. He didn't expect that he would have a big business come to his door after only a few days. He was looking forward to it.

  When he entered the secret room, Wu Dayong was drinking tea with a monk.

This person is wearing a large black robe and a cloak, which completely covers his face, only his eyes are exposed. He looks like I have a big secret and I can't let you know it. It seems that it is really a Big business.

   Seeing Wang Hong coming, he quickly introduced to Wang Hong: "Gu Daoyou, this is our resident second-level alchemist in Qingxulou."

  That Gu Daoyou asked in a hoarse voice: "I don't know what is the success rate of you refining the second-order elixir?"

   "It depends on what kind of elixir the fellow daoist is refining. Most of them can reach 30% and some can reach 40%." Wang Hong said confidently.

  Generally, a second-tier alchemist can have a 30% alchemy rate. Even if he is qualified, his actual alchemy rate is already above 50%.

   "How much can Yangyuan Dan achieve?" Gu Daoyou asked with concern.

   "Yangyuan Pill can reach 40% due to more refining on weekdays."

  Heard of Yangyuan Pill, Wang Hong felt a little disappointed. He did not lack the elixir of Yangyuan Pill, but he didn't show it.

  The black-robed monk surnamed Gu hesitated for a moment, finally gritted his teeth, and said: "Okay! Please see if this material is suitable, fellow Taoist."

  The black-robed monk handed over a storage bag, Wang Hong took it, opened it, and found that it was indeed the material of Yangyuan Pill.

   But the number is indeed quite a lot, a full forty copies, no wonder this person is so secretive.

I don't know how he saved up this batch of elixir. Wang Hong still remembers that he wanted to ask for the elixir of Yuan Dan, but he visited Zongmenfang City, but he didn't buy any ready-made elixir. , only by appointment.

  These 40 servings are calculated based on the 40% success rate of pills, and there are also 160 pills.

   This number is enough to make some people envious. Jin'an City is mixed with various forces, and its security is naturally not as good as Qingxu City. Fights on the street happen a few times a month.


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