Immortal Space

Chapter 197: stillborn child

  Chapter 197 Posthumous child

  At this time, some people are happy and others are sad. Some are happy when their relatives are reunited, and some are sad when they lose their loved ones.

  Zhang Chunfeng searched round and round in the crowd, but couldn't find Wang Hong's shadow, and became more and more anxious.

  Finally, he stopped in disappointment. He had searched several times, and even most of the faces in the crowd had become familiar to him, and he knew the location of every stone by heart.

  If Wang Hong was here, he should have discovered it long ago.

  He stood alone for a long time, he didn't believe that Wang Hong would die in the beast horde, but he wanted to see people in life and corpses in death, otherwise, he felt uneasy.

  After making a decision, he headed towards Jin'an City alone.

   "Zhang Daoyou, wait for us!"

   Zhang Chunfeng didn't go very far, and two Foundation Establishment cultivators quickly chased him up from behind.

   "Are you going too?"


   Er nodded with a heavy heart.

   These two are Jin'an City monks, and they are familiar with Zhang Chunfeng. One is called Ling Shuai, and he is in the middle stage of foundation establishment.

  The other person is a female cultivator, named Zhou Qian, whose cultivation level was at the early stage of Foundation Establishment, but it is already at the third level of Foundation Establishment, and her cultivation base is a little higher than that of Zhang Chunfeng.

   As the three of them walked forward, they all briefly understood each other's situation.

  Ling Shuai has settled in Jin'an City for many years. He found a Taoist companion who also had the initial stage of foundation establishment, and stayed in Jin'an City.

   Zhou Qian has a younger brother of a compatriot who can only practice Qi and works as a guard in a shop in Jin'an City.

  The three of them walked to the west gate of Jin'an City. There were still a large number of monsters gathered here, so naturally the three of them couldn't get in with their strength.

   Jin'an City has been completely occupied by monsters. They walked around the entire Jin'an City outside, but they didn't find a suitable place to sneak in.

  Only in the direction of the east gate, the number of monsters is small, and traces of battle are found, because someone must have broken out from the area, and it seems to have succeeded.

  This brought hope to the three of them, especially Zhang Chunfeng, who found traces of physical training battles here, and was even more certain that Wang Hong broke out from here.

  However, if possible, everyone still wants to go to the city to have a look.

  Because they searched all the way along the traces of the battle, they lost their trace after a certain distance.

   Moreover, none of them could be sure that the person they were looking for was among the crowd who broke out.

  If they were still hiding in the city, wouldn't they have missed a good opportunity.

   "Actually, I know an abandoned secret passage that can sneak into the city from the ground." Ling Shuai hesitated for a while before saying.

   "Oh? Fellow Daoist Ling, tell me quickly! Where is it?" Zhou Qian asked hastily.

   "Beyond the northern city wall, on a hillside." Ling Shuai pointed to the north.

   "Then let's go now and ask Fellow Daoist Ling to lead the way." Zhou Qian said anxiously.

   "Okay! Please come with me!" After Ling Shuai made his decision, he didn't dare to hold back the mud and water at all, and set up the imperial weapon and headed north.

  Ling Shuai took the two of them to find a rather secluded small cave. Only one person could pass through the entrance of the cave, and Ling Shuai got into it first.

  Walking in the cave for a while, they found that the cave in front had collapsed, and the three of them could only dig while walking.

  Fortunately, the immortal cultivator can control the flying sword, and it is very convenient to dig a hole. Only the earth and rocks dug out have nowhere to put them, so they can only be packed in storage bags, and then dumped in the cave behind them.

  Two hours later, the three of them appeared in a large underground secret room in Jin'an City, which looked a lot like the underground base of some secret organization.

  I saw Ling Shuai skillfully touched a stone brick, and a wall slowly parted to the two sides, revealing a step.

  Ling Shuai took the lead to walk towards the steps, and the two followed quickly.

  When they reached the end of the steps, Ling Shuai pressed on a stone brick again, and a door appeared at the end again.

  Zhang Chunfeng unleashed his consciousness to sweep out the door, and found a puddle of coagulated blood outside the door, and there were traces of dragging.

  Ling Shuai's complexion changed drastically at this time, and he rushed out quickly in a flash.

   Zhang Chunfeng and Zhang Chunfeng followed closely behind, and Ling Shuai could no longer be seen when they walked out.

  The two searched along the bloodstains on the ground, and within a short distance, they heard the sound of fighting coming from the front, and the two hurried to the source of the sound.

   The two chased to a corner of the house, only to see that Ling Shuai had just beheaded a monster, and Feijian hadn't had time to take it back.

  At this moment, he stood quietly with his back to the two of them, clenched his fists tightly with both hands, his fingers had sunk into the flesh, and a few drops of blood slowly dripped from the cleft of his fist.

  Ling Shuai seemed unaware of this, and then his hands and feet trembled uncontrollably, and his eyes were fixed on a corpse in the corner.

  On the ground, only half of the body of the female corpse remains. Two legs and one arm have disappeared, and the fracture is not neat. It should be torn off by force.

  Half of the flesh and blood on the face has been eaten, and the remaining half of the face still maintains a terrified expression.

  The female corpse has multiple bite marks on her body, and her abdomen is swollen high. She should still be pregnant.

  Ling Shuai dragged his heavy legs, walked slowly to the side of the female corpse, and gently hugged the female corpse in his arms.

   With trembling hands, he gently wiped the blood on the female corpse's face with his sleeves.

  The tears in both eyes flowed all over his face like a fountain, his teeth bit his lips tightly, blood flowed out from between the teeth, mixed with the tears on his face, and dripped from his chin.

  Zhang Chunfeng could feel that Ling Shuai was trembling even while breathing, obviously trying to suppress his emotions.

   Zhang Chunfeng and Zhang Chunfeng watched quietly from behind, not daring to step forward to disturb him. They couldn't think of how to comfort Ling Shuai for a moment, and any words at this time would seem pale and powerless.

  Ling Shuai gently groomed the female corpse, every movement was so careful, as if it would hurt the female corpse if it was heavier.

  Suddenly, Ling Shuai's movements froze. He just sensed that the abdomen of the female corpse moved slightly.

  He put his head close to the abdomen of the female corpse, felt carefully, and after a few breaths, a gleam of joy appeared on his face.

  He took out a small knife and said to the female corpse: "Xiaoya, I'm sorry, for our child, I have to make you suffer a little!"

   After finishing speaking, he cut the female corpse's abdomen with a knife, amniotic fluid gushed out from the knife edge, and a small body shrank inside.

  Ling Shuai gently lifted the child out of it, feeling the very faint breath of life.

   He grabbed the remaining umbilical cord with one hand, and slowly injected weak mana into it to keep the baby alive.

   At this time, he had time to clean up the dirt on the baby.

  When he cleaned out the dirt in the baby's mouth and nasal cavity, "Wow!", the baby finally cried out the first time she came into the world.

  After this cry, the baby fell into silence again, the same as before, except that he was breathing very weakly.

  The baby's first cry is not voluntary, because when the baby is in the mother's womb, its lungs are in a contracted state, and there is no air in it.

  After birth, the outside air entered the lungs, and only then did the first cry come out.

  Ling Shuai took out a robe and wrapped the baby gently.

  Take out another robe, temporarily wrap the female corpse, and put it in a storage bag.

  After Ling Shuai packed everything, he held the baby in one hand and walked out quietly. Zhang Chunfeng and Zhou Qian followed behind without saying a word.

   It wasn't until he walked out of the house that Ling Shuai's mood stabilized a little, and he said to the two: "Do you have any clues about the person you two are looking for?"


  Zhang Chunfeng and Zhou Qian responded at the same time.

   After discussing for a while, they decided to find Zhou Qian's younger brother first.

   Next, Zhou Qian will lead the way, looking for some alleys with fewer monsters, and often encounter some monsters on the road.

   Those who can be dealt with will be killed quietly, and those who cannot be easily dealt with, they will hide.

  Ling Shuai has a spiritual weapon that can cover up his breath, which helps a lot here.

   In the absence of Tier 3 monsters in the city, it is difficult for Tier 1 and Tier 2 monsters to find them

   Zhou Qian took the two of them to several places, but they couldn't find her brother.

  In the end, she had no choice but to give up and Zhang Chunfeng led the way.

  Zhang Chunfeng also searched for Wang Hong to no avail, so he could only give up.

  They don't have much time to search here. At present, the monster clan has just occupied Jin'an City, and the third-level monsters are not there, and the second-level monsters have limited intelligence.

  Now, the situation in the entire Jin'an City is chaotic and disorderly. Fights between monsters occur from time to time, which are much bigger than the movements made by the three of them, so they are allowed to sneak here to search.

  Once the third-tier monsters return and organize Jin'an's monsters, there will be no place for them to stand in this city.

   As a last resort, the three of them had no choice but to go back the same way.

  Zhang Chunfeng and Zhou Qian still had a glimmer of hope in their hearts, because the battle marks outside the east gate showed that there were another group of survivors.

   After getting out of the small cave, the three breathed a sigh of relief.

  Ling Shuai hastily opened up the wrapped baby's robe a little bit.

   This is a baby girl. Since she is not yet full-term, her body is much smaller than that of an ordinary newborn baby, and she is still dying.

  Ling Shuai groped around in the storage bag, but none of the things he found were applicable now.

   "The two fellow Taoists, have you ever had anything that could be eaten by this baby? If it is a spiritual food that can replenish the essence, blood and vitality, it will be the best. Ling Shuai is very grateful."

  He asked a little nervously, and he knew that this hope was too small.

  General monks would bring a few bigu pills with them for convenience when they went out, and rarely brought other food.

  Even if there are a few monks who like to carry some spiritual food with them, it is difficult to have something suitable for babies.

   Moreover, this baby girl was congenitally deficient, and now she is too weak. She can only slowly recuperate through some food to have a chance of survival.

  It's a pity that he has never delved into the topic of spiritual meals, and it seems that he must learn some in the future.

  Zhou Qian shook her head, and a trace of disappointment flashed across Ling Shuai's face.

  Zhang Chunfeng thought for a while, then took out a ceramic pot from the storage bag, handed it to Ling Shuai, and said:

   "How do you look at this?"


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