Immortal Space

Chapter 214: share the spoils

  Chapter 214 Divide the spoils

  Due to the attraction of the two inner airships, the eight outer airships killed the monsters layer by layer like peeling onions.

  In normal times, the eight flying boats might still be defeated in the face of these hundreds of thousands of flying monsters. Now they only need to kill them layer by layer, and the number they face is limited each time.

   This is also the reason for bullying low-level monsters with low intelligence, dead brains, and no flexibility.

  The only third-order monster on the scene could have commanded a group of monsters and become the mind of hundreds of thousands of monsters.

  Unfortunately, this monster is currently coiled on a mountain peak and sleeping soundly.

  There was a constant rumble at the scene, causing the remains of the monster to fall like rain, but it didn't affect the sleepiness of this monster snake at all.

  The eight flying boats were cut and killed layer by layer on the periphery, and the monster corpses piled up below were no smaller than the surrounding mountain peaks.

   But it hurt the two flying boats in the center. On the flying boat where Wang Hong was, the little bit of mana that everyone had just replenished with the spirit wine had already been exhausted.

  Although the reinforcements are outside, it is difficult to solve the fire near the water, and if there is a delay, the boat will be destroyed and the people will die.

  Wang Hong suggested to Shen Jian who was in charge of controlling the flying boat: "Brother Shen, although the rescue is on the periphery, we may not be able to support it until then."

   "Now that everyone is in the same boat, if you have any suggestions from Junior Brother Wang, you might as well say it. I think everyone trusts Junior Brother Wang."

  Shen Jian no longer had the splendor of the past at this time, and his beard, which was combed in an unruly way on weekdays, was now like a mess.

   "I suggest that our two airships get closer, concentrate our main force to kill the monsters in front, and charge forward with all our strength.

  If everyone has talismans in their hands, they can gather them together. I still have some second-level talismans in my hand, and I am willing to use them to break through. "

  Shen Jian thought carefully for a while, and felt that what Wang Hong said was reasonable, so he nodded in agreement.

   Then, most of the people on the flying boat agreed, and the rest did not agree or object.

  Shen Jian still trusts Wang Hong quite a bit. From breaking through the siege of Jin'an City earlier to a series of performances on the flying boat before, he has a little more confidence in Wang Hong.

  As for the other people on the flying boat, everyone was familiar with Wang Hong when he was making barbecue before, and they still had a good impression of him.

   Then, when everyone was most desperate, they gave everyone hope.

   What's even more amazing is that Wang Hong predicted for more than an hour before. At first, everyone didn't really believe it.

   You know, in a group of hundreds of people, it is already very difficult for an ordinary person without identity to make a suggestion and make people willing to listen.

  It is even more difficult for everyone to believe in the suggestions and implement them according to the suggestions.

  Under the current emergency, the two spaceships quickly reached a consensus.

  On the flying boat where Wang Hong was, everyone contributed a total of more than eighty second-order talismans, including twenty of Wang Hong's and more than a thousand first-order talismans.

  Another monk contributed ten thunderbolts. This is a one-time spiritual weapon. The power of the explosion is slightly stronger than that of the second-order talisman, but it is not easy to refine and is relatively rare.

   Soon, everything is ready.

  Suddenly, a large flame flew out from the two airships and blasted forward.

   "Boom boom boom!"

  Countless spirit weapons also flew to the front to open the way.

  The eight airships surrounded outside discovered that the ball inside the encirclement suddenly moved forward in one direction.

   thought that the ball made of monsters reacted and wanted to run away.

  Everyone hurriedly stood in front of the ball and blasted it vigorously. The monsters on the ball were killed layer by layer and fell down.

   This move undoubtedly helped Wang Hong and the others a lot.


  With the sound of "Boom!", a ball of fire burst out from the ball, and two airships rushed out of the fire.

  As the two flying boats rushed out of the encirclement, the ball made up of monsters exploded.

  At this time, they realized that there were a few more spaceships around them, and they were surrounded.

   After the two airships rushed out of the siege of monsters, they flew to the rear of the battle, stopped on a mountain peak, and put away their defensive shields to facilitate recovery.

  The people on the airship had no strength to fight anymore, and all stayed in the airship to meditate to recover their mana.

  Without the attraction of Wang Hong and the others, the monsters in the encirclement broke out with all their strength at this time, which made the eight flying boats much more difficult. Fortunately, many of them had been killed before.

   Under the full force of the monsters to break through, only eight flying boats and more than 2,000 foundation-builder cultivators made it harder and harder to stop them.

   In the end, as a last resort, more than half of the monsters were released, and then the remaining monsters were gradually besieged.

   Waiting to kill the flying monster, there is only a mountain-like monster corpse left here, and a giant snake coiled on the mountain peak and sleeping soundly in the distance.

  Although they had already won, everyone was a little at a loss for a while, looking at the huge pile of spoils and dared not clean up.

  What if the giant snake wakes up when they go to collect the loot? This is a powerful Tier 3 monster.

  But if you leave here, but you are unwilling, the accumulation below is a huge fortune.

  Finally, the ten airships got together, and everyone discussed a feasible method.

  Wang Hong and his crew on the two flying boats have not yet recovered, but when it comes to the loot, they have to get up even if they climb up.

  This time I was almost smashed to pieces, and I must reap some benefits before I can be reconciled.

  Everyone unanimously decided to surround the giant snake with six flying boats, but for the time being, they will not disturb its sleep, but only monitor it.

  The remaining four airships will go to collect the spoils, and then distribute them centrally.

  If this monster snake wakes up temporarily, then kill it!

   It is still possible to assemble ten flying boats, a total of more than 3,000 foundation-building monks, and jointly deal with a third-level demon snake.

   It's just that everyone is after the war and consumes a lot of mana, so it's not suitable to provoke them now.

  Wang Hong was also assigned to collect loot.

   More than a thousand people surrounded a mountain of corpses and began to dismember the corpses, those who should be skinned, those who should have cramps, and those who should be bled.

  After ten hours of busy work, the original mountain of corpses turned into a large pile, a small pile, and two large piles.

  The small pile is all kinds of monster materials that have been cleaned up, such as feathers, skins, claws, teeth, claws, etc. of all kinds of monsters.

  The big pile is the corpses of monsters, including more than 2,000 second-tier monsters, and now they can only reluctantly discard them.

  Everyone decided to share the spoils first, in case the huge monster wakes up and cannot be beaten, it will be easier to run away.

  All the golden core monks have already fought against the third-level monsters of the Yaozu, and they don't know how they will win or lose, and when they will come back.

   In the absence of a Golden Core cultivator on one's side, no one can guarantee that one's side will win.

   Divide all the items into more than 3,000 piles according to the number of people. Each pile is two or three feet in size. It is estimated that everyone's storage bags will be full again this time.

  The value of each pile of items will definitely be a little bit wrong, it is impossible to achieve absolute equality, and everyone can only draw lots to determine the ownership.

   After everyone finished dividing up the loot, many people's storage bags couldn't fit, so they could only randomly pile them up in the warehouse of the flying boat.

  There are piles here and there, and there is no place to walk or stay.

  Wang Hong took out an empty storage bag from his arms and put these things in it.

   "Junior Brother Wang, you still have the foresight to prepare the storage bag long ago."

  Brother Kaiyangfeng was holding a pile of things and there was no place to pile them up. Seeing that Wang Hong had already prepared a storage bag for the loot.

   "Why don't I store these things with you first!"

   "No problem, but if I lose it, I'm not responsible!" Wang Hong laughed.

   "No problem, anyway, these are not estimated money."

   Everyone put away the really valuable things long ago, and only some less valuable items that were thrown away and reluctant to part with were piled up on the ground.

  After all the spoils were distributed, everyone started thinking about the giant snake again. It was a Tier 3 monster. If it could be killed, it would be a huge gain.

  Even if they can't fight, as long as the ten flying boats can cooperate, there is absolutely no problem in self-protection.

  Before, outside the border city, three flying boats could fight a third-tier monster evenly.

  Now there are ten flying boats and three thousand monks here, so it should be no problem to deal with a third-tier monster together.

  Wang Hong saw in the classics that there used to be a monk surnamed Long, who was often able to leapfrog the ranks and kill the enemy. During the Qi training period, he could kill Jindan monks, and during the foundation building period, he killed Nascent Soul and old monsters like chickens and dogs.

   Every time he sees this place, he yearns for it!

  Now that they have three thousand foundations, they have to follow the example of the ancients and do the thing of killing the enemy by leapfrogging, that is, their number is a bit too large, and they have lost the splendor of the ancients.

  After deliberation, everyone decided that eight ships would surround the four sides, two ships would be in the sky, and three thousand people would attack the monster snake's head together, striving to kill it with one blow.

  Because of being poisoned by Wang Hong's various poisons, this monster snake began to toss for a while until it was exhausted.

  In addition, under the action of certain poisons, my whole body is sore and weak, tired and lethargic, and the more I sleep, the better I sleep. At this moment, I am entangled with a female snake in my dream.

  Although Wang Hong used a large amount of poison, the poison in the body has been slowly refined and decomposed during the sleep of the monster snake. After sleeping for a while, the poison in the body will be dissolved, and then it will wake up.

  Ten flying boats quietly surrounded the monster snake, and a monk threw a flower from the flying boat.

  Seeing the flowers flying out, everyone sacrificed their spiritual weapons and slowly accumulated energy. Just waiting for the flowers to fall to the ground, everyone will simultaneously deliver a fatal blow to the snake's head.

  Three thousand people charge one blow, and the average force of one blow per person is at least equivalent to tens of thousands of catties, and the force of thirty million catties can completely smash their heads.

  When the flowers were about to fall to the ground, the giant snake was bitten by the sleeping female snake because of the strong killing intent it felt, and woke up with fright.

  As soon as it woke up, it found that it was surrounded by ten flying boats in the sky, and there were countless spiritual weapons hanging above its head.

How is this going? What about other monsters? Just woke up from sleep, it must slowly.


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