Immortality begins with Becoming an Alchemy Grandmaster

Chapter 525: 224: A Different Immortal Cultivation World_2

Chapter 525: Chapter 224: A Different Immortal Cultivation World_2

“One by one, they’re all resounding talents who’ll be big shots controlling territories in the future!”

Someone in the crowd started shouting.

“Why are they all from the Great Sects?”

Xu Xiao Liu grinned, “Well, there are rogue cultivators too, like Chu Kui…”

“Enough. You’re going off on a tangent.”

Luo Chen took a cold glance at Xu Xiao Liu.

Xu Xiao Liu shrank his neck back, realizing he’d talk too much.

The crowd slowly walked along the broad street.

Xu Xiao Liu continued, “The third point you all should remember is that Tian Lan Immortal City has a flying ban. Not only flying boats, even flying magical tools or wind riding are prohibited.”

Someone curiously asked, “The area of Tian Lan Immortal City is so vast, how are we supposed to explore it completely?”

Hearing the question, Xu Xiao Liu chuckled.

“That’s simple. Look behind you.”

The crowd turned to look.

They saw a black beast head approaching thunderously.

“Demon Beast?”


Seeing the beast, Luo Chen’s eyes became focused; it seemed very odd.

“Is that… a bus?”

Whilst his mind was grappling with the incongruity.

The monstrous beast vehicle, almost thirty feet long, came to a stop at the city gate.

A gorgeous female cultivator poked her head out.

“Get on the bus, get on!”

“This ride is headed to Hua Qing Palace. The trip takes an hour, so everyone hurry up.”

Before she’d even finished speaking.

The cultivators waiting at the gate scrambled to get on the bus.

Due to the large crowd, people were pushing their way onto the bus.

This made the gorgeous lady cultivator scold them sharply.

“One Spirit Stone per person, don’t you dare try to sneak on without paying!”

“If I catch you, you’ll be handed over to the enforcement team!”

After this outburst, the cultivators boarding the bus became more orderly.

Before long, several dozen people had boarded, but more than half the seats were still empty.

It seemed like she had noticed someone looking at her.

The female cultivator looked back and her eyes brightened.

“Do you want to get on? With a little squeeze, everyone can sit!”

She was addressing Luo Chen and his group.

Luo Chen frowned as he noticed the half-empty seats. There were over one hundred people in Luo Tian Creed alone.

There were more than sixty people from the Li Family.

There were the least people from the Nangong Family, but they still numbered in the tens.

“Can we all fit in?”

Xu Xiao Liu quickly said: “Indeed, we can. The Black Python Vehicle is a Beast Puppet and is highly flexible. It can accommodate a number of people several times its size.”

Beast Puppet?

Lao Chen thought of the little pangolin in his storage bag and the Giant Bear Puppet under Gu Caiyi’s control.

It seemed like they all were Beast Puppets!

Unexpectedly, these things had evolved to this extent that even buses had been made.

“How far do we have to walk to our destination?” Luo Chen asked.

Xu Xiao Liu thought for a moment, “It would take about three hours on foot. Originally, I planned to take you all on a stroll around Tian Lan Immortal City. But, if you’re in a rush, it might be faster to ride the bus. We can get off halfway and the rest of the way would only take about the time to drink half a cup of tea.”

“Alright, let’s get on then!”

Luo Chen did not hesitate and made the decision immediately.

He could see in the Luo Tian Creed cultivators’ eyes their eagerness and curiosity.

After some discussion, the cultivators from the Li Family and the Nangong Family also decided to board the Beast Vehicle.

The group was simply too large.

The longer they took on the road, the greater the chances of complications.

Once they got on the bus, there would be fewer issues.

But the price, though!

After Sima Huiniang had to pay another hundred or so Spirit Stones, her expression became sour.

“What’s wrong?”

Luo Chen, who was sitting with Li Yixian in the back of the bus studying the Black Python Vehicle, noticed Sima Huiniang’s off mood.

Sima Huiniang forced a smile.

“President, we’re spending Spirit Stones too quickly!”

Luo Chen was taken aback, but then he couldn’t help but chuckle.

Li Yixian and Sima Huiniang sat next to each other, neither able to laugh.

Spirit stones had to be paid for mooring, entering the city, and now, for the bus ride.

Although the individual amounts weren’t much, just a few tens or hundreds of Spirit Stones at a time.

But the frequency made it unbearable!

Luo Chen shook his head, “You should have realized this sooner.”

Sima Huiniang and Li Yixian looked at each other, puzzled as to what he meant.

Luo Chen said seriously: “Do you remember the exchange I had with Lu Rong at the mooring yard?”

Sima Huiniang fell deep into thought.

Soon, she came to a realization.

Next to her, Li Yixian also had a sudden epiphany.

Looking at the determined look in Luo Chen’s eyes, they couldn’t help but feel admiration. Luo Chen was the type of person who thought ten steps ahead.

Even before they entered the city, based on a simple conversation, he had already grasped the general situation of Tian Lan Immortal City.

This was not like the crude business model of The Great River District.

It had been refined to an incredible level.

The washing of boats was categorized by grade, degree of dirtiness, and size.

Repairs were calculated granularly, down to individual Spirit Stones.

Even mooring was subjected to calculations based on days, months, overdue periods, recompenses, and so on.

And all of this was just revolving around a single means of transportation.

Not everyone had a flying boat.

If that aspect could be expanded!

Tian Lan Immortal City likely had even more intricate classifications for those commonplace and frequent businesses!

The ban on fighting was not only to protect the businesses but also to generate revenue for the Dao Debate Platform.

The prohibition of flying was to provide market conditions for these Beast Vehicles.

What about other aspects?

One Spirit Stone can only buy you one day in the city, after which you would have to leave at night.

Otherwise, the enforcement team would find you and you’d be sentenced to dig mines for a month.

So, what should one do if they want to stay longer?

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