Immortality Starts With Diligence(Xianxia Litrpg)

554. Yet Another Betrayal, Striking Down a Dao Companion?

554. Yet Another Betrayal, Striking Down a Dao Companion?

True Monarch-level tasks were indeed rare and few in number. As Lin Fei scanned through them, he quickly focused on a few due to their high reward in contribution points. Lin Fei rarely undertook missions in the Great Dream Sect, but now he felt the need to do so.

"Assist this True Monarch in slaying our sworn enemy, Hundred Flowers True Monarch! Reward: 200,000 contribution points."

Lin Fei was surprised to see a reward of two hundred thousand contribution points. It was likely the entirety of the offering True Monarch's accumulated points.

"Hundred Flowers True Monarch?" Lin Fei mused. He wasn't familiar with Hundred Flowers True Monarch, so he left the mission hall to gather more information about them in the Great Dream City.

After making various inquiries, Lin Fei finally unearthed some information about the Hundred Flowers True Monarch and even stumbled upon an unexpected revelation.

"Wait, what did you say?" Lin Fei asked, visibly surprised. "Hundred Flowers True Monarch was once known as 'Hua Xiangzi' during their Deity Transformation phase and only adopted the name Hundred Flowers True Monarch after reaching True Monarch status? They even founded the Hundred Flowers Sect, becoming a major immortal sect in the Yin-Yang Immortal Realm?"

The name Hundred Flowers True Monarch was unfamiliar to Lin Fei, but he recognized the name "Hua Xiangzi." It seemed he had come across a familiar tale.

Lin Fei still remembered the request from Qing Yuzi, a half-step Deity Transformation cultivator who left behind the Dao Artifact Dubhe. Qing Yuzi had asked Lin Fei to do something for him: if Lin Fei ever became capable, he must kill Hua Xiangzi. Qing Yuzi and Hua Xiangzi were once Dao companions, but Qing Yuzi was severely injured in a sneak attack by Hua Xiangzi, leaving him stuck at the half-step Deity Transformation stage for life. Meanwhile, Hua Xiangzi advanced to become a Deity Transformation powerhouse.

Previously in the Ancient Continent, Lin Fei had searched for Hua Xiangzi but to no avail. Hua Xiangzi had moved to the Divine Realm, and Lin Fei, upon arriving in the Divine Realm later, had forgotten about this matter.

Unexpectedly, Hua Xiangzi, originating from the Ancient Continent, did not join the Ancient Covenant but instead went to the Yin-Yang Immortal Realm and even broke through to become a True Monarch. From this perspective, Hua Xiangzi's talents were indeed terrifying, perhaps even surpassing Qing Yuzi.

However, regardless of the circumstances, Lin Fei owed a debt of gratitude to Qing Yuzi and had even promised to kill Hua Xiangzi if within his power. He hadn't encountered Hua Xiangzi before, but now that he knew of her whereabouts, he had to try, even against a True Monarch, to see if he could kill her.

Moreover, killing Hua Xiangzi would also yield two hundred thousand contribution points from the Great Dream Sect. Even without Qing Yuzi's request, Lin Fei would still target Hua Xiangzi.

The main challenge, however, was dealing with the avatars of a Void Transformation True Monarch, similar to a Deity Transformation cultivator, who possesses numerous avatars. To kill a True Monarch, Lin Fei would have to eliminate all of their avatars.

Previously, Lin Fei managed to slay Deity Transformation cultivators by relying on Shen's illusions. However, these illusions were no longer effective against True Monarchs. Lin Fei would have to rely on himself.

"Martial True Monarchs can lock onto the avatars of Immortal True Monarchs," Lin Fei thought. "Then, by continuously traversing through the void, eliminating one avatar after another. But this method is too inefficient."

Lin Fei frowned, honestly not fully confident in his ability to eliminate all avatars of Hundred Flowers True Monarch. After all, no one knew exactly how many avatars Hundred Flowers True Monarch possessed. In theory, a True Monarch could have millions of avatars. How could one possibly kill them all?

Even if Lin Fei spent every moment trying to kill Hundred Flowers True Monarch's avatars, it would be an endless task, unlikely to ever truly kill her.

"Regardless, take the task first," Lin Fei decided. "Then I'll meet with the True Monarch who posted the task to see if they have any solutions."

Lin Fei had a feeling that the True Monarch who posted the mission might have some methods; otherwise, the task would be impossible to complete. He quickly accepted the task and received an address, learning the name of the True Monarch who posted it: Ancient Covenant's Hanging Moon True Monarch.

"Hanging Moon True Monarch?" A thought struck Lin Fei, and he immediately returned his focus to the real world.


Lin Fei opened his eyes, and the task was accepted. Now, he was set to meet with Hanging Moon True Monarch. He was curious as to why this True Monarch would offer such a substantial reward to kill a Void Transformation True Monarch.

After all, everyone knew that killing a Void Transformation True Monarch was incredibly difficult. What deep hatred did Hanging Moon True Monarch have against Hundred Flowers True Monarch to go to such lengths, even willing to spend two hundred thousand contribution points to have her killed?

Lin Fei left the secluded chamber and soon arrived at Hanging Moon True Monarch's residence, a modest courtyard. Approaching the gate, he announced loudly, "Lin Fei has come to pay respects to Hanging Moon True Monarch!"

"True Monarch Lin, please come in," a calm and composed voice responded from inside. The gate opened, and Lin Fei entered.

In the courtyard stood a slender, elegant man with an extraordinary demeanor. On seeing Lin Fei, he smiled slightly and said, "I didn't expect the one who accepted the task to be the renowned Lin Fei of the Ancient Covenant. True Monarch Lin, you've just passed the eighth lightning tribulation. Are you sure you want to take on this task?"

"Yes, Hanging Moon True Monarch, it is I who have accepted the task," Lin Fei confirmed. "However, I have a question. What deep enmity exists between you and Hundred Flowers True Monarch that compels you to go to such lengths against her? I would appreciate your candidness."

Lin Fei, having accepted the task, naturally wanted to understand the full story. It would be unwise to go against an Immortal True Monarch without knowing the details.

Hanging Moon True Monarch looked at Lin Fei and, after a deep breath and a flash of cold light in his eyes, said gravely, "True Monarch Lin, it's no secret, and there's no harm in telling you. Hundred Flowers True Monarch and I were once Dao companions. When Hundred Flowers True Monarch first arrived from the Ancient Wilderness, she was just at the Deity Transformation stage. I helped her acclimate to the Divine Realm, and eventually, we became Dao companions, spending ten thousand years together, both reaching the peak of Deity Transformation.

But I was a Martial God, and she was a Deity Transformation cultivator. Our cultivation philosophies and needs were different. Later, she said her time had come, that her cultivation method required cutting off emotional ties, and she wanted to part ways.

I disagreed. But unexpectedly, Hundred Flowers True Monarch attacked me suddenly, even attempting to kill me! However, I survived and escaped. Later, I heard she became a Void Transformation True Monarch. I joined the Great Dream Sect, diligently cultivated, and eventually also became a True Monarch. I went to the Hundred Flowers Sect several times, seeking revenge. Not only did I fail to kill her, but I also returned injured each time.

Hundred Flowers True Monarch, a person who could strike at her Dao companion of ten thousand years... How could I tolerate such deep enmity? How could I be content without killing her?"

Hanging Moon True Monarch's hatred was profound and ingrained. Betrayed by a Dao companion and even subjected to a murder attempt – such a betrayal was deeply sorrowful. However, Lin Fei found something peculiar about this story.

It was strangely familiar to him. Wasn't the story of Qing Yuzi and Hua Xiangzi similar? They were also Dao companions, and in a quest for treasures, Hua Xiangzi betrayed and attempted to kill Qing Yuzi.

Unlike Hanging Moon True Monarch, Qing Yuzi wasn't so fortunate. He was gravely injured, condemned to remain at the half-step Deity Transformation for life, and possibly even later killed by Hua Xiangzi.

This Hua Xiangzi, now known as Hundred Flowers True Monarch, seemed to have a pattern of betraying and striking against her Dao companions. What could be the reason behind this?

Lin Fei felt that there might be more to Hundred Flowers True Monarch than meets the eye, perhaps even a shocking secret.

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