Immortality Starts With Diligence(Xianxia Litrpg)

567. Creating Worlds in the Divine Dream Realm!

567. Creating Worlds in the Divine Dream Realm!

The Divine Dream Realm, in truth, is challenging to perfect despite the many things within the Divine Realm that seem familiar. To actually perfect it within the dream is an arduous task, especially in terms of worlds. Creating worlds is exceedingly difficult. It is a key component of the Divine Realm.

Unexpectedly, Lin Fei has perfected it. Of course, this is just the beginning. To truly perfect it, there is still a long way to go. It requires numerous smaller worlds. Not just one. After all, the Divine Realm outside contains more than one small world. The Divine Dream Realm must, in its entirety, closely resemble the external Divine Realm.

"Lin Fei, from now on, slowly continue to create worlds. The more worlds you create, the better. Only then can the Divine Dream Realm be perfected." The Great Dream Ancestor, pleased, spoke to Lin Fei.

"I understand. However, my world is not yet perfected. It needs the birth of life to be completely perfected."

"You can bring life to these small worlds?"

The Great Dream Ancestor was even more astonished. He understood what this meant. Once a small world gives birth to life, then it becomes a true small world. Indistinguishable from those in the external realm.

"Yes, it can give birth to life. But it requires a considerable amount of time. It could be a thousand years, perhaps ten thousand, or even longer. The exact duration is subject to some chance factors. But generally, it takes a very long time."

Hearing Lin Fei's words, a smile appeared on the Great Dream Ancestor's face.

"In the Divine Dream Realm within the Fourth Layer of Dreams, time? It's simply not an issue!"

Lin Fei nodded in agreement. In the Fourth Layer of Dreams, time flows ten thousand times faster. A day outside translates to nearly twenty-seven years in this layer. Ten days outside are equivalent to roughly two hundred and seventy years, nearly three hundred. And a hundred days outside? That equates to two thousand seven hundred years.

In short, time is abundant in the Fourth Layer of Dreams. Setting the Divine Dream Realm in this layer was primarily due to the rapid flow of time. This acceleration brings various benefits.

Thus, Lin Fei began creating worlds, one after another, within the Divine Dream Realm. Since time moved swiftly here, it wouldn't delay much.

Moreover, in the process of continuously creating worlds, Lin Fei also gained various insights. Undoubtedly, this would enhance his understanding of the Dao of Worlds. So, Lin Fei commenced his creation of worlds within the Divine Dream Realm.

One, two, three, four, five...

Time in the Divine Dream Realm passed quickly.

One year, three years, five years, ten years, twenty years...

In the blink of an eye, thirty years had passed. In the outside world, this was just over a day.

Yet, in these thirty years, Lin Fei had created approximately ten thousand small worlds within the Divine Dream Realm. Crafting over ten thousand worlds, Lin Fei became more proficient in perfecting the Divine Dream Realm and creating worlds. However, there seemed to be no insights into the Dao of Worlds, and consequently, no advancement.

Lin Fei felt the urge to leave. But he faintly sensed something was amiss. He had always been creating worlds, yet he always felt something was lacking. A glimmer of insight flickered in his mind, but he couldn't quite grasp it.

"Even if I create a hundred thousand, or a million small worlds, it would be the same. The Dao of Worlds would not improve. But for now, the only thing I can perfect is the small world. Aren't the small worlds a part of the external Divine Realm?"

Lin Fei furrowed his brows.


Suddenly, amidst the chaos of his thoughts, a flicker of insight briefly shone through. In that moment, Lin Fei achieved enlightenment. He always felt something was missing. Or rather, there was something not quite right.

But what exactly was missing, Lin Fei did not know. Now, he understood. In the Divine Realm, indeed there are small worlds.

However, in addition to small worlds, there are also True Monarch-level worlds. Lin Fei had created small worlds. But he had not created a True Monarch-level world!

What is the difference between a True Monarch-level world and a small world?

Lin Fei's understanding cleared.

"If I could create a True Monarch-level world, it would further perfect the Divine Dream Realm. Moreover, once I create a True Monarch-level world, what would be the power of the particle worlds I create thereafter?"

The thought alone exhilarated Lin Fei. Thus, he continued to stay within the Divine Dream Realm. If it were elsewhere, or using his own particles for experimentation, there would be risks.

Even then, its correctness would be uncertain and hard to verify. But the Divine Dream Realm was different. As long as Lin Fei's creation wasn't a True Monarch-level world, or if there were errors, all traces would disappear.

In essence, the Divine Dream Realm could validate whether Lin Fei's methods were correct. This was hugely beneficial for Lin Fei's future creation of particle worlds.

So, Lin Fei began attempting to create True Monarch-level particle worlds. Instead of undergoing the ninth heavenly tribulation.

Lin Fei started his attempts.

One, two, three, four, five times...

Lin Fei did not know how many attempts he made. But each time, he failed to create. A True Monarch-level world was not that simple.

"My understanding of True Monarch-level worlds is still insufficient! Or rather, it's too general. I have yet to grasp the essence of True Monarch-level worlds. That's why I've been unable to create one!"

Lin Fei realized the problem. He only knew the superficial aspects of True Monarch-level worlds, not their essence. That's why he couldn't create them.

Lin Fei had attempted thousands of times. But without exception, all attempts failed.

"It's no use, continuing to try will yield the same result. I need to experience a True Monarch-level world firsthand. Only by understanding its essence can I possibly create a True Monarch-level world."

Lin Fei made up his mind. Thus, he left the Divine Dream Realm and returned to the Ancient City.


Lin Fei opened his eyes. He looked around, and then checked the date. Only two days had passed, yet in the Fourth Layer of Dreams, that was fifty-four years!

For Lin Fei, it was too long. Even coming back felt like returning from another era.

"Now I either find a True Monarch-level world, it doesn't have to be on the brink of collapse, even a stable True Monarch-level world will do. Or I undergo the heavenly tribulation. Surviving the ninth heavenly thunder and gaining insights into the Dao of Worlds might significantly enhance it."

Lin Fei pondered. Undergoing the tribulation now was also an option. As long as he didn't rashly create particle worlds using the laws he plundered, it would be feasible.

Moreover, after the tribulation, at least those world laws would enhance the power of Saber World. That would be enough.

Once he survives the ninth tribulation, Lin Fei would truly be a top-tier True Monarch.

After nine tribulations, Lin Fei would lose his edge. Like other True Monarchs, he would have to earnestly comprehend his own path, striving to master a complete Dao!

"If so, then I'll undergo the tribulation first!"

Lin Fei quickly decided. His strength was sufficient now. Passing the ninth tribulation would be a breeze. Even facing nine heavenly thunders, he was confident. There shouldn't be any major issues.

Thus, in a flash, Lin Fei swiftly flew toward the site of the tribulation.

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