Imperial God Emperor

Chapter 1210 - Clear and bright

Chapter 1210 - Clear and bright

Translator: Aran

The shape and appearance of the Hou was similar to a winged tiger. In fact, it was an old tiger that had grown wings, and the black-winged nine-headed Dapeng was a bird. Therefore they were called a chicken and a dog by Ye Qingyu. This was an undisguised ridicule, also a kind of contempt.

But having learnt a lesson from Sovereign Dark Yellow's situation, Sovereign Skyreach and Sovereign Dark Feather carefully suppressed their emotions and controlled themselves to not be aggravated.

Moreover, they had already given up being cautious and careful about their reputation as a Martial Emperor, and had joined forces to strike back.

“[Storm of Swords]!”

Ye Qingyu's first move was already the strongest battle sword technique of the [Four Moves of the Unmatched General]. Like the blade technique of the [Eight Ways of a Night Battle], all of a sudden the entire starry battlefield was filled with the sword will of the [Life Sword Mantra], while countless giant swords formed a true [Storm of Swords] that swept across.

“Break, break, break... Break!” The black-winged nine-headed Dapeng opened his mouth wide. All nine heads were emitting the power of sound waves. The nine consecutive words ‘break’ sent the void shaking with incomparably mysterious Dao sounds. In an instant all of the silver sword will were shattered; however, the blade storm, like a gust of wind, did not stop and directly drowned him the next moment.

While Sovereign Skyreach simply opened his huge mouth, like devouring the stars, directly swallowed the sword body and sword will of the [Life Sword Mantra].

“Oh, how arrogant.” Ye Qingyu sneered, and with a thought, triggered the sword will of the [Life Sword Mantra] to erupt completely. Even the sword will and body swallowed into Sovereign Skyreach's mouth had suddenly exploded like a crash of thunder, rumbling in his body as it transformed into a terrifying killing sword qi that destroyed the internal body of Sovereign Skyreach's original form.


The internal body of Sovereign Skyreach was indeed producing bursts of Dao sounds.

However, he burst into laughter, “Swallowing the sun and chewing the moon are my divine abilities... The sword qi simply contains a hint of strange force, how can it hurt me.” Within his body, there was a flowing river of stars. The stars began to arrange into formation, like a small universe, and in an instant diminished the power of the [Life Sword Mantra] intent.

And at the same time, a warning sign came to Ye Qingyu's mind.

While he was still thinking, he noticed that there were two incredibly sharp gushes of power piercing through the air in his direction, locking onto his original form. It was like an Immortal blade or a divine sword. Even given Ye Qingyu's strength, before the piercing sharp force had arrived, he already felt spells of biting pain.

But, Sovereign Dark Feather, who was originally submerged in the blade storm, had used some mysterious Emperor technique to escape, like a cicada shedding and leaving its empty shell, and reappeared behind Ye Qingyu. That incomparably sharp power was precisely from his pair of black wings. The pair of black wings was the world's sharpest sword, comparable to any divine weapon.

“[Void Walk].”

Ye Qingyu bellowed, his figure flashing.

Black wings streaked across, instantly hacking his residual shadow into dust.

But Ye Qingyu's true body, at the same time, had appeared hundreds of thousands of kilometers away.

“Gather... [Sword of Judgment]!”

He pinched his fingers together to perform a sword technique. The next moment the sky was filed with the sword will of the [Life Sword Mantra], like a sudden downpour, or like swallows returning to their nest. A long silver sword millions of kilometers long suddenly emerged, pressing down from a height and locked on Sovereign Dark Feather, as if it really was the [Sword of Judgment] from the divine Immortal world.

This was the evolved version of the final killing move of the [Four Moves of the Unmatched General].

After Ye Qingyu reached the Emperor realm, he had once again revisited the ancient bronze book [Fiendgod Titled Chart]. It was then that he truly appreciated and understood the power and profound meaning of the fiendgod battle skills within. Under the activation of Emperor strength, any kind of fiendgod skills was not in the slightest inferior to a top Emperor technique. It could be said that what the present Ye Qingyu lacks was definitely not Emperor killing moves.

“Haha, want to chop me up?”

Sovereign Dark Feather proudly laughed, accelerated all of a sudden and disappeared.

The black-winged nine-headed Dapeng was a strange species born in the ancient times. Its speed was incredibly fast, not inferior in any respect to the Kunping, one of the eight great legendary divine beasts. Not even the eyesight of a Martial Emperor can capture its trajectory. To escape from the [Storm of Swords] and strike Ye Qingyu all of a sudden was something only extreme speed can achieve. At this time, he had once again entered into an extremely fast flying state, which even Ye Qingyu, for a moment, was unable to capture his flight trajectory.

But, the next moment——


The [Sword of Judgment] extremely precisely struck the body of Sovereign Dark Feather who was traveling at an incredibly rapid speed, blowing up three to five black feathers. Interrupted in a state of extreme speed, his figure was sent flying obliquely and looked to be in a bit of a panic.

“You... deserve to die.”

Sovereign Dark Feather flew into a rage.

It was the first time he had been hit by his opponent in such a way during his rapid flight, breaking his speeding state.

He knew that what Ye Qingyu used was a fiendgod battle technique, a top Emperor technique. Once the [Sword of Judgment] was launched out, it can lock onto the target. Unless the opponent dies, the opponent would eventually be struck. This was the terrifying aspect of the battle skills in the [Fiendgod Titled Chart].

But at the same time, Ye Qingyu seemed to be aware of something. He brought his [Blood Drinker Sword] up in a defensive guard across his chest. In the originally empty space in front, suddenly a snow-white sabre Emperor weapon had silently appeared, like a ghost, striking the [Blood Drinker Sword], and sent Ye Qingyu propelling away by the huge blast.

It was a sneak attack from Sovereign Skyreach.

The snow-white sabre flew back, landing into the mouth of Sovereign Skyreach, and turned into a tooth.

While sent flying, Ye Qingyu triggered [Void Walk] once again, constantly changing his position.

In a battle among Emperor-level experts, especially in the case of fighting against two, the best way to protect oneself was to prevent the opponent from determining your true position. Although it is said that a true Martial Emperor’s form was incomparably huge, whether it was the human form or a foreign race, it would not in the slightest affect the flexibility and agility in battle.

In the blink of an eye, it was unknown how many times the three great Martial Emperors had exchanged moves.

Enormous figures were appearing and disappearing, like streams of sparks. They flashed constantly, occasionally collided, and produced resounding booms. The Dao sounds were like claps of thunder, while the ripples of Dao resembled waves, spreading constantly. In less than a few minutes, all of the stars in this starry battlefield had already been turned to ashes. This starry domain had also been completely turned into a dead domain.

Even someone as strong as Song Xiaojun, with full attention, also could not tell who had the upper hand.

Such an Emperor battle had gone beyond her ability and understanding. But for Song Xiaojun, this was also a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. To be able to spectate a real Emperor battle at such a close distance without being impacted was the dream of countless martial artists. She was able to truly feel the fluctuations of Emperor strength in the void, and also plant the seeds of becoming Emperor in her heart.

Song Xiaojun's strength originally belonged to a near-invincible existence just below the Martial Emperor. Otherwise, the other side would not have had to dispatch so many Quasi-emperors to besiege her, and she remained undefeated even after fifteen consecutive days. At this time, although she couldn’t really appreciate the profound meaning and the strength and weakness during the battle among Martial Emperors, she was still able to perceive and capture the great Dao contained in the three very different fluctuations of Emperor power. Even if she only understood a little, for her, it could already be considered as the sound of heaven.

It was just that she was extremely worried about Ye Qingyu, and thus inevitably distracted. The effect of this understanding and perception was greatly reduced as a result.

And the true ancient flame Phoenix, who was currently in a sealed state, maintained silent and still as before. She was situated not far from Song Xiaojun. Within her eyes, there was a glimmer of bright light flashing, although very faint, there was a hint of violence, and more of anger.

Upon a closer look, one would notice that the attention of the true ancient flame Phoenix was fixed on the battle of the three great Emperors, even more so than the concerned and worried Song Xiaojun.

And with the passage of time, the bright and clear light in the eyes of the true ancient flame Phoenix also grew fiercer and brighter.


Heavenly thunder roared again in the starry battlefield.

“Devour heaven and earth... [Matchless Snow Blade Killing]!”

Sovereign Skyreach opened his mouth, all the snow-white fangs turned into snowy white knives and shot out. In the void, like an array of stars, they gathered into a terrifying killing formation that locked onto Ye Qingyu’s body.

“[Extremely Fast Extermination]!”

Sovereign Dark Feather also acted.

The hundreds of black feathers on his body automatically detached, swirling and fluttering in disorder in the void. But as soon as it got within ten thousand kilometers of Ye Qingyu, each feather turned into a black wing, like a black sabre, making strange slashes, collided with each other, and constantly changed positions. They were frantically changing and transforming as they gathered in a killing formation.

The real killing moves of the two great Martial Emperors had appeared.

This was because they were pushed to a certain point. In the previous battle, despite fighting against only one opponent, not only did they fail to occupy the upper hand, they were instead wounded by Ye Qingyu. Besides infuriated, their fear of Ye Qingyu also intensified.

The real Emperor killing moves had descended.

The two major killing formations could be said to be their Emperor life techniques.

Ye Qingyu's facial expression changed. He swung his sword up and pinched out a strange sword seal. His body suddenly rolled up like a baby in a mother’s womb. Unexpectedly, not only did he not swing the sword up to strike back, but he stood there motionlessly. The [Formless Armor of Shifting Clouds] on him was overflowing with a white brilliance, which forcibly took on the attack of the two great Emperor killing formations.

In an instant, Ye Qingyu's body was submerged by terrifying Emperor power, and snowy-white and black sabres.

“Huh? Is this a deliberate search for death?”

“He wants to suicide to end the battle?”

Such a scene astonished both Sovereign Skyreach and Sovereign Dark Feather.

Because this time, they could distinguish that Ye Qingyu had truly withstood the two great killing formations with his physical body alone. He did not strike back, but forcibly received the attacks. This behaviour was simply crazy, and no different to suicide. Even the Martial Emperor of the Immortal clan, which boasts to possess an Immortal body, would be afraid to do such a thing.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Terrifying Emperor power continuously bombarded Ye Qingyu. And with Ye Qingyu as the center, within a radius of millions of kilometers, the disorderly Emperor power and the chains of law constantly stacked together, forming a chaotic turbulent storm that could destroy heaven and earth.

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