In the Harry Potter Without Harry Potter

Chapter 297: The Door Opened (2 in 1)

Chapter 297: The Door Opened (2 in 1)

Dumbledore's promise is undoubtedly extremely reliable.

Since he said Jon will certainly make it today, it will certainly not be wrong, which also let many students who were worried about Jon's safety at this time also put down their hearts.

After chatting with the students, Dumbledore's face become incomparably solemn as he began to tell them about the specific matters concerning the selection of champions for the upcoming Triwizard Tournament.

"Year one and two students are not allowed to participate, you are all still too young to be allowed to participate in such a high-intensity tournament. For third years and above, it is up to you to volunteer, so if you wish to sign up, write your name on a slip of paper and throw it into the goblet of fire located in the middle of the banquet hall."

As Dumbledore spoke, the eyes of the Hogwarts students turned in unison to the large, roughly carved wooden goblet in the middle of the banqueting hall, which held a dancing blue-white flame.

Now at this moment, the pureblood students who belonged to the Hogwarts castle were lining up to throw their names into the cup.

Many of those children raised their heads provocatively after seeing all the students on Dumbledore's side looking in their direction.

Only George and Fred returned an ugly grimace in response to their gesture.

"This cup will be the one to select the champions, it has been around for hundreds of years and has been used to select the champions from each school for every one of the Triwizard Tournaments. This time it is certainly no exception. After you have thrown your names in, it will toss out the names of those it deems fit at precisely eight o'clock tonight, and at that time a pact that cannot be broken will be established, and whoever is chosen will have to participate in the next Tournament Tasks. That is, everyone who wishes to throw his/her name into that cup must best be absolutely mentally prepared because no one has a way back from that moment on as soon as they are chosen."

Dumbledore's words sounded very serious, and after listening to him, everyone in the room became extra serious.

"We need Jon!"

Never before had Fred spoken with such seriousness.

And after hearing his statement, no one felt unconvinced, and all nodded with unmistakable recognition.

"As long as Jon is chosen, the championship will definitely be ours!"

Someone said with great conviction.

Dumbledore looked at them, not agreeing nor refuting, just saying calmly.

"And I have never doubted Jon's ability, but you can't rely on him for everything, it's a bad habit to get into. Think about it, boys, if one day you didn't have Jon by your side to help you, would you be able to do it any better?"

His words caused a sense of panic to rise in the hearts of many for no apparent reason.

Every student here knew very well that without Jon, not only would there be about one-fifth fewer people sitting here now, but they wouldn't know what kind of danger they would have to go through on the sea.

"Even with the best people leading you, don't forget that the only people who can give you the most help are actually yourselves."

Even on such an occasion, Dumbledore did not forget his duty as a teacher to teach his students when the students from the other three schools had already been putting their names in the Goblet of Fire one by one.

The ballroom was lit up with flashing lights and countless media agencies from different parts of the world took pictures as each student tossed his or her name into the cup, capturing a moment of great significance that would last even in the long history of the world.

This selection of champions will last all day until the results are known at eight o'clock.

In front of the students of Hogwarts Castle, Voldemort sat as calmly as ever in the main seat, the Ministry of Magic still belonged to him and the ballroom remained his domain until the final results had been decided.

There was a constant stream of wizards trying to get close to him, and as there are many wizards and ministers who supported Dumbledore's Witching Horizons, there are also those who support Voldemort's pureblood supremacy theory.

These people did not necessarily want Voldemort to rule their region, but they nevertheless had ideas about using his theory to gain power for themselves or the interest groups they belonged to.

To these people Voldemort seemed to welcome them all, laughing and joking with a group of diplomatic officials from various Ministries of Magic, without a trace of the dark lord he had once been, nor of the gruesome appearance he had had when he had walked into this Ministry, half bleeding, months before were shown.

What is taking place on this day is not just a selection ceremony for champions who would be competing in the tournament, but also a sociable banquet.

And judging by the attitudes of the various Wizarding Governments that had arrived so far, even though the Wizarding Horizons under Dumbledore had achieved extremely impressive results, the vast majority still felt that Voldemort, who held all of Britain and nominally and legally occupied France, had the greater advantage.

No one would think that this powerful man would make a joke out of himself, especially since Voldemort himself had proposed this Triwizard Tournament, and since he was confident that he was willing to end the war in this way, he would have something to fall back on.

On Dumbledore's side, the magical governments of Norway and Finland, located in Northern Europe, were more inclined to Grindelwald than to him.

It was only because of Grindelwald that they supported the Witching Horizons side, and only a small percentage of them actually supported Dumbledore from their hearts.

Because after nearly a decade of silence, no one thought Dumbledore had much chance of success, even if he now looked like he was making a comeback.

The dancing fires warmed the gilded halls, some faces wore smiles of amusement, some faces showed sarcasm, some faces frowned in silence, and some looked back with regret.

While this ballroom of the French Ministry of Magic was so lively, thousands of miles away, under the Arctic ice, Jon was making the final preparations.

He had Gabrielle hidden directly inside the petrified Nick's body, which would prevent her from being hit by the killing curse that threatened to rain down more heavily afterwards.

Jon, himself, had tied Nick behind himself, which is the only way he could resist the killing curse now.

Luckily, Nick is an adult ghost who is a little taller than Jon and can cover all the corners of Jon's back perfectly.

After getting all this in place, Jon stared at the bronze door just behind Rodolphus and took a deep breath.

The next second, in a very subtle voice, he recited the incantation of the general counter-spell, allowing the effects of this magic to attach itself to his entire body, then striding forward, taking three quick steps before violently yanking off his cloak of invisibility!

The two nearest Death Eaters heard the movement as soon as he started to take his steps.

Before they could look at the source of the noise, a wind-like figure swept past them!

Jon didn't use the levitation charm to make himself fly, with all the enemies around him and the space above him so tight, flying into the air would have been purely a target for the enemy.

He simply used the spell to lighten his weight, allowing him to move faster, and as he advanced, he squeezed the phoenix feather in his hand with unparalleled force!

In an instant, Jon felt the temperature around him rise significantly, and his entire body glowed a bit, after getting past the two nearest Death Eaters, and just under five metres away from the bronze door!

"Avada Kedavra!"

He heard the Death Eaters who had reacted behind him recite the killing curse incantation, yet he didn't have the slightest intention of dodging or resisting it!

Three ghastly green rays of light unique to the killing curse lit up the entire space under the ice and flew straight at Jon's back!


A sound more like two hard objects colliding together rang out as the three killing curses, one hitting Nick's terrified face and two landing on his round stomach!

Not only had the killing spell failed to inflict effective damage on Jon, but the force from that spell had also created a thrust that increased his forward speed!

And at this moment, he had already crossed most of the distance between himself and the bronze door, and Rodolphus, who was guarding the door, had finally reacted by this time!

He stared at Jon's face, his gaze brimming with fierceness and hatred, and without half a moment's hesitation his hands moved, raising his wand without hesitation!

What spell he would be using next, Jon didn't need to guess.

At such a close distance, and with no protection in front of him, as soon as Rodolphus' spell was used, it would be almost certain that Jon would die.

But even as Rodolphus was halfway through the incantation, Jon didn't have any intention of dodging, he just plunged his body straight in front of the tip of his wand!



A loud, precise slap struck Rodolphus's haggard, pale face!

The remaining half of the incantation that had been recited could no longer be recited, and the green light that had been glowing at the tip of the wand faded into nothingness!

The force was so great that Rodolphus' entire body tilted in the opposite direction of Jon's slap. At that very moment, Jon's hand, which was holding the wand, began to reach forward, less than twenty centimetres away from touching the bronze door.

"Avada Kedavra!"

A shrill, piercing female voice suddenly rang out to the right side of his body!

A much brighter green beam of light than the killing curse that the others had used lit up the instant the incantation sounded, and Jon's mind started spinning like crazy!

The golden light of Fawkes' arrival had lit up, but there was definitely not enough time to take him away before the killing curse landed on him.

His reflexes though were quick enough to deflect his body at the same time the incantation of the curse that was now shooting out of Bella's wand, but there was definitely not enough time for him to dodge the spell in this way.

Using the levitation charm now would allow him to rise quickly into the air, but if he had mastered the art of silent casting for this spell that would have been fine, but if he had to cast it now normally, there simply wouldn't be enough time!

The situation seemed to have put Jon at a complete dead end, but then a quick thought occurred to him!

If he didn't have enough time to cast the spell, then he would cancel it!

With a single thought, the levitation charm that had been attached to him, helping him to reduce the force of gravity, was instantly cancelled!

The next moment, with the return of normal gravity, Jon's entire body plummeted downwards, directly falling half a body length away from the original!

The spell that should have hit him at the waist only hit Nick's protruding belly, which he was carrying on his back!

The force from the curse sent Jon's body flying and his hand reaching for the door deflected, but his whole body slammed into the door with a dull thud.

But the door did not move at all, not even remotely about to open for Jon.

This caused a wave of disappointment to well up in Jon's heart, but his disappointment did not last long, and the next moment he fell from the door to the ground, he stood up from the ground with his hands braced on the ancient bronze door.

The countless sounds of the killing curse being chanted rang out again, Jon didn't turn around, Nick faced the enemy, and he heard the pleasant clear chirp of Fawkes' arrival.

If you can't open it, you can't open it, he had gained enough from this trip anyway.

As the thought rose in his mind, the tips of the Death Eaters' wands lit up with a green glow as thick as rain, and Fawkes' claws were about to touch his shoulders.

The bronze door, which had been as dead as a stone, opened with a bang!

Jon, who was facing it and had his full weight on the door, stumbled and fell straight through it along with Nick and Gabrielle!

Fawkes instantly became anxious as he waved his wings and tried to fly into the door with Jon, however, the next second Jon stumbled inside, and the bronze door abruptly slammed back shut, directly sending Fawkes, who was already halfway through his flight, flying out!

There was a crackling sound, and all the killing curses that had been flying together towards Jon landed on that door, and in the end not even the slightest bit of debris was knocked off.

All the Death Eaters who saw this scene were dumbfounded.

Including Rodolphus, together they all turned their attention to Bella.

"I thought you said that no one could enter this door but our lord!"

Hearing his question, Bella's face turned bloodless and pale, her gaze filled with shock and disbelief.

She didn't answer Rodolphus' question, but walked quickly to the bronze door and kept tapping on it, but the ancient bronze door didn't have the slightest intention of opening to her.

"Impossible! It can't be! Lord had said no one could open this door, it belonged to that man and no one is qualified to push it open except the descendants of that man!"


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