In the Harry Potter Without Harry Potter

Chapter 350: The Siege of Dragons (2 in 1)

Chapter 350: The Siege of Dragons (2 in 1)

The Hungarian Horntail dragon's blood continued to gush from its face, the hot scarlet liquid making a loud sound like molten lava as soon as it struck the trees and grass.

It was as if a wizard who had never learnt the curse had suddenly used a killing curse on a person, but that kind of curse would only cause the person to have a nosebleed and become dizzy for a while.

The Horntail dragon's current state was certainly not that mild; Jon's two-handed technique was not just a private study of his own from the Forbidden Book, but had been instructed by Grindelwald over a long period of time, and was more powerful than the killing curse used by normal dark wizards.

A killing curse of this level caused the Horntail dragon to suffer badly, and it was so dazed that it couldn't get up from the ground even after a long while, but the horrible amount of dragon blood that had been spurting out of its seven orifices at first had gradually stopped, leaving only a large streak of blood on the ground.

It was also lucky enough that its flight speed was fast enough, plus the fact that Jon himself was constantly moving, resulting in little time for precise aiming. If this killing curse had hit its eyes, which had the weakest defence, it would have been more than just a simple case as it was now, and it would definitely have had a hard time escaping death.

But even so, it did not instil much fear in the Horntail dragon's heart, but rather aroused its ferocity!

It rose up from the grass and its huge wings spread out!

All the trees it touched were snapped off with the force of its wings until a raging torrent of air swept through the grass and the canopy, and the Horntail Dragon roared, its blood sliding and dripping off its scales before it rose back into the sky in a muddled manner!

Jon gasped and kept shifting and moving in the sky.

The Norwegian Ridgeback that had followed behind the Hungarian Horntail Dragon was still close behind him, and the dragon's breath that was constantly spewed out possessed a heat hot enough to melt steel, constantly baking his back.

The two-handed casting of a spell can enhance the spell's power, but it is not without cost and can be extremely taxing on the caster's physical strength.

The more advanced the spell, the more physical stamina it consumed, and the Killing Curse is the most powerful of all dark magics. With the shot Jon had just used, he had thought that even if he couldn't hit the eye directly, it would still be enough to kill the Hungarian Horntail dragon, but he had underestimated the resilience of dragons against magic.

Even if Jon could use a second killing curse like that, he wouldn't dare to use it again.

Even if he managed to kill a dragon, it wouldn't help his situation, five or six dragons were targeting him and coming after him.

As for the post-match thing of having his wand checked by a Prior Incantato charm, instead of worrying about being held accountable by the judging team, Jon should now think well in advance about what kind of nasty words he could use to verbally spit at them at that occasion.

No matter who was behind such a mishap, the direct responsibility must be on the judges in charge of the tournament task, and it was not Jon's fault that he had been forced to use a killing curse.

As he continued to dodge the attacks of the Norwegian Ridgeback in the sky, Jon also noticed that other dragon species were getting closer to him.

It is a black dragon of the Hebrides islands known for its ferocity and aggression, and there is also a Peruvian Vipertooth dragon flying from the other direction, the smallest of the known dragons, but also the fastest, much faster than even the Horntail dragon!

It crossed the distance of dozens of metres almost in the blink of an eye, aiming straight at Jon, its scarlet pupils full of madness, its pair of long teeth full of venom that were so striking in the moonlight!

Together with the Hungarian Horntail Dragon, which had already risen from the ground, Jon knew in his heart that he could not stay in the open sky for much longer, surrounded by four dragons.

If he had the speed advantage, it would have been best for him to emerge out of the forbidden forest and take the battlefield in mid-air, so that he could watch the direction of the dragons' movements and evade them at the same time, avoiding a situation like the one before when Hoss had led him through the woods only to collide head-on with the Ukrainian Ironbelly.

But now that it was these dragons who had the speed advantage, then Jon would have to opt for a change of strategy and return to the densely wooded forbidden forest.

With the massive size of these dragons, there was no way that they could be fast as they were able to in the forbidden forest sky, while Jon could instead evade with his more dexterous size.

So Jon didn't hesitate much, he simply changed the direction of his flight and entered the dense woods of the Forbidden Forest at the same time as the Hungarian Horntail Dragon rose back into the sky.

Instead of alighting between the trees, he remained flying low at all times, deftly moving forward through the forbidden forest like a darting bird.

Soon the Ridgeback closest to Jon crashed into the woods after it followed him!

That's right, it was simply incapable of weaving through the Forbidden Forest like Jon at its size, the word "crash" would have been more appropriate, as countless trees collapsed under the weight and the Forbidden Forest folk who had no time to react scattered!

The tall trees that had taken hundreds of years to grow deep into the Forbidden Forest pose enough resistance for the Ridgeback to fail to keep up with Jon's flight, and he was soon able to gain some space.

But these dragons were far more clever than Jon had thought!

The Norwegian Ridgeback had been thwarted in the forbidden forest, but the other three dragons that had closed in on Jon had no intention of staying on the same level as him to catch up, and the way they had originally tracked Jon was through scent rather than vision.

As he flew into the woods, the first to get close was the fastest dragon of all, the Peruvian Vipertooth!

It soon locked on to Jon's position under the trees by scent, then without hesitation, it aimed its long, narrow fangs at the ground and the whole dragon began to fall!


Even if it was the smallest of the dragon species, the Peruvian Vipertooth Dragon was still much larger than the average creature, and its size combined with the tremendous impact from falling from the sky caused the ground in this nearby area to shake violently!

Jon heard the movement overhead two seconds earlier, he couldn't see the dragon through the canopy, but his body reacted instantly, deflecting to the right as the surrounding trees snapped with a crunching sound!

The Peruvian Vipertooth Dragon wasn't too big after all, and if this had been an Ironbelly falling, Jon wouldn't have been able to dodge it no matter what.

But even so, the strong wind from the fall still caused him to be skewed, causing him to lose control of his flight and crash straight into the trunk of a large tree!

At the moment of the impact on his back, Jon felt as if his whole body had lost consciousness, followed by an uncontrollable rush of sweetness in his throat!

But he didn't hesitate for even half a second to reorganise his levitation charm and immediately flew away from that spot!

Two or three seconds after he flew away, a golden-red dragon flame descended from the sky!

The heat ignited the surrounding trees in an instant, and the dragon's breath didn't stop there when it realised it hadn't hit the right target, but kept moving in the direction Jon had fled!

He had followed the wagon to escape before, entered the wolf's den of Hogwarts Castle, been to Azkaban's prison, been besieged by Death Eaters, and even faced the cruellest dark wizard couple, but today he actually met such a miserable situation by a group of beasts.

The ability to fly could be a great advantage against wizards, but when facing multiple dragons it would be less of an advantage and would instead magnify the target.

In addition, the dragons themselves were extremely defensive, and the magic in Jon's body had not yet fully grown, so there was no way for normal spell casting to be able to break off their defences, let alone do any effective damage.

In the beginning, he was able to escape so easily only because of the speed of Hoss's racial talent. Now that the two of them were running away separately, even if there were only five or six dragons on Jon's side, they were still not something he could easily fight against.

With such numbers, even the most professional dragon slayers would have to gather more than twenty people to barely cope, and those people were all well-trained and professional at fighting dragons, while Jon was now alone.

Just after Jon had escaped the dragon's breath from the Horntail dragon that had been hit by his Killing curse and badly injured, the next moment another shadow that covered the night sky loomed over his head!

The Black Dragon of the Hebrides Islands is much larger than the Peruvian Vipertooth!

This species of dragon has always been known for its robustness too, so Jon reacted even faster than before, his body accelerated and leaned forward, and even to pull his speed to the limit, he turned his back and sent a blasting curse silently and instantaneously very close behind him!

With the successive curses, Jon's entire body catapulted out like a cannonball!

The black dragon's figure then crushed the woods so heavily that even though Jon had increased his speed to the maximum, he still could not avoid its size.

The huge and hideous head was aimed straight at him with its open bloody maw and a burst of burning sparks coming out of it! It looked like it wanted to swallow Jon right into its mouth and scorch him with its breath!

But at the same time, Jon raised his wand with both hands!

He swung his wand in an instant, and the incantation came out of his mouth!


There were only a few spells in the magical world that were faster than the speed at which the Invisible Sword Curse displayed its impact, and almost as soon as Jon recited the incantation, a sharp edge of countless swords cut through the air produced a loud, slithering sound!

Then the air was sliced, and the piercing cracking sound of flesh and blood being torn apart rang out loud and clear!

Compared to their eyes, the mouths of dragons are not considered vulnerable, after all, they can withstand the heat of a dragon's breath, and the inside of their mouths are no less defensive than the surface of their bodies.

But even if it was not much inferior, the inner defence was still not as strong as the dragon's hide, and with the fact that Jon's Invisible Sword Curse was fully strengthened, it was far more powerful than the normal version!

The invisible slashes ravaged the black dragon's mouth, causing it to feel unbearable pain, and with this opportunity, Jon accelerated forward as if he were gliding in mid-air, finally escaping from the reach of this black dragon!

The Hebridean black dragon roared in pain, and hot blood continued to flow from its closed mouth, dripping onto the grass.

And just as Jon was out of danger, a huge claw grazed his side and slammed into the ground where he was!

The Norwegian Ridgeback that had followed him into the forbidden forest was now stomping on the black dragon's body, and trying to slap Jon to death with its claws!

Its attack had missed by some distance, but some of the rocks from its claws hitting the ground still hit Jon's body, which aggravated Jon, who was already feeling like he might have broken that rib, and the fishy taste that had been suppressed came back up from his throat!

This time he didn't suppress it and opened his mouth and spurted out a gush of blood that stained the patch of grass at his feet.

The scene was chaotic as the Norwegian Ridgeback stepped on the back of the Black Dragon of the Hebrides Islands and tried to resume its attack on Jon, the Peruvian Vipertooth Dragon, which had just pulled its fangs out of the ground, reared up and was looking for Jon, and the wounded and still dizzy Hungarian Horntail Dragon re-inhaled and gathered its dragon flame as if it didn't care that the Black Dragon and the Ridgeback were nearby to unleash another dragon breath on Jon!

Just as Jon wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and prepared to pull himself further away from the dragons, a silvery white figure suddenly leapt out of the sea of fire!

The figure was so fast and precisely aimed at Jon that he didn't even react before he felt carried on a smooth back and then disappeared from the chaos!

After realising that Jon had disappeared, all four dragons became even more furious.

The Hebridean Black Dragon spat flames at the Norwegian Ridgeback, and the Hungarian Horntail, which had finished building up its energy, didn't stop when Jon disappeared, and the hot flames hit the Peruvian Vipertooth, which had just taken flight.

The dragons had no sense of race, and now that their common enemy, Jon, had disappeared, there was a natural conflict between them due to their frenzied state.


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