In the Harry Potter Without Harry Potter

Chapter 378: Trading

Chapter 378: Trading

Neither the Malfoy father nor the son, nor Jon himself, had put their hoods down during the conversation.

In Britain today, their faces are basically well-known to the public, and if their presence in the Hog's Head Inn today were to be discovered, it would certainly make the headlines the next day.

Because of this, Lucius was only able to lock eyes with Jon, but he couldn't exactly detect the change of expression on his face.

Jon didn't really think Malfoy would know more about the ring because when Slughorn had given it to him, he had clearly said that there were only two people in the entire magical world who knew the true nature of the ring.

One was the late Adrian Fawkes, and the other was Slughorn himself, and Jon is the third person after that.

This is why when Slughorn was teaching him about the secrets of the ring, he made sure that he learned Occlumency magic first.

At the moment almost all wizards in the magical community can't learn about the ring-casting magic, so, the fewer people know about it, the better it would be.

"Just knowing about the source of this ring I'm carrying is not exactly a deal that will impress someone, Mr Malfoy." Jon said blandly.

Malfoy, on the other hand, acted calm in the face of such a reaction from Jon.

"But you had brought it along with you into the Forbidden Forest even when you carried out your first tournament task, so it's very dear to you, isn't it?"

Jon didn't deny this, nor did he need to.

"It was just something left to me by an elder who I respect, so of course, I'll always carry it with me."

"I have researched your past and know that neither in your mother's family nor your father's family, counting three generations back, has any trace of a wizard. This means that you were not even remotely connected to magic until you were accepted into the school by Dumbledore. So there is basically no chance of this ring being passed down through your family, but since it is in your possession, it means that you were familiar with Fawkes, a wizard whose name is not well known. So I'm sure that you would be interested in Fawkes as a person as well, no?"

Is he interested in the man Adrian Fawkes?

Of course, Jon was interested, not to mention the fact that he had created the ring he was holding, he still couldn't get a clue as to where the two remaining gems of the ring might be.

And if there is any information about Adrien himself, Jon would certainly be very interested, but only if what Lucius is holding is something of value.

Instead of pondering what Lucius knew, Jon relaxed against the back of the chair that creaked so loudly that one would wonder how long it would last, then took a sip of the whisky that Lucius had shown no interest in since he had ordered it.

"I never expected Mr Malfoy, who has always been known for his shrewdness and cunning, to be unable to figure out something so simple; you and Mr Fawkes only met once at a party, and I have something he used to carry close to me, so anyone should be able to see how close or distant we are to him, right?"

Draco glanced up cautiously at Jon, who was drinking underage, with an odd gaze as if he couldn't understand how he could actually stomach the grease on that mug and put his lips on it.

Actually, Jon didn't want to take a sip either, he had always detested Aberforth's personal hygiene, but when negotiating, one had to drink something to keep the momentum steady and keep the pace of the conversation in his hands.

He didn't mind trying to assure Draco's safety later in the tournament, and originally he had no intention of killing the bratty young lord as long as he didn't come around to mess with him.

The point was that since Lucius wanted him to give an assurance, what kind of sincerity would the Malfoys show?

"It may be true that you might be closer to Mr Fawkes based on your relationship alone, but you certainly never got to know him personally. For he was already dead by the time you were truly introduced to the magical world, and the ring you obtained was most likely given to you by someone else, and after that banquet, I came into deep contact with this knowledgeable wizard for some special business. And thus learned and acquired something that belonged to him, something that would complete this bargain between us?"

"The dinner knife you secretly collected from him is also an item that once belonged to him, I have to know exactly what this item is, right?"

Hearing Jon's words, Malfoy was silent for a moment, as if he was weighing it up, and soon he was done thinking.

"A key, a key that would open the door to Adrian Fawkes' house, enchanted with a spell."

Jon gave a sudden snide remark.

"I don't think how you got this key was very honourable."

"No, it was legal and compliant." Lucius said calmly, "He was under suspicion of committing private production and collecting magical banned items back then, and I had the authority as head of the Auror office to issue a search and seizure warrant for his residence, and he fled from Britain that very night."

"So you've searched the house, what use is that house you can open with a key would have to me?"

"You don't need to hide your appeal in that way, and since I dared to offer this as leverage, it's already established that you certainly care for things related to Fawkes. If you do have a strong relationship with him, that house that we've searched and found nothing in it is not necessarily empty to you as well."

Lucius stared at Jon as if trying to see fully through the shadow covering his face.

"I come in good faith Mr. Green, and my demand is simple, as long as you can assure me of my son's survival, this is something I am completely truthful with you about, so I hope you can be a little more straightforward in this as well."

Jon pondered, tapping his fingers on the old wooden table, and soon he gave his answer.

"How do you expect me to trust you?"

Hearing him say this, Lucius inwardly breathed a long sigh of relief, knowing that this was a "yes" from Jon.

"I will prepare a pact, you can take it back and have Dumbledore apply a spell to it, and we will sign it together, as long as Draco is in one piece after this tournament, then I will provide you with what I know and that key."

"Yes, but that's not enough, I need to add one more condition."

"What condition?"

"I'm also interested in that house elf Dobby you sent over to deliver the message, so include him in the deal."

Jon was indeed interested in the matter of Adrien, but he could also see that Lucius was actually trying to get something with nothing, the key was no longer even useful to him, and now using the useless key to make a deal with Jon seemed nothing but pure gain without any loss to himself, and how could Jon let him get his way like that.

A house elf in exchange for the safety of his own son, would be an acceptable trade, wouldn't it?


And after making sure the deal could be made, Lucius resumed organising his tone and began the next, equally important attempt at a deal in a tentative tone.

"One more thing; do you need someone who can give you information from within the Ministry of Magic?"


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