In the Harry Potter Without Harry Potter

Chapter 438: Potion

Chapter 438: Potion

Every time he had got Fawkes' feathers before, Jon had actually pondered whether there would come a time in the future when the feathers on the phoenix would be pulled bald as well.

It turned out that when the time came for him to turn into a phoenix, he would actually face this problem as well.

The form in the state of Animagus is of course based on the various parts of the wizard's body that change together when in his human form, including some of the adornments worn by the wizard at the moment of completing this magic, which are incorporated into the transformation. The most typical example is when McGonagall turns into a tiger-spotted cat, there is a pattern of glasses around the eyes of the cat form, which is a fusion of a specific item.

The feathers on Jon's body after he turns into a phoenix are actually the various body hairs of his human form, most of which are simply his hair from the head. If he really gets his hair pulled in an uncontrolled manner in a short period of time, he will really appear to be bald after he turns back into his human form.

Just as Jon was pondering whether his hair growth would be affected if he had excessive feather pulling in the future, Lily's figure suddenly appeared beside him, carrying an elderly male wizard who was shivering in her hand.

Jon rose to his feet from the ground at once, and Lily, having rejoined him, immediately grabbed Jon's arm and led him away from the place at a brisk pace.

"How's Petunia's family?" Lily asked in a clear voice as she grabbed Jon's arm with one hand and dragged the older male wizard with the other.

Jon quickened his pace to keep up with her.

"I've dropped them off back at Lyons and handed them over to Professor McGonagall, I did run into a problem at their house, three Death Eaters came to the door looking for them, I killed one, captured one and the last one got away, then I handed the one I caught over to Professor Lupin, they'll probably be able to get quite a bit of information out of his head soon."

After walking quickly away from the rendezvous point where they had been before, and making sure for the moment that no one else had followed Lily's trail of Apparition, Lily grabbed the male wizard and instructed Jon.

"Wait here while I send him back to France, there's still quite a bit of information to be asked from this man."

Jon nodded instantly, then he watched as Lily and the male wizard disappeared from his sight again.

During the previous period when the former Voldemort had controlled the British magical community, the whole of Britain had been monitored for Apparition magic movement by the Ministry of Magic; to use cross-country Apparition magic, one had to apply to the Department of Magical Transport, and all private cross-country Apparition movements were illegal.

In the most serious cases, Auror would simply follow the traces left by the Apparition and trace it abroad, and even a pureblood would be questioned by the Ministry of Magic when he re-entered Britain to explain the reason.

And now, because the Triwizard Tournament had just ended, and the current Voldemort had also carried out some major changes to the top echelons of the Ministry of Magic, a temporary state of paralysis in the basic work of the Department of Magical Transport had been caused, and the extremely labour-intensive task of monitoring all aspects of Britain's Apparition had been temporarily shelved.

Of course, such information was not available to the wizarding public outside, but there were obviously some internal channels available in the Witching Horizon.

Jon didn't have to wait long, and in ten seconds or so Lily reappeared at his side.

She looked dusty as if she had just stepped out of a construction site, and it was only then that she had time to use a cleaning spell on herself to clean up all the dust.

Without rushing to talk about their experience today, Lily led Jon to the central street of the town and found a restaurant for their first proper meal of the day.

They hadn't had a serious meal during the day in the rush to get there, in fact, Jon could have dined at Dursleys', but unfortunately things hadn't gone too well when he had arrived at lunchtime, and so the meal hadn't been possible.

Once the food had been served and no one else was around, Lily ate and exchanged softly with Jon about what she had learned today.

"I found out that Snape's alias, Prince, used to buy potion materials from the supplier, the wizard I just sent to France. He had in his possession a catalogue of the batch of materials that were necessary for Prince's persona each year."

"You found that catalogue?"

"Almost sort of found it, but the ingredients are so disorganized that it's impossible to tell without further clues exactly what kind of potion he's trying to make, but there's one thing I can probably guess."

Lily's gaze flickered.

"He's been making some sort of very important potion for that lord of his before."

Jon asked thoughtfully.

"Why would you say that?"

"If he needed these ingredients for himself, there would be no need to bother using a false identity and finding a third-party supplier for the ingredients at all. He used to be the Deputy Headmaster of Hogwarts Castle and also a Professor of Potions at Pureblood House, with his position and connections he could have used Hogwarts' resources to get these materials, which would have been much easier and more cost-effective."

"But now he's using the Prince persona, which means he doesn't want or someone wants to keep it from being noticed by the others that making this potion has something to do with Snape. And when we saw him this morning he said that when his lord reacted, he would be reaching out to him on his own initiative. The only person in Britain who could have the authority to order him to do so would be his lord. But as a result of this Triwizard Tournament, Voldemort has inherently changed, and he wasn't aware at first of how important Snape was to him, but by now he has finally reacted to the fact that no one but Snape can help him make the kind of potion he needs to use."

"So while we were at Snape's house a second investigation into his place was made, and it happened to coincide with us, and today while I was following this 'Prince' identity I also met up with a team of Death Eaters who had apparently dug up this identity of Snape's as well."

Jon nodded thoughtfully as he followed Lily's train of thought and asked.

"So what we're trying to figure out now is just what kind of potion was Snape making for Voldemort before? That would actually cause him to have such an after-effect that he can't stop being able to be free of it?"

Lily didn't answer this question from Jon, as she sipped from her bowl of creamy onion soup and recalled the list of ingredients she had seen in the evening, every suspicious ingredient on it was etched in her mind.

So what kind of potion would these ingredients, if made into a potion, actually be the kind of potion that Voldemort couldn't free of and that only Snape could make?


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