Infinite System Inheritor Return From The Abyss

Chapter 21: Chapter 21: The Old Seojun

As Seojun was petting Huno, he noticed another silver-scaled snake slither out from the shadows. It was Silla, now the same size as Huno. Silla seemed a bit jealous and wanted some attention too.

Seojun laughed as he saw Silla's jealous act. "Looks like you want some pets too, huh?" he said with a smile. He reached out and began to pet Silla, who happily curled up next to him, nudging for more affection.

Just then, Seojun spotted movement behind him. Before he could react, Silla sprang into action. With a quick, sharp bite from his Twin Fang Fury skill, Silla took down a hidden creature that was about to attack Seojun.

After defeating the creature, Silla brought it back to Seojun, acting proudly. His tail wagged like a dog showing off a prize.

Seojun was surprised and put his hand over his mouth, trying not to laugh. "Well, aren't you a brave defender?" he said, finding Silla's display very cute.

Huno joined in, nudging Silla with his snout. Seojun smiled and looked at the dead creature Silla had brought to him and said, "Let's see what this sneaky thing was doing behind me."

He activated his appraisal skill, and the details of the creature appeared before him:

[Appraisal Activated]

- Name: Burrowing Stinger

- Description: A creature that lives underground, about the size of an adult dog. It has a sleek, elongated body covered in dark, mottled scales. Its most notable features are its sharp, barbed stingers protruding from its sides and a pair of beady, menacing eyes that glow faintly in the dark. The creature's mouth is lined with small, sharp teeth.

- Strengths: Stealthy, with the ability to surprise foes from below. Its stingers are highly venomous.

- Weaknesses: Vulnerable when emerging from the ground, and its size limits its overall strength.

Seojun examined the creature's appearance with interest. "Looks like this thing was trying to catch me off guard. Good thing Silla was on alert," he said, patting Silla on the head.

As Seojun continued his exercise routine, he was unaware of the tension brewing behind a large rock. Huno and Silla, now hidden from view, exchanged fierce glares.

Huno, his fur bristling with irritation, growled softly. "How dare you act so friendly towards my master?" he muttered, his eyes narrowed with disdain. "Why are you acting like this now, when before you were insulting him?"

Silla's silver scales glinted in the dim light as he hissed back, "He's also my master. Why should you get all the attention?"

Huno's growl deepened. "You're just jealous because I've been with him longer. You think you can just waltz in and take his attention away?"

Silla flicked his tail with irritation, his serpentine form shifting restlessly. "Jealous? No, I'm just as much his guardian as you are. I'm acting like this because I've come to understand his worth, and I want to be close to him. If anything, you should be the one who's jealous. I've proven my worth."

Huno's eyes flashed with determination. "We'll see about that. I'm not backing down. If you think you can outshine me, you've got another thing coming."

"Bring it on. I'll prove that I'm just as valuable to him as you are. B.R.O.T.H.E.R."

With a fierce growl and a burst of energy, both of them leapt into the air, their forms gliding with deadly grace. Huno's heads snarled in unison, while Silla's tails lashed with silver intensity.

As Seojun did push-ups, he glanced up and noticed Huno and Silla wrestling behind the rock. They were rolling on the ground, biting each other's tails and snapping at each other. Their movements were a mix of aggression and competitive energy.

Seojun couldn't help but laugh at the sight. He paused his exercise, watching the two with amusement. "Look at them, getting along," he muttered to himself, shaking his head.

[It will take too long to your items, Host] the system hologram showed. [I suggest you go to sleep."]

Seojun, stretching and feeling the strain in his muscles, nodded. "Yeah, I should condition my body."

Huno and Silla, who had been locked in a heated argument, suddenly stopped as they heard Seojun's decision. Their fierce glares softened as they exchanged looks of realization. Without wasting a moment, they both sprang into action.

Huno, his fur bristling with a mix of irritation and urgency, and Silla, his silver scales shimmering with determined energy, raced to Seojun. As Seojun made his way to the cave's safe zone, he settled onto the ground, ready to rest.

Huno and Silla, each driven by their own desire to be close to their master, began pulling him towards their sides. Huno barked and tugged at Seojun's sleeve gently, his grip firm yet tender. Silla coiled around Seojun, pulling him closer with his smooth, serpentine body.Seojun laughed softly at their efforts and, feeling their combined warmth and affection, decided to embrace the moment.

He reached out and wrapped his arms around both Huno and Silla, pulling them into a close hug.

"Don't fight," Seojun said with a smile. "Let's just sleep together." With that, he lay down on the ground, Huno and Silla snuggled up beside him.

A soft glow filled the cave as Seojun's protective barrier activated, creating a secure, shimmering shield around them. The gentle light mixed with the shadows, making the space feel peaceful and safe.As Seojun drifted into sleep, he suddenly found himself in a familiar place.

In his dream, Seojun walked down the sidewalk carrying a lunch box, excited to share a meal with his mother after his morning shift. The sun was shining, and he was looking forward to the simple pleasure of their lunchtime together.

As he walked, a car suddenly pulled up behind him. Without warning, a hand reached out from the car window and snatched the lunch box from his grasp.

"Hey! That's mine!" Seojun shouted, turning around in shock.

The car came to a stop, and a man got out, grinning. Seojun's eyes widened as he recognized him.

"N-no, take it. It's yours," Seojun stammered, trying to walk away quickly.

But the man grabbed Seojun's collar, still grinning. "Did you just shout at me?"

Seojun's heart raced with fear. He shook his head, apologizing urgently. "I'm sorry, Kyle! I didn't mean to! If you want the lunch box, it's all yours!"

Kyle's grin widened as he opened the lunch box. "You think I'm going to eat this poor people's food?" he sneered. Then, with a cruel laugh, he slammed the food into Seojun's face. The force of the impact made Seojun fall to the ground, his nose starting to bleed.

Kyle leaned in close, his voice a menacing whisper. "You think we won't meet again after graduation? Lucky for you, I decided to visit."

He kicked Seojun's face, looking down at him with disgust. "It's been just a month, and you haven't changed? You still look like a ghost. You should put on some weight so you can handle my anger better."

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