Infinite System Inheritor Return From The Abyss

Chapter 42: Chapter 42: The Aeternum Yggrith

Without delay, the system decided to mute any alerts that might alarm Seojun. It immediately cast a protective barrier around him, one designed to subtly lower his senses. This way, Seojun wouldn't feel any danger or notice the threat while he was enjoying the celebration.

Once the barrier was in place, the system's hologram appeared before Huno and Silla. It called them urgently.

Huno, lounging beside Seojun, lifted his head. Silla, curled up on the other side, opened all nine of his eyes. Both of them understood what the system was hinting at.

"On it, Father," they responded, ready to act.

Meanwhile, unaware of what was happening, Malara approached Seojun and gently tug his coat. "My lord, Our clan members would like to have a conversation with you especially the bino offspring, I hope that you'll grant this small wish,"

Seojun about to declined, [It's okay Host, You're their Clan Lord you should maintain your image.]

Seojun notice the bino demons and the kids waiting for him , he can see from their eyes that they want to have a conversation with him. He sighed seeing the bino demons kid teary eyes and Nodded. Malara happily guiding him.

As Seojun was being introduced to the Bino Demons, the system's hologram continued to display information to Huno and Silla. It provided them with details about the threat and how to handle it without causing a commotion.

Huno and Silla remained alert, knowing they needed to protect Seojun while ensuring he enjoyed his much-needed break.

Meanwhile, Hound flew through the bright, clear sky, his dark wings cutting through the air smoothly. His sharp eyes were focused on his destination—a massive tree, the largest one in the entire domain, with a canopy that stretched wide like a giant umbrella. As he got closer, a sly grin appeared on his face; he knew exactly what he was after.

This tree was ancient and towering, standing high above all the others around it. It was called the Aeternum Yggrith, or the Tree of Eternal Shadows, and it was a legendary landmark in the Nerathiel Domain. The stories said its roots reached deep into the surface core, drawing from the very essence of life, while its branches stretched high into the sky, full of ancient power.

When Hound landed softly on the moss-covered ground near the tree, thick vines immediately shot up from the ground, moving like snakes ready to attack. He reached into his cloak and pulled out a necklace with a large, strange-looking eye on it—an artifact of dark power.

The moment the eye was visible, the vines froze. Then, as if some invisible command had been given, they slowly pulled back into the ground, clearing a path for him.

Hound's grin widened as he put the necklace away and walked toward the base of the Aeternum Yggrith. He looked up at the giant trunk and branches, focusing on the rare fruit it produced. The branches were heavy with Umbralan Apples, black fruits that shined with a strange, almost liquid-like glow.

They were about the size of a man's fist and seemed to pull in the light around them, making long, dark shadows.

As Hound stared at the fruit, he thought, 'So, this is the legendary tree of the Nerathiel Domain. The Aeternum Yggrith... Even Nerathiel can't stop me.'

It was said that the tree had been fed by the blood of ancient gods and spirits, making it stronger over time. Its fruits, the Umbralan Apples, were known to give incredible power to anyone who ate them—enough strength to turn a weak demon into something far more powerful.

A low chuckle escaped Hound's lips. 'Eat one of these, and you get stronger. Just one bite, and you can feel power rushing through you. No wonder this place is so well-guarded.'

Hound spread his wings and flew up toward the thick branches above. He carefully moved through the twisting limbs until he saw a cluster of the black apples.

He reached out and grabbed one of the Umbralan Apples. He looked at it closely, admiring its shiny, black surface that seemed to pulse with a dark energy. It looked like an apple but was as dark as night and had a slight metallic shine, like it was coated in oil.

Hound's grin returned as he examined the fruit. 'This will work perfectly,' he thought. He could already feel the excitement building—the promise of more power and strength.

Hovering in the air for a moment, feeling the heavy apple in his hand.

The Aeternum Yggrith, tree in the Neirthiel Domain was once a source of strength for everyone. Anyone could take its fruits, the Umbralan Apples, and gain power from them. But one day, the god Nerathiel noticed something strange about the tree. It was changing—its roots dug deeper, its presence darkened, and its power felt unstable.

Worried about the danger it could bring, Nerathiel made a rule: *No one is allowed to go near the tree or eat its fruits.*

But Hound didn't care about rules. High up in the branches of the Aeternum Yggrith, he held a forbidden apple in his hand—a black, shiny fruit that looked like an apple but felt more powerful. Grinning with excitement, Hound bit into the apple, savoring the taste. He laughed loudly, enjoying the rush of energy flooding his body.

Suddenly, his laughter stopped. His eyes widened, and he gasped as a burning pain tore through his body. His muscles cramped, his skin felt like it was on fire, and his bones began to crack and twist. He screamed and fell from the tree, crashing onto the ground below.

As he writhed on the ground, his body started to change. His dark skin became more twisted, his wings grew jagged spikes, and his eyes burned with a strange, eerie light. A terrifying aura spread out from him, reaching all corners of the Neirthiel Domain. The other Clan Lords felt it immediately.

The Clan Lords sensed a dark, powerful force rising. It was something new, something dangerous—like a powerful demon being born. They quickly gathered, feeling the urgency of the moment.

Kazrak, the Lion Demon Lord, clenched his teeth, his golden eyes filled with worry. "What is this presence?," he growled.

Zholga, the half-serpent woman, her scales glittering in the dim light, hissed, "I've never felt something like this before... Something terrible is happening."

Sorgar, the skeleton demon, his bones rattling, spoke in a hollow voice. "A great danger is awakening."

Vrok, the Bull Demon Lord, stomped his heavy hooves, his muscles tense with readiness. "We have to find out what's going on. This could be a threat to all of us, Where is Hound?! Could it be his doing?!"

Balor, the one-eyed demon, remained quiet, his single red eye glowing with a dark intensity. "The balance of power is shifting,"

The Clan Lords decided to approach Seojun, who was currently surrounded by the curious Bino demons Children. The demons were poking and prodding Seojun, fascinated by his human form and strange appearance. They had never seen a human before and were intrigued by his flesh and features.

As the Clan Lords moved closer to Seojun, preparing to ask him what he knew about the dark power, a bright hologram suddenly appeared in front of them, blocking their path.

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