Inheritor Of Magic: The Magi King

Chapter 717 717 A Mother’s Love

Chapter 717 717 A Mother's Love

?"And what in particular makes you think that you have the qualifications to be the contestant for a show of that nature? I'm not sure if you are aware, but every species has a different view of what perfection in a partner is." Wolfe asked the insufferable young Demon not long after the meeting started.

"Who could resist this? Even you must be struggling not to throw yourself at me." The demon declared smugly.

"Do you perhaps not own a mirror?" Wolfe asked.

The Demon looked confused, and Wolfe just sighed.

"Who is on guard duty? Can you bring in a mirror for us?" Wolfe requested.

One of the Witches happily complied, creating a full-body mirror and standing it up along the wall.

"Tell me, young Demon, what do you see there? Perhaps you have been put under the effects of a spell." Wolfe requested.

The Demon looked like he wanted to strangle Wolfe, but when he looked in the mirror, his eyes opened wide in horror.

"What is this? What have you done to me?" He demanded.

He touched his own face in horror, accidentally popping one of the massive pustules and leaving a greasy finger trail on the filthy skin, then he hefted the excess flab around his middle with a disgusted look and turned pleading eyes to Wolfe and the Witch, as if they were going to tell him that it was all one big joke at his expense.

The Witch snapped her fingers as a realization hit her. "I know. You were under a [Beautiful Appearance] curse, so you never washed or paid attention to your actual body. Now that you're here, where the combination of the defensive spells and the mana purification break most curse-based magic, your disguise has broken, and your appearance is back to normal."

"That's not possible. All my life, I have been the most beautiful person within three Kingdoms. There is no way that this can be my actual body. Even my mother, the Grand Coven Leader Agatha, is still a stunning beauty at the age of three hundred." He insisted.

The witch looked at Wolfe and rolled her eyes. They had their answer, he was a half demon, and his mother was a powerful witch, who had used the same spell on herself. But that also meant that it was possible that this spell was put on him as a young child, and he had no idea that it was even in effect.

He might really think that he was that beautiful person he saw in the mirror before today. But on the bright side, it seemed that the beauty hadn't developed into extreme narcissism, or he would have seen himself in the mirror before arriving in Wolfe's office.

"Do you have attendants? People who take care of your clothing and daily needs?" Wolfe asked.

"Yes, my little sister is here with me. She is a genius with hair and fashion, so she takes care of all my daily needs, in exchange for a percentage of my royalty revenue."

Wolfe nodded. He expected something like that. Someone had to have been hiding the truth from him, and that person had to be here in Forest Grove.

"Can you call her here to us, please? We need to discuss a few things." Wolfe requested.

The Demon tapped a green transmission token, a piece of witch magic for talking across longer distances, and after a half minute, there was a knock at the door.

"Miss Alanna Gregory is here to see you." Risa's voice announced from outside.

"Please let her in."

The person who entered was an absolutely tiny witch, barely 140cm tall, but with a face that said she was truly an adult, or at least close to it. At first, he looks were curious, then she too was horrified at the sight of her brother, before looking immensely guilty.

"Ah Miss Alanna. I take it you are this man's sister?" Wolfe asked, and the witch nodded silently.

"Tell me, did you use mind control or an illusion cast over his eyes once the curse broke?"

The witch looked panicked, but there was a massive Demon standing at the door, and she had no place to run.

"Mind Control." She whispered, then cleared her throat and got a more determined look.

"But I swear it was for his own good, if he got himself in trouble, I can pay his fines again. Once we're out of the effects of these spells, everything will be back to normal and it will be fine. I can wipe this all away with just a flick of my fingers." She insisted.

She was on the strong side of Rank Three, so she really could wipe his memories of the day with little effort once they were out of town, as long as she wasn't afraid of taking a bit of curse damage.

"It's not that he's in trouble. He came in applying to recruit an interspecies harem through a game show, with the insistence that he was the world's most beautiful person. Perhaps the two of you should have a little talk about maybe not keeping up this facade and getting his real body back in shape before it gets too decrepit?" Wolfe suggested.

Alanna's face said that she would much rather keep cursing him, but as Wolfe stared her down, she slowly began to relent.

"Fine. But I would also like to apply for asylum. If my mother finds out that I let him know, she will definitely kill me." The tiny witch insisted.

"Mother knows? No, she wouldn't. She cast that spell on me, didn't she? That's why I'm like this now, a few weeks without a shower wouldn't have left me in this state. Plus, look at my face, I am hideous."

The man was getting hysterical now, and Alanna quickly activated a calming charm, which brought a placid look to his face, which slowly morphed to anger.

"This feeling. I know this feeling, it is mother's magic. You used this on me every time that something bad happened, I would know this spell anywhere." He realized.

"I am sorry Ducky, but mother couldn't stand to look at your ugly face as a child, and the word of the Queen is law, I can't go against her wishes and let you go back to being yourself."

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