Inheritor Of Magic: The Magi King

Chapter 748 748 Asmodain Sword of the Light

Chapter 748 748 Asmodain Sword of the Light

An hour later they were at the village where Wolfe could detect the population of Magi, along with a few hundred witches. There was also one more creature, some sort of light being that Wolfe had never detected before, and it certainly hadn't been there the last time that he checked.

That mana signature was too noticeable, like a blinding beacon in the distance, letting him know that it was there even if he didn't go looking for it.

Wolfe felt like he was missing a vital bit of information and should know what this creature was, but it just wasn't coming to him. At least, not until he saw it.

Two metres tall, beautiful golden armour over alabaster skin and pristine white feathered wings. The Seraphim radiated light magic and a feeling of tranquility, while granting the area the equivalent of the [Kind Intentions] spell without having to actively use its magic.

"We're making a detour, we need to go talk to that guy." Wolfe informed Ella, who looked very nervous to see what he was talking about.

Wolfe landed at the simple stone temple, changed his outfit to his very best Magi Patriarch robes, straightened his hair, and changed Ella into a formal Forest Grove witch robe, complete with staff.

She didn't quite get what he was so worked up about, but Ella had long since realized that this was a formal matter of the most important sort, so it might be a member of a Royal Family inside.

But nothing Wolfe had said prepared her for the shock of realizing that there were no lights in the temple, and that the light came from the lone resident, who was seated in a simple stone throne at the altar.

"Greetings Magi Patriarch. I am Asmodain, sword of the light." The Seraphim greeted them simply.

"Greetings, Sword of the Light. I am Wolfe Noxus, Patriarch of the Noxus Family. I had detected that there was a boy here with some potential, and I had hoped to take him home with me for training to better understand his powers and receive his inheritance.

Presuming that he agrees of his own free will, of course." Wolfe replied.

The soldier from the Upper Planes smiled at Wolfe, liking his attitude, and created two more chairs on the raised podium with a wave of his hand.

"Come sit with me, both you and your bride. We have much to discuss. My people also detected the boy, and I was ordered to avoid having him fall into the hands of the Demons as you had." The Seraphim informed them, with no malice in its voice.

"That is understandable. From your leadership's perspective, I would be a great risk of corruption, I suppose. But I really do have the boy's best interests at heart. The Magi as a species need another powerful leader to bring in the next generation."

In terms of raw power, Wolfe could certainly outmatch this Seraphim with ease, but negotiations were never about the negotiators, but the forces that were backing them. Calling in favours from the Demon Royals would only make the situation worse, so it was best to avoid conflict with the Upper Planes, while making sure that the boy was in good hands.

The Seraphim reached into the air and took a glowing magical crystal out of nowhere, a trick that Wolfe was intensely jealous of. It had to be some sort of spatial storage device, but what had come out was definitely an Inheritance Crystal.

"As you can see, we too have the means to grant his inheritance, or at least some part of it." The Seraphim announced, its voice soft like the sound of a breeze in the trees, but holding a feeling of intense determination.

"Have you approached him yet? Perhaps we can talk to him together, as a Seraphim and a Magi Patriarch, to ensure that he understands what we want, and the honour that is being bestowed upon him?" Wolfe offered.

The Seraphim went silent for a moment as it considered the offer, and then rose to its feet.

"My leader agrees. We will go talk to the boy now."

Ella resisted the urge to roll her eyes at the arrogant and abrupt Seraphim, as unlike the humans and the Magi, the witches didn't view them as holy creatures, but as Demons of the Light instead of the Darkness.

That could make things more difficult for Wolfe when they arrived together, as the Witches might not be happy to see the Seraphim in their town, but with as many Magi as Wolfe had said there were here, the reception might not be all bad.

The three of them walked out of the temple, and Wolfe moved Ella into the front of the group, which brought an amused snort of suppressed laughter from the Seraphim. It didn't try to stop him though, so despite its arrogance, it did realize that it was better to let her deal with the old witches while they talked to the Magi.

Once they were on the road out in front of the temple, she paused and waited. The town was small, and she had the glowing image of an angel as well as a Magi Patriarch in full regalia behind her. There was no way that they hadn't been noticed, but the Elders could take a few minutes to come out, given their likely ages and infirmities.

Sure enough, within a minute, two old women and three boys in servants livery were making their way down the road. Ella began walking toward them, intending to meet closer to the town hall where the meeting would probably take place, and smiled as she noticed that all the shutters in town were opening to see what was going on.

At least there wouldn't be any violence with this many witnesses and innocents around.

"Greetings Elder, I am Ella Noxus, wife of Patriarch Wolfe Noxus of the Noxus Magi Family. We are here with Asmodain, Sword of the Light, to speak to one of the young men in your village about his heritage." Ella greeted them, and the women's faces instantly went grim.

Perhaps things wouldn't be as smooth as she had hoped.

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