Inheritor Of Magic: The Magi King

Chapter 776 776 Continental Representatives

Chapter 776 776 Continental Representatives

Wolfe returned to town, with every intention of catching up on the news from the battle fronts and arranging aid to be sent, but when he got back, he found that there were guests waiting for him.

Two newly arrived Rank Eight Demons, along with two more Rank Eight Fae were sitting and drinking tea with the ancient Demon and the Fae Prince that were already here.

"Mister Wolfe, welcome back. Let me introduce you to the other Continental Representatives.

This is Saint Josephine, now in charge of Fearia, the contient to our north. Then we have Saint Gregor, who is looking after Mist Continent, to our East. Overlord Damien will be taking over the Polar Continent to our South, and Overlord Cassanova will be looking after the Western Continent, which is actually south of Mist Continent, but I suppose if you go far enough southwest from here you will get to it as well.

The representative of the sunken continent decided not to respond to the invitation that the others issued, but they put in a recommendation that your role as Contiental Representative be formalized, and a proper staff assigned to help you manage the national leaders.

As of right now, the others are hesitant about assigning a newly awakened Magi Saint to the task, and they are suggesting that you take over as guardian of the Frozen Wastes, while the two of us work together as the Continental Representatives." The Fae Prince explained.

Wolfe nodded politely to each of the guests, and then topped off their tea before sitting. "In a way, I was the guardian of the Frozen Wastes even before everyone else began to arrive, so I suppose that is fitting. I don't know about your continents, but here, each region has a protector, with each of the existing nations having a guardian, who is slowly becoming the actual leader of the nations.

In theory, the humans and witches are still the ones that are in charge, but the Guardians have the most power, so I think it will only be natural that they will become the head of government eventually."

Saint Gregor chuckled and shook his head. "None of us, except Cassanova, are quite that lucky. There are powerful Magical Beasts on the other continents, and the increasing mana density has given them a large bump in power. We control the continent as a whole, but we can't say that we control every region of it the way that you do here.

There are large portions of all the other continents that are uninhabited by anyone but the monsters."

Damien nodded in agreement with the Fae, and shrugged his shoulders. "It's not all bad though. The Mana Beast runs part of Mist Continent, and it has proven to be fairly reasonable after centuries of being imprisoned by the witches. On the Polar Continent, it is frozen all year round, so we have a plethora of Ice Element beasts, like Yeti, Arctic Wolf Shifters, Ice Drakes and such.

They're all ferocious, and my continent has very few actual humans, but the population of intelligent monsters is high, and the Yeti are actually quite well developed as a culture. My standing might seem a bit low, as I don't have the sort of population that someone like Josephine or Gregor do, but as far as balancing the magical energies of the world, we are much closer than the other regions."

That's what the Fae and Demons had originally come here to do, so it could be said that Damien was the most successful of them all. But times had changed, and the chances that they would be leaving again after the world was stabilized were becoming icreasingly distant.

Both the Fae and the Demons liked it here, and with time they were becoming more accepted. With a few more years of governance under their belts, the locals wouldn't even want most of them to leave, as long as they did a good job.

The Witch Saints hadn't been doing that well to start with, and the majority followed them because it was the only path they had to awakening their powers as witches. The humans under their rule didn't care either way whether the witches were in control or the Fae, it was all the same to them, just someone with magic giving them orders.

But with the advantage of better food once the Fae arrived.

The Demons took a different approach to ruling. They started massive work projects to improve the level of public works to the standards that they were used to at home. The witches were keeping things running, with a decent industrial base, but only barely.

The Demons went all out on modernization, clean power initiatives, sanitation and transport. The One World Government had left most of the Western continent in poverty, and the Polar Continent only partially inhabited.

There were rumours of ancient cities buried under the ice, as the continent was not at the south pole before the war, but there were no more people in them, they had all fled for warmer climates over the centuries.

The Western Continent, on the other hand, was the most human dominant continent, and it was treated as a giant factory for the things that the other continents needed but didn't want in their own neighborhood.

So, Cassanova and his Incubi allies had inherited a massively industrialized continent, far beyond what they needed for themselves, but with nearly zero infrastructure, other than the large commercial portals that were kept open at all times, leading to the capitals of the other Continents, so goods could be distributed.

Wolfe considered what he knew of each of the locations, and what he had planned for the Frozen Wastes. It was similar to what Cassanova wanted for the Western Continent, in that he wanted infrastructure, but he wasn't planning to industrialize, he wanted to do it all with magic, and create a magical counterpart to the human technologies.

"For now, I think that I can agree to that. Keep in mind, I do have ambitions to take more than the Frozen Wastes under my control, but if everyone is more comfortable with wise minds and centuries of experience, I can't say that I disagree with your choice." Wolfe reluctantly agreed.

"I was expecting more of a fight." Josephine noted, looking entirely human in her tranformed state.

Wolfe didn't know what species of Fae she was, but she smelled of Fae magic, so she couldn't be the middle aged human businesswoman she appeared to be.

Cassanova smiled at the Fae. "You're mistaken. This is fighting, in the Magi way. Instead of shouting and getting physical, he's just going to throw his magic at the problem until everyone agrees with him. His kind never did care if it took a century or two, as long as they made their point in the end."

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